Martin Luther King was a social conservative

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So says Dr. Alveda King

“How can the dream survive if we murder our children?” Her uncle believed that man cannot win if he’s willing to sacrifice the futures of his children for immediate personal comfort and safety. She explained how this lead her to believe that he felt that a woman has a right to choose what she does with her body, but the baby is not her body.

King concluded the interview saying, “I have a dream it’s in my genes and the dream comes from the bible, from God, and the principles that are there.”

The entire interview is here

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Good interview.
We saw that the old guard blacks who have been in CA a long time voted for Obama, as expected.
But it was their vote against the Prop 8 (or was it for it?) that killed gay marriage in CA during that same election.
MLK is revered here in CA.
Almost every town has an MLK Blvd.
Our town had a big parade on Saturday.

King stated that North Vietnam “did not begin to send in any large number of supplies or men until American forces had arrived in the tens of thousands”.[93]:106 King also criticized the United States’ resistance to North Vietnam’s land reforms.[96] He accused the United States of having killed a million Vietnamese, “mostly children.”[97]

Right, a “social conservative.” I guess that makes Michael Moore one also.

Uh, Ivan… that sounds like foreign policy stuff. The things you mention (as well as King’s communist sympathies) are why DrJohn was careful to call him a *social* conservative and not just, you know, a conservative. Black people in general are more socially conservative than one would naively conclude by looking at their pro-Democrat voting.

I don’t doubt that MLK Jr. was a social conservative in respect to some issues—like abortion (afterall, he was a religious man, and this is a religious issue). I also don’t doubt that his niece’s reflection on MLK Jr. was colored by her own biases—that’s why she was interviewed by FOX (if you haven’t noticed, all news shows have their own biases, and you can’t depend of any of the for unadulterated truth—as exhibited by the next article about “tingles'” statement.

I think a reading of the last few years of his life in any of the major biographies out there will dispel the notion that he was a social conservative. At least by the end he had evolved to a pretty clearly socialist position. What’s clear is that MLK was a world-class plagiarist who has no more business being called Doctor than my dog does.