A friend sent me this Facebook post. After having some fun marking it up, I decided to respond. One thing led to another, and now it’s a blog post. Below is the Facebook post along with my on-the-fly reply…
Your conceited, elitist, hypocritical, idea vomit aside…
It’s not a Muslim ban. In fact, President Barack Faily McWorseThanCarter instituted the exact same restrictions against Iraq in 2011. The difference? He was too much of a wimp to tell you about it, the media was too wimpy to care, and you’d have been too much of a wimp to do anything anyway…because you’re a batshit crazy, mindless liberal hack.
Yes, I too am done trying to be nice about this. And here’s why…
Your fact-averse insistence that this is a ban on Muslims, actually creates homegrown terrorism. You’re telling Muslims that they’re ubiquitously aggrieved, and that only your loving pity can save them.
Yes of course we know you leftists thrive off of division, disparity and destruction. We know that in 2017, you shackle people with faux grievance. We know that when blacks, Hispanics, women, LGBTQ and Muslims see themselves as victims assigned to a group instead of as powerful individuals enabled by liberty (ie, Republicans) – you leftists gain power. We know that you create exponentially more racism, hate, pain, division and destruction in a single day — than you’ll ever mitigate in a lifetime. We know that for you Democrats, segregation and slavery was and apparently always will be your “thing.” And that’s a fight we’ll gladly have with you as your regressive identity politics continue to be exposed as doing more to corrupt liberty than to create it; more to drive disparity than to quell it; more to divide our nation than to unite it; more to destroy than to heal.
But for now, today, as Islam is diseased by terrorists who hurt other Muslims more than anyone else — we’ll not play nice while you literally create homegrown terrorists by telling Muslims that everyone hates them. Omar Mateen was once a promising, peace-loving Muslim living in the USA. But after years of hearing sympathy bigots like you promise him that he’s both aggrieved and entitled…he eventually believed you. Shortly after that, he went to Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, FL and killed 50 people…mostly from the LGBTQ community that you also work diligently to segregate and (metaphorically) enslave.
Again, this is not a Muslim ban. Unlike Saudi Arabia or UAE, for example – the failed state sponsors of terror on the Trump Administration’s list – Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, Somalia – have no verifiable means of trusted vetting. These are nations that, as of February 2016, the Obama Administration & Homeland Security deemed to be “of concern” with respect to terror and visa programs.
And so we must pause to figure out how we’re going to do what these state sponsors of terror can’t and/or won’t. And we’re doing it despite your bigotry, and without apology.
But your hysterical insistence that this is a “Muslim ban” only creates the very pain and hate (on both sides) that you purport to combat.
Now I know you’re a liberal snowflake prone to run off to your safespace, so I’d normally be able to shake it off and simply suggest you stop “helping.” But in this instance, you’re actually creating homegrown terrorists right now with your lies. You’re telling young Muslims in the US that everyone hates them, and that they need you to protect them from literally everyone else. You’re inspiring them to hate our nation. You’re teaching them that they’re perpetual victims. You’re filling them with hopelessness and pain. If a 5 year old falls and scrapes his knee, you’re the “adult in the room” who sprints to him while screaming hysterically that you’re not sure if he’ll live or die. You’ve turned what could and should have been an unremarkable, if anything strengthening experience, in to a hysterical display of debilitating hyperbole.
And this is what you do to virtually anyone whose identity or experience is diverse from your own. This is what you do to blacks, Hispanics, women and LGBTQ when you insist that any who don’t share your entirely unqualified pity for them – based on not who they are but what they are – clearly hate them. And that is why I call you a “sympathy bigot.” I do it, because that’s exactly what you are.
We are allowed to protect our nation, and no one anywhere has any right to come here.
Home grown terrorists like the NBPP,Nation of Islam,BLM,Weatherunderground and SLA that need to be totaly edaricated
thanks to Obama, red dawn is already here-just a matter time as to when and where. you need to read about refugee warriors and the potential that thay now have in US. according to the last idiot pres. DOJ lost over 250 over the last 2 years are now lost