Both The Washington Examiner (h/t Weasel Zippers) and The have compiled representative lists of the hideous hate-filled tweets that have spewed from the left today regarding the shocking and sudden death of Andrew Breitbart. The comments are too noxious to bear repeating, but those who enjoy stopping to ogle highway accidents are free to link through and have at it.
One commenter who should know better is Slate’s Matthew Yglesias. His obscene reaction appears first in the Examiner list. I can appreciate that the Internet has blurred the distinction between journalist and blogger, but I believe both should be held to the same ethical standards, which eschew dancing on the grave of someone freshly departed whose political views you happen to find disagreeable. Yglesias’s tweet is a stain on the profession as a whole and the outlet he writes for.
As for the comments from “the masses,” I will say first that we as a nation have become far too comfortable indulging in the vocabulary of hate. It serves no function other than to feed upon and perpetuate itself. </end sermon>
Moving right along, perhaps one of our friends on the left will now explain how the their remembrances of Andrew Breitbart square with their perception of themselves as tolerant and loving (especially when compared with conservatives, who they see as spiteful and misanthropic).
Breitbart deserves both the accolades from the right, and the hate from the left.
Controversial? Maybe. But consider this; If he wasn’t so effective at what he was doing, would the left hate him enough to spout such vile and nasty things about him? It’s almost a measure of how effective he was by the amount of hate he received from the left.
Personally, I have no problem with intolerance from the left. As long as they don’t preach to me about being tolerant of those I really dislike. And, I don’t think that Breitbart had a problem with it either, considering some of his own words I’ve seen about the topic.
Isn’t Slate another winner that sold for a dollar? They were up for sale at one point and there were no suckers buying it.
Curt J.G.’s comment is interesting and telling. Says he has no problem with other’s intolerance as long as he’s free to be intolerant with those he really dislikes.
This from the man who says “greed is good”
J.G. off subject but interested when you get a chance. Do you see any gap between The Tea Party and self proclaimed Conservatives? Thanks
@johngalt: I actually agree completely John. I believe Andrew would take the venom from the left as a much better compliment than any we could give. He would be relishing it.
Kinda’ emphasizes the Hegelian thread on how the left is motivated by death…
This guy sounds like the Bill Maher of the right.
That’s due Lib.
You give him more credit for his impact on liberals than he is do.
@johngalt: I have more of a problem with the lies from the right than the so-called ‘intolerance of the left.’ And Breitbart was a shameless purveyor of smears and lies.
@Richard Wheeler: Really, give me a list of Maher’s lies. Here’s Breitbart’s:
But you won’t read it. You’d rather revel in your irrational hate.
Liberalmutt, I stopped with the alternet link when they declared Acorn innocent and the victim of heavily edited videos.
As for mediamatters, they have been shown to be quite dishonest. Again, the first link of BB’s “dishonesty” is only proof of theirs. You see, I came across the Sherrod clip on his site before it blew up in the media. So when they tried to claim he lied or said something he hadn’t, or even edited his site to cover up, I knew the truth. Ge wasn’t lying. The left was.
If you want to convince others that someone is a liar, try no to uses sources that prove themselves liars right off the bat.
@Richard Wheeler:
Not a surprise that you misunderstand my comment, Rich, as you continue to show you misunderstood my original comments on “greed”. Keep in mind that I never stated that I would engage in “intolerant” language or action myself, only that I don’t want to be preached to about it from a bunch of hypocrites.
take note, the left has been howling with goblin glee that this man is dead,
many of whom are the very same people who said it was unseemly wrong, and despicable to take satisfaction in and celibrate the death of osama bin laden by virtue of the fact that bin laden was “still a human being”
got it? bin laden a murderous demon of a man is finally hunted down and killed like the dog he is and the left hurumphed about how they would never take pleasure in another persons death,
a political enemy dies, a conservative, and they throw that mask to the wind and dance.
leftards are beyond disgusting.
very well said, they are so stupid, they cannot see a patriot because they are the cowards,
Interestingly, Bob Beckel spoke highly of Andrew Brietbart on Fox Thursday. He was neither gleeful over his death, nor disparaging of the man, but rather respectful and admitted that he liked Brietbart.