Lonely Progressive Hearts the OWS Edition

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Already hooked up OWS’s

Been looking for love in all the wrong places? Well fret no more as you take a gander at our latest candidates as we present our OWS edition of some fine singles who are looking to hook up and this soon could be you also!!!!!!!

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First up meet Ted Tingly. Ted’s a highly educated Transgendered Eskimo Lesbian Studies major who has had a little trouble finding a job and paying off his student loans. But don’t let that debt stop you from giving him a call as he still has his Mom and Dad’s credit card. Ted’s looking for a Progressive babe who he can rub noses with.

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Kissable lips aren’t the only thing that makes Patty Priss a real catch. She’s also into yoga and organic chicken farming. Patty is looking for man that knows how to fill out welfare forms and get freebie grants, could that be you????

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Talk about a real looker. Matt Muffington can really turn a few heads. Matt’s is a basement renovator who has been involved in a long term basement renovation project for the past 40 years. His work is so involved that he actually lives there when not out protesting. Matt’s looking for a gal that can sneak in through his basement window without waking up his parents.

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I am inclined to think many of these parasites, bottom feeders, freaks, people, protesters apparently did not do their ‘research’ when deciding on ‘classes’ to take….as in “will any of these classes I take actually lead to a job?” A job I can actually pay my loan off with….?

You have to have ‘actual talent’ [not just [‘think’] you have talent] when it comes to the “Fine Arts Liberal studies” and other [oh, not too hard ‘women’s gender’] “Liberal” studies….will not lead any kind of well paying job unless you go professional and these people are “not” by any stretch of the imagination, professional.

These parasites are direct cases of Duh?!? I [Still] would like someone to interview one of these idiots to find out exactly what ‘kind of job’ they are looking for and cannot find….which from a college standpoint [since they cannot don’t want to pay back money they borrowed] is usually called a ‘career path’…. Or perhaps its a new career called “professional parasetics” or permanent bum or bumette burden… on the rest of us…