Lie to me ONCE shame on you; Lie to me 21 TIMES…

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So, the man that lied when he promised not to accept public funding of his campaign; (1)

the man that lied when he said no abortions would be covered by his health care scheme; (2)

the man that lies every time he speaks about the amount of oil at this countries disposal; (3)

the man that lies when he says a President can’t do anything to reduce the price of gas, and then plans an October Surprise release of our emergency oil to temporarily do just that; (4)

the man who proves his own lies when a temporary release of oil has a diminutive, symbolic reduction in the price, but he insists a daily flow of our own oil form our numerous sites, (which he now has off-limits), would have no effect on oil prices, (no link, just common sense economics);

the man who lied when claiming unemployment would never go above 8%, and who now lies every day about the real unemployment numbers; (5)

the man who lied when he claimed to barely know the unrepentant, racist, anti-American terrorist that helped start his political career; (6)

the man who lied when he claimed no one would lose their doctors or health plan under his healthcare bill; (7)

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I have told you since he ran for office he was garbage. Every mule things he has horse sense. Smile America-you have got a lying ass for a leader.

Worst yet, he has a Lefty media who perpetuates his lies….and are seemingly quite happy to do so…. Happy Sheeples!