Manmade ‘climate disruption’ – the hype and reality

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Paul Driessen:

The White House has released its latest National Climate Assessment. An 829-page report and 127-page “summary” were quickly followed by press releases, television appearances, interviews and photo ops with tornado victims – all to underscore President Obama’s central claims:

Human-induced climate change, “once considered an issue for the distant future, has moved firmly into the present.” It is “affecting Americans right now,” disrupting their lives. The effects of “are already being felt in every corner of the United States.” Corn producers in Iowa, oyster growers in Washington, maple syrup producers in Vermont, crop-growth cycles in Great Plains states “are all observing climate-related changes that are outside of recent experience.” Extreme weather events “have become more frequent and/or intense.”

It’s pretty scary sounding. It has to be.

First, it is designed to distract us from topics that the President and Democrats do not want to talk about: ObamaCare, the IRS scandals, Benghazi, a host of foreign policy failures, still horrid jobless and workforce participation rates, and an abysmal 0.1% first quarter GDP growth rate that hearkens back to the Great Depression.

Second, fear-inducing “climate disruption” claims are needed to justify job-killing, economy-choking policies like the endless delays on the Keystone XL pipeline; still more wind, solar and ethanol mandates, tax breaks and subsidies; and regulatory compliance costs that have reached $1.9 trillion per year – nearly one-eighth of the entire US economy.

Third, scary hyperventilating serves to obscure important realities about Earth’s weather and climate, and even in the NCA report itself. Although atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have been rising steadily for decades, contrary to White House claims, average planetarytemperatures have not budged for 17 years.

No Category 3-5 hurricane has made landfall in the United States since 2005, the longest such period since at least 1900. Even with the recent Midwestern twisters, US tornado frequency remains very low, and property damage and loss of life from tornadoes have decreased over the past six decades.

Sea levels are rising at a mere seven inches per century. Antarctic sea ice recently reached a new record high. A new report says natural forces could account for as much as half of Arctic warming, and warming and cooling periods have alternated for centuries in the Arctic. Even in early May this year, some 30% of Lake Superior was still ice-covered, which appears to be unprecedented in historical records. Topping it off, a warmer planet and rising CO2 levels improve forest, grassland and crop growth, greening the planet.

Press releases on the NCA report say global temperatures, heat waves, sea levels, storms, droughts and was done by computer models – which are based on the false assumption that carbon dioxide now drives climate change, and that powerful natural forces no longer play a role. The models have never been able to predict global temperatures accurately, and the divergence between model predictions and actual measured temperatures gets worse with every passing year. The models cannot even “hindcast” temperatures over thepast quarter century, without using fudge factors and other clever tricks.

Moreover, much of the White House and media spin contradicts what the NCA report actually says. For example, it concludes that “there has been no universal trend in the overall extent of drought across the continental U.S. since 1900.” Other trends in severe storms, it states, “are uncertain.”

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I have seen ”the Left” blaming ”climate disruption,” for Boko Haram!
They will blame everything on climate.
And, you’re right, Steve at WUWT, it is all simply diversion.

Always PR in mind, Obama just put a new solar panel formation on the WH roof.
GWBush used solar panels to heat the pool and power a WH maintenance building.
Obama is using a similar-sized array to power light bulbs……22 100-watt bulbs for 20 hours a day.
IF Obama wanted to use renewable energy for all WH needs he’d have to cover the entire roof PLUS all of the 52 acre grounds with solar panels PLUS add in a few wind turbines!
And even all that would only produce energy in a spotty manner.

This is called “The Big Lie.”
Theoretically, a lie told over and over again will eventually be believed.
Like “Bush lied, children died.”
The truth is we can’t control emissions from China. And that is where the open fires are. And they don’t care.
We could cut our emissions to zero and no effect would be discernible.
But the lie will be shouted by the Lame-Stream Media, every night, and taught in every College classroom, where the facts do not matter, and believers will buy it.
The goal is government control of everything (also known as Fascism).
Nothing else matters.


and taught in every College classroom, where the facts do not matter,

Classrooms infested by liberals