Bridget Johnson:
Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), having gone over the Iran nuclear deal with a fine-toothed comb, called out the Obama administration at today’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing for squishy language about the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile development.
He also unraveled the administration’s assertion that sanctions will “snap back” with an Iran violation — highlighting that there may be nothing left existing to “snap back” on.
“Under the sanctions heading of the agreement, paragraph 26 says, and I quote, ‘the United States administration, acting consistent with the respective roles of the president and the Congress, will refrain from reintroducing or reimposing sanctions specified in annex 2,’ which is basically the sanctions that this committees and the Congress passed, that has ceased applying under the JPOA,” Menendez said. “So Secretary Lew, I read that to mean that we cannot reintroduce or reimpose the existing sanctions that Congress passed into law.”
The Treasury secretary danced around the question, replying “we have been very clear that we retain our right and we will, if we need to, reimpose sanctions.”
“I’m talking about existing nuclear sanctions, which expire next year, if snapback provisions of the sanctions are to be an effective deterrent as the administration has suggested of Iranians breaking the agreement, will the administration agree to support the reauthorization of the existing sanctions that passed the Senate 99-0, and which expire next year? Yes or no?” Menendez asked.
“So let me be clear that the sanctions that are being lifted, if Iran complies, if they comply, we said we would not reimpose nuclear sanctions if they live with the nuclear agreement,” Lew replied.
“I know. But my point is this. If you’re going to snap back, you got to snap back to something… If, in fact, the sanctions which exist that you all heralded and said brought Iran to the table expire next year, 2016, and we don’t reauthorize it, there is nothing at least in that context to snap back to,” the senator stressed. “So why won’t you simply say that the administration supports, under all the same provisions, including the president’s waivers, the reauthorization of those sanctions so that the Iranians know if they violate that the snapback will also include snapback to what the Congress passed?”
Lew said “if Iran complies, we will lift sanctions and it’s premature to talk about extending a law” — even one that expires next year.
Menendez then turned his focus to Secretary of State John Kerry and “the lifting of the arms embargo that creeped its way into this deal.”
Although I must give Kerry kudos for at least answering every question and not begging off with the boilerplate, ”I’ll have to get that information back to you later,” he slid effortlessly between what was part of the SIGNED and WRITTEN agreement and things that were only mentioned orally but never agreed to by all parties.
Sen. Menendez was not fooled when he did that, but other Sens were.
It is a treat when an elected official has done his homework.
Menendez better watch out; if he opposes Obama on this, he may find himself under investigation or…. oh.
Never mind.
@Nanny G:
Kerry got a bit animated over the questions about the issue of 24-7 access to any and all sites; he claimed that was NEVER a demand or requirement made. Then, Fox News proceeded to play all the instances where it was claimed we would have 24-7 access to any and all sites.
This administration keeps forgetting that not EVERYBODY is as stupid as those that handed them the reins of power.
@Bill: There is absolutely nothing good that can be said about Lurch Kerry. He is a liar, dishonest, traitor to the country.
When Obama supporters wonder why Republicans will not try to enter into a deal on immigration reform with this administration, they need look no further than this deal. Democrats LIE when they negotiate and “compromise”. They make deals, then they break them without conscience.
I believe Kerry thought that accepting sec state might give him a leg up on another run for the top.
He doesnt have the Clinton legacy (Bills popularity) so Hillary grabs that while his ludicrous support of this admin just turned him into boot licker number two behind Biden
It’s amazing how Barak gets these idiots to basically commit what amounts to political suicide
At least Kerry has his Ketchup gravy train to fall back on
@Matt: Kerry sees himself as a statesman and charmer, He speaks French and this probably gets him away from his VERY unattractive wife
Iran deal highly questionable but the coalition is now broken cause some want to trade with Iran.
Obama did cut a major agreement with Prez. of Turkey to allow US jets to fly off Turkish bases into Syria—-HUGE.
@rich wheeler:
Ha, her money made her extremely attractive. You never know what turns people on. Apparently assless chaps are irresistible for your wife.
@Matt: He also has his history as a traitor to fall back on.
@rich wheeler:
Does he relish is time away from her? He better hope she doesn’t find an open package of condom-ents in his luggage! Then he would certainly be in a pickle.