Man let daughter drown rather than have strange men touch her, Dubai police claim

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This apparently happened a while ago but was recently reported about:

The father of a 20-year-old woman who drowned in Dubai reportedly stopped lifeguards from helping her.

The unnamed man had said he preferred to let her die rather than be touched by strange men after she got into difficulty on a beach in the city, a senior Dubai official told Emirates 24/7.

Lt Col Ahmed Burqibah, Deputy Director of Dubai Police’s Search and Rescue Department, said the incident had stuck with him.

He said: “The kids were swimming in the beach when suddenly, the 20-year-old girl started drowning and screaming for help.

“Two rescue men were at the beach, and they rushed to help the girl.

“However, there was one obstacle which prevented them from reaching the girl and helping her.

“This obstacle was the belief of this Asian man who considered that if these men touched his daughter, then this would dishonour her. It cost him the life of his daughter.”

According to Lt Col Burqibah, the man became aggressive, physically pulling the rescue men away from the water and said he “prefers his daughter being dead than being touched by a strange man”.

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Those Russians have some weird customs.

I’m assuming that since Russia constitutes 3/4 of Asia, we are talking about Russians? Perhaps Chinese since they are the dominate population?

This PC thing gets so confusing.

I wonder if this story is as old as this other one?
On March 11, 2002, a fire at a girls’ school in Mecca, Saudi Arabia killed fifteen people, all young girls.
The event was especially notable due to complaints that Saudi Arabia’s “religious police” (aka the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice) stopped schoolgirls from leaving the burning building and hindered rescue workers because the girls were not wearing correct Islamic dress.

The real ”war on women?”
Following Islam, as written in its own holy books, is the real war on women.

The screwed up psychology and bizarre behavior of fundamentalist Islamic extremists is undoubtedly rooted in insane levels of sexual repression that would probably make Sigmund Freud drop his cigar and stand there with his mouth hanging open. It’s the basis of the control their fanatical religious leaders exercise over their minds and their souls. They’ve harnessed the pent-up energies of extreme sexual repression by way of an authority-based patriarchal religion.