Maskholes Prove Exactly What Conservatives Have Been Saying All Along

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By Scott Hounsell

As news broke across Twitter yesterday of the revised CDC Guidelines regarding the use of masks to slow the spread of COVID-19, many leftists on Twitter immediately rebuked the CDC’s decision as rash and too soon, virtue-signaling their care for others.

These maskholes are attempting to guilt people into wearing a mask. Despite numerous “orders” (CDC, State, County) I have not worn a mask outdoors, at all, since June of last year. Recently, while at the gas station, a man approached me demanding I put on a mask to protect everyone else around me.  I asked him why he felt that he could enter my 6 feet of social distancing space to get in my face, asking me to put on a mask while outdoors. Infuriated, he squawked about how I just wanted to kill people and I didn’t care for anyone else around me. To him, I was right up there with Mussolini. He went further to say that the majority of the problems we were having were because people won’t mask up.
Enter science and data.
I asked him if that were the case, why didn’t Florida have the most per-capita cases in the country?  Dumbfounded, he said that “thousands” were dying from exposure in Florida still. (No, they aren’t.) He insisted that the states with the worst numbers for COVID were Republican-run states.   I then asked him which of the states had the worst numbers.  “SOUTH DAKOTA!” he screamed in my face.  “They don’t have a mask mandate and they have more deaths by population than any other state.”

Knowing that was factually inaccurate, I asked him how much he was willing to bet that South Dakota wasn’t even in the top five of worst states.  Practically having a stroke by this point, my maskhole sparring partner told me that South Dakota was one of the top states in the country, even when not factoring for the population.  “They are either first or second in deaths per capita,” he asserted.  Due to this amazing invention called the internet, I pulled up World-o-Meter’s COVID-19 statistics on my phone and read them out loud to him.  Sorting the data by deaths per million population, it showed that the top 3 were all blue states.  I showed him on my phone that not only did South Dakota not make the top five, it barely made the top 10, coming in tenth per capita, and 41st in the nation for overall deaths.  As I continued to show him this data, he was now standing right next to me reading my phone.  “See!” he continued, “it is because they don’t have a mask mandate.”
Yet when I asked him why of the top 10, the top 9 all had mask mandates, he pivoted to the final argument:
“I get what those numbers say, but I am still going to wear a mask to help other people feel more comfortable.”
The trap was sprung.
He knew at that moment he had screwed up. Mask-mandates do nothing to stop the spread of COVID-19, full-stop. The data shows it, the numbers coming out of these states show it, and any state that has lifted their mask-mandates has not seen an increase in cases or deaths (aside from the predicted second wave) after the action was taken.  Masks are worthless, aside from the performative relief it provides certain people.

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I never EVER wore a mask outside. Inside, in stores, when not surrounded by people, I took my mask off. I always suspected that the mandate was mere theater. I am familiar with the usefulness of masks, but the proper mask with the proper fit for the conditions is important. It struck me as odd that no one cared what kind of mask or how they fit; it was simply important to wear one and COMPLY.

Democrats simply want the constant reminder that we have a “crisis” that requires them to control how we lead our lives. But Democrats have been wrong about EVERYTHING from when to begin taking the epidemic seriously to hydroxichloroquine to shutdowns to opening schools. Masks are nothing different.

Excellent observations, DM.
I recall how, a few years ago, we had a really nasty flu going around that the flu shot was ineffective for.
We adjusted our schedules so we shopped as soon as the stores opened while few shoppers were there.
It worked, no masks.
This over-the-top mask thing led my doctor to declare that she’s seeing a few people ruining their immune systems by being TOO clean too much of the time.
That leaves them MORE susceptible to infections, ironically.

Balance is what is needed, that and common sense.

“Balance is what is needed, that and common sense.”

Which Democrats staunchly oppose. That leads to people making their own decisions and the totalitarian police state cannot abide by that.

” I am familiar with the usefulness of masks, ”
NO. SUCH. THING! Talk about “settled science” . . .

I meant in the proper applications. I should have made that clear.