Maher: Palin Would ‘F–k’ Rick Perry If He Was Black

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For the second week in a row since returning from his summer hiatus, it didn’t take HBO’s Bill Maher long to begin attacking conservatives.

Roughly one minute into his opening monolog on Friday’s “Real Time,” the host mocked Texas governor Rick Perry’s performance at Thursday’s presidential debate and disgustingly quipped, “Sarah Palin was watching and she said, ‘If only he was black, I’d f–k him'” (video follows with transcript and commentary, vulgarity alert):

BILL MAHER: Apparently this Rick Perry is toast already. A minute ago he was the darling of the Republican Party. He had a bad night, and now they’re saying, “No, f–k you. You’re out.” But he did look dumb. He did. I’m beginning to think that Texas miracle was him getting out of high school.


He, he, he, really, he sounded like a sixth grader who didn’t do the reading. Garbled syntax, messing up simple facts, sentences that went nowhere. Sarah Palin was watching and she said, “If only he was black, I’d f–k him.”


Oh, we kid Sarah Palin.

For those missing what qualifies as a joke to this cretin and his deranged fans, Joe McGinniss’s new book about Palin alleges that she once slept with basketball’s Glen Rice.

It appears Maher just couldn’t resist such an easy layup regardless of how juvenile.

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Maher is suffering from penis-envy (not having one himself) and from chronic delusion that be is, somehow, relevant. Palin would mop the floor with this hateful pos!

To bad dueling is illegal, Maher and others of his ilk would keep their cowardly mouths shut if the results of said jokes could end in a duel.

Poor Bill. He has never even dated a woman nearly as attractive as Sarah Palin, let alone have sex with them. I hope Ms Mahre someday finds himself alone in an elevator with Todd Palin.

Your stereotypical liberal response to a woman who has it all, looks, charisma, guts and intelligence. Libs always talk how they love liberated women, but when they see and hear a real one they get angry and scared.

This is what passes for comedy? What a reprehensible lot these leftist bottom feeders have become, not that they ever had any socially redeeming qualities to begin with. The left is having a field day wallowing in the pig sty of McGuinnes’ squalid opus.

Maher isn’t the only “comedian” milking the salacious tale for all its worth. Jimmy Kimmel also chimed in on his broadcast Sept. 23 and even went so far as sending one of his staff out onto the streets of LA to ask black men if they would f..k Sarah Palin. It was as crude and disgusting display of misogyny as I have ever seen, but no one in his audience seemed to have had a problem with it. That is the true tragedy.

Is this how far we’ve fallen as a society, when useless punks are paraded and promoted, while hard working decent people are derided and diminished? How long will it be before the righteous rise up in indignation and pull the proverbial plug on these enemies within?

2012 can’t come soon enough!

Every day reports come in designating viewership to this show. In the morning, when he arrives, he gets his number of likely viewers which is a constant media marketing census maintained from cable, satellite, broadband, Arbitron, etc. This numbers are the basis which the advertizers will pay for programming. Ford, Budweiser, Aleve are not going to be seen on a dead channel but there also happens pricing programming on trends; whereby, a new show with lots of viewers gets advertizing premia while a stale program starts to deminish in advertizing value. Complaints to VP-Marketing types usually don’t make it past the mailroom but stockholders looking to improve stockholder values can petition the Board of Directors to shift the means that the advertizer’s product names are being bandied about. In the real world Bill Maher must have an audience and viewers in that audience buy the shaving cream advertized on that show. HBO, and all programmers, insist that their sponsors bundle their ads where everybody shares and spreads the risk; consider, to secure a spot on a very desireable show requires, in trade, three spots sponsoring Bill Maher. Sensitivity analyses indicate that cable, satelitte, etc. fear their customers will start to cut their wires and stop paying for those services. Many people, possibly people reading this comment, have thrown their tv’s away choosing internet interactive as a stead.

Boycott the clowns. Don’t spend a dime on Maher, Freeman, Baldwin,Penn,etc.,etc. Pick your Hollywood fools wisely.

The next time a Liberal tells you they hate Fox News, ask if they watch Maher the Degenerate.