Limo-Left Turn to Buttigieg to Save Them…

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The clock is ticking faster now.  Beto crashed miserably; Kamala’s giggling high-school schtick is embarrassing herself and others; the DNC has run out of handlers for Biden’s frequent episodes; Bernie is still yelling at trees; and now Warren has outed her plan to tax everyone into oblivion to fund her $52 trillion, yes TRILLION, healthcare scheme.


Hence, the New York Times jumps into action…  Buttigieg is now their latest hope.  Quick dispatch all immediate narrative engineers to the typeset:

[…] Ms. Warren appears to have solidified her gains in the first voting state while Mr. Buttigieg has climbed quickly to catch up with Mr. Sanders and overtake Mr. Biden, the onetime front-runner. Ms. Warren is drawing support from 22 percent of likely caucusgoers, while Mr. Sanders is at 19 percent, followed by Mr. Buttigieg at 18 percent and Mr. Biden at 17 percent.

The survey is full of alarming signs for Mr. Biden, who entered the race in April at the top of the polls in Iowa and nationally. He is still in the lead in most national polls, but his comparatively weak position in the earliest primary and caucus states now presents a serious threat to his candidacy.

With the Iowa caucuses just three months away, Mr. Biden’s unsteadiness appears to have opened a path in the race for other Democrats closer to the political middle, particularly Mr. Buttigieg.  (read more)

Watch how this pro-Buttigieg narrative evolves.

The DNC relies on Wall Street/Hollywood donor funding.  Warren is a non-starter, and Sanders is ‘all-in’ for socialism.  Even Teh One, Obama, is warning about the political nonsense behind the woke movement from his new $15 mansion on Martha’s Vineyard.

By the end of the month they’ll have a bumbling Biden eating baby food through a straw as he’s wheeled on stage with a lanyard full of pyrex reminder cards: “Joe, you’re in Iowa”…

The club is now moving to Buttigieg.

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So it looks like the Democrats wants Mr Butterlegs to help them out of the mess their in Woo Hoo liberal Democrats

That would be just what we need; a President that will change the Stars and Stripes to the rainbow flag and make the gay agenda a federal agenda.

Funny to remember back when Biden was THE thing and he was going to mop the floor with Trump. Now they worry if he’s going to slip in a puddle of his own drool. If Democrats would choose their candidates by their capabilities instead of how unique or familiar they are, they wouldn’t look like such idiots when their candidates embarrass them all…. like O’Rook.

His city is a mess, there is zero proof he can lead a city let alone the whole country.

The NYTimes has quickly forgotten that the mainstream Dem voters already weighed in on Buttigieg.
They found him too white, too married and not really gay enough to make up for it.

The NYTimes is just carrying water for the powers behind the Democrats.
There was never any way any of the 20 or so Dems running at present would be on the final ballot, if these powers hope to retake the White House.
It’s got to be someone else.


We’ll see.
But one thing’s for sure, the NYTimes is just playing along until the time is right to dump all of the present candidates for a person who has a “real chance to win.”