So you are offended that the picture was reposted from the scumbag’s twitter post, but not because of her vile, immature, disgusting act…..
What would make this putrid act even more revolting would be to learn if this creature is collecting welfare, foodstamps, and an obamacare subsidy – all paid for by taxpayers….
9 years ago
I’m pretty much disgusted that anybody would post it anywhere. The idiot in the picture is trying to get attention and trying to offend. Why be of assistance? The picture is beneath the average person’s consideration. It deserves no one’s attention.
9 years ago
@Greg: I can understand your embarrassment to be associated with such ideology-mates. However, the left covers its eyes and ears whenever such reality rears its ugly head (while keeping their mouths open and in operation) instead of addressing the depths of their ideology. They think that flag is a symbol of hate, so that makes it so, right? And whatever one wants to do to the flag is protected by the 1st Amendment… right?
Just imagine they are gay; that’ll make it easier to swallow since the left is committed to apologizing for everything the gay community does.
9 years ago
Any wonder who she would pull the lever for in the voting booth? If she had a free hand to do so.
9 years ago
I don’t worry too much about people who probably can’t tell the difference between a voting booth and a Porta Potty.
You should be worried about the fact that people who don’t seem to know the difference between Charmin and the American flag DO get to vote.
9 years ago
@Greg: They are your demographic. If she had a blog and did interviews, she could talk to Obama while she stuffed a flag in her nasty box. I’m sure Obama would think it was “cool” to do that interview.
9 years ago
They are your demographic.
That’s one of those comments that convince people the right is racist.
Who exactly is this they you’re talking about? What attribute of the person in the photograph makes it so obvious to you that it’s one of the left’s demographic?
And why is the right-wing getting so much mileage out of an image that nearly everyone finds disgusting and offensive, regardless of their partisan orientation? I’ve hidden the damn thing on my Facebook news feed three times since yesterday. Clearly there’s something about it that the people sharing it like. Would you care to explain what that is?
The problem with what people sometimes say is that they don’t even realize all that they’re saying. Their own prejudices are invisible to them. This is a classic example.
9 years ago
@Greg: And THAT is the kind of response that convinces everyone that the left is nothing but a disjointed gang of liars that are capable of banding together to vote for the party that will hand out bribes for votes. YOUR demographic.
9 years ago
My response consisted mostly of questions that you apparently don’t care to think about or answer.
The fact that the twitter shot shows over 4700 “likes” indicates that not everyone finds this deplorable act disgusting.
Furthermore, no one commenting on the ACT of the disgusting creature made a single comment about her race, yet you throw down the bogus race card. The characterization of her gross disrespect for the flag and what it stands for as leftist is easily understood by people who remember the white leftist bomb maker Ayer smugly standing on a desecreted flag on the ground in that infamous photo from around the time of 9/11/01.
My response consisted mostly of questions that you apparently don’t care to think about or answer.
That would be funny if it wasn’t so damn hypocritical on your part since you never answer questions.
You’re an idiot.
9 years ago
I checked Twitter. The photo was tweeted and retweeted on July 11. The two posts together garnered a total of 12 Favorites and 16 Retweets. That’s out of 3,362 people who Follow her posts—whoever this “her” actually is. Note the Twitter and Facebook addresses are nlibertus.
Do you automatically believe everything you see on the internet? Do you take it all at face value? As noted, the main audience for the image seems to be the readers of right-wing blogs and forums.
One young woman has already been targeted as a result of being erroneously identified as Nocturnus Libertus. It’s understandable, I suppose. They’re both black, and haters are mostly too stupid to do simple arithmetic, regardless of color.
That’s one of those comments that convince people the right is racist.
Who exactly is this they you’re talking about? What attribute of the person in the photograph makes it so obvious to you that it’s one of the left’s demographic?
You claim in your second comment that you don’t know what Bill meant by “they”, yet in your first comment you assumed it to be “racist,” without even an explanation how you came to that conclusion? Greg, you need to check into a mental health clinic for observation, because there is something seriously wrong with your mind’s ability to process logic.
Bill’s comment was not racist in any manner. the “they” he refers to is clearly; people who deface, desecrate, purposely soil or tread on this nation’s flag, who are with a likely 99.999…% also members of the Democratic party. THAT is the “they” of which Bill speaks. You know that truth as well as any of us, so your pretending you don’t know, means you are either a congenital liar or an idiot. Either way your both attitude and her’s offends me.
You claim in your second comment that you don’t know what Bill meant by “they”, yet in your first comment you assumed it to be “racist,” without even an explanation how you came to that conclusion?
The second comment was a rhetorical question. I was fairly certain I’d already figured out what attribute was being used to define the group. Had it not been race, what we would have would be an example of circular reasoning: This photo is evidence that democrats desecrate the flag, because this person is desecrating the flag and it’s democrats who do that.
The second comment was a rhetorical question. I was fairly certain I’d already figured out what attribute was being used to define the group. Had it not been race, what we would have would be an example of circular reasoning: This photo is evidence that democrats desecrate the flag, because this person is desecrating the flag and it’s democrats who do that.
The person in that photo is one that hates the United States. To express this (and to impress more of her ilk) she desecrates the symbol of the United States in the worst manner she can fathom. Further, she does it behind the shield of the internet where no one can hold her accountable by causing a discussion of exactly how she could have come up with such a stupid and illogical point of view, not to mention expressing it as she did.
So, she is anti-American and hateful, cowardly and too stupid to understand the nature of the country that provides her with livelihood while allowing (even encouraging) her to desecrate it. She possesses all the characteristics of today’s liberal.
She is “they” and race was never mentioned, implied or assumable. Inserting race is simply a coward’s way to try and excuse such despicable behavior.
9 years ago
She possesses all the characteristics of today’s liberal.
Actually, I’ve noticed an inordinate level of rudeness, racism, hatred and anti-American rhetoric and behavior on the right these days. As I mentioned, the only people that have been putting this offensive picture in my face are people who identify themselves as conservatives. They seem to be the only ones who are circulating it. For all I know, it may have been created specifically for that purpose by white supremacists, or by some lowbrow propagandist like James O’Keefe. It certainly doesn’t serve to improve the image or further the political goals of anyone on the left.
Who does this serve? is always a good question to ask whenever you’re trying to decide who might be behind something.
Actually, I’ve noticed an inordinate level of rudeness, racism, hatred and anti-American rhetoric and behavior on the right these days. As I mentioned, the only people that have been putting this offensive picture in my face are people who identify themselves as conservatives.
You should be forced to see what your ideology stands for. That photo is a condensation of everything liberal.
What I notice about rudeness, racism and hated is that just after the left starts a fight with it and then starts to get their nose rubbed in it, all of a sudden, they accuse the opposite side of those transgressions and makes calls for “civility”.
How about attacking, defaming, and disrespecting the nation’s democratically elected President and our armed forces’ Commander in Chief at every opportunity, regardless of the sensitivity or solemnity of the occasion, and regardless of what he says or does? Perhaps that’s only a matter of expressing opinion. Well then, how about actively attempting to undermine and sabotage the nation’s foreign policy initiatives? What about a 6-year, 24/7 media campaign intended to destroy confidence in the nation’s economic recovery, when the restoration of confidence was an essential part of that recovery? How about efforts to maneuver the United States into yet another major war in the Middle East, without having any more clue how a stable situation could be achieved afterward than was had on the previous occasion? How about working diligently to erode the credibility of and confidence in the nation’s federal agencies and employees and in our nation’s most important social programs? How about constantly promoting the idea that taxes are theft and must be cut while simultaneously decrying debt and deficits? (That last one might actually represent hypocrisy more than an internal attack on the nation’s government, although the long-term effects will be the weakening of the fabric of the nation itself, and “starving the beast” is an openly stated strategy of enemies of the state such as Grover Norquist.)
None of this meets my personal definition of patriotism. It meets my definition of partisanship as a malignancy.
How about attacking, defaming, and disrespecting the nation’s democratically elected President and our armed forces’ Commander in Chief at every opportunity, regardless of the sensitivity or solemnity of the occasion, and regardless of what he says or does?
Oh, better pull traffic off to the shoulder and let the waaaambulance through!!
Funny how it was a patriotic duty to make fun of Bush, call him a traitor, war criminal, “a loser” (that from the Senate Democrat leader) but now, when we have the worst, most incompetent, most damaging person EVER in the White House, it’s “bad”?
Only liberals try to out-stupid each other.
I’m offended. And it wasn’t a liberal that posted this picture.
So you are offended that the picture was reposted from the scumbag’s twitter post, but not because of her vile, immature, disgusting act…..
What would make this putrid act even more revolting would be to learn if this creature is collecting welfare, foodstamps, and an obamacare subsidy – all paid for by taxpayers….
I’m pretty much disgusted that anybody would post it anywhere. The idiot in the picture is trying to get attention and trying to offend. Why be of assistance? The picture is beneath the average person’s consideration. It deserves no one’s attention.
@Greg: I can understand your embarrassment to be associated with such ideology-mates. However, the left covers its eyes and ears whenever such reality rears its ugly head (while keeping their mouths open and in operation) instead of addressing the depths of their ideology. They think that flag is a symbol of hate, so that makes it so, right? And whatever one wants to do to the flag is protected by the 1st Amendment… right?
Just imagine they are gay; that’ll make it easier to swallow since the left is committed to apologizing for everything the gay community does.
Any wonder who she would pull the lever for in the voting booth? If she had a free hand to do so.
I don’t worry too much about people who probably can’t tell the difference between a voting booth and a Porta Potty.
You should be worried about the fact that people who don’t seem to know the difference between Charmin and the American flag DO get to vote.
@Greg: They are your demographic. If she had a blog and did interviews, she could talk to Obama while she stuffed a flag in her nasty box. I’m sure Obama would think it was “cool” to do that interview.
That’s one of those comments that convince people the right is racist.
Who exactly is this they you’re talking about? What attribute of the person in the photograph makes it so obvious to you that it’s one of the left’s demographic?
And why is the right-wing getting so much mileage out of an image that nearly everyone finds disgusting and offensive, regardless of their partisan orientation? I’ve hidden the damn thing on my Facebook news feed three times since yesterday. Clearly there’s something about it that the people sharing it like. Would you care to explain what that is?
The problem with what people sometimes say is that they don’t even realize all that they’re saying. Their own prejudices are invisible to them. This is a classic example.
@Greg: And THAT is the kind of response that convinces everyone that the left is nothing but a disjointed gang of liars that are capable of banding together to vote for the party that will hand out bribes for votes. YOUR demographic.
My response consisted mostly of questions that you apparently don’t care to think about or answer.
The fact that the twitter shot shows over 4700 “likes” indicates that not everyone finds this deplorable act disgusting.
Furthermore, no one commenting on the ACT of the disgusting creature made a single comment about her race, yet you throw down the bogus race card. The characterization of her gross disrespect for the flag and what it stands for as leftist is easily understood by people who remember the white leftist bomb maker Ayer smugly standing on a desecreted flag on the ground in that infamous photo from around the time of 9/11/01.
That would be funny if it wasn’t so damn hypocritical on your part since you never answer questions.
You’re an idiot.
I checked Twitter. The photo was tweeted and retweeted on July 11. The two posts together garnered a total of 12 Favorites and 16 Retweets. That’s out of 3,362 people who Follow her posts—whoever this “her” actually is. Note the Twitter and Facebook addresses are nlibertus.
The offensive image doesn’t show up on the Nocturnus Libertus Facebook Page. Where it does show up is on a Facebook Nocturnus Libertus Parody page, which appears to be an exercise in character assassination.
Do you automatically believe everything you see on the internet? Do you take it all at face value? As noted, the main audience for the image seems to be the readers of right-wing blogs and forums.
One young woman has already been targeted as a result of being erroneously identified as Nocturnus Libertus. It’s understandable, I suppose. They’re both black, and haters are mostly too stupid to do simple arithmetic, regardless of color.
You claim in your second comment that you don’t know what Bill meant by “they”, yet in your first comment you assumed it to be “racist,” without even an explanation how you came to that conclusion? Greg, you need to check into a mental health clinic for observation, because there is something seriously wrong with your mind’s ability to process logic.
Bill’s comment was not racist in any manner. the “they” he refers to is clearly; people who deface, desecrate, purposely soil or tread on this nation’s flag, who are with a likely 99.999…% also members of the Democratic party. THAT is the “they” of which Bill speaks. You know that truth as well as any of us, so your pretending you don’t know, means you are either a congenital liar or an idiot. Either way your both attitude and her’s offends me.
It certainly has a better record of truth than your Lord and Master, Obama and YOU believe, excuse, defend and lie for everything HE says.
Oh…. was that racist, Honorable Judge of All Meaning and Context?
@Ditto, #16:
The second comment was a rhetorical question. I was fairly certain I’d already figured out what attribute was being used to define the group. Had it not been race, what we would have would be an example of circular reasoning: This photo is evidence that democrats desecrate the flag, because this person is desecrating the flag and it’s democrats who do that.
The person in that photo is one that hates the United States. To express this (and to impress more of her ilk) she desecrates the symbol of the United States in the worst manner she can fathom. Further, she does it behind the shield of the internet where no one can hold her accountable by causing a discussion of exactly how she could have come up with such a stupid and illogical point of view, not to mention expressing it as she did.
So, she is anti-American and hateful, cowardly and too stupid to understand the nature of the country that provides her with livelihood while allowing (even encouraging) her to desecrate it. She possesses all the characteristics of today’s liberal.
She is “they” and race was never mentioned, implied or assumable. Inserting race is simply a coward’s way to try and excuse such despicable behavior.
Actually, I’ve noticed an inordinate level of rudeness, racism, hatred and anti-American rhetoric and behavior on the right these days. As I mentioned, the only people that have been putting this offensive picture in my face are people who identify themselves as conservatives. They seem to be the only ones who are circulating it. For all I know, it may have been created specifically for that purpose by white supremacists, or by some lowbrow propagandist like James O’Keefe. It certainly doesn’t serve to improve the image or further the political goals of anyone on the left.
Who does this serve? is always a good question to ask whenever you’re trying to decide who might be behind something.
Typical leftist projection.
Please enlighten us as to the anti-Americanism you claim is coming from the right.
You should be forced to see what your ideology stands for. That photo is a condensation of everything liberal.
What I notice about rudeness, racism and hated is that just after the left starts a fight with it and then starts to get their nose rubbed in it, all of a sudden, they accuse the opposite side of those transgressions and makes calls for “civility”.
It simply doesn’t work any more.
@Pete, #21:
How about attacking, defaming, and disrespecting the nation’s democratically elected President and our armed forces’ Commander in Chief at every opportunity, regardless of the sensitivity or solemnity of the occasion, and regardless of what he says or does? Perhaps that’s only a matter of expressing opinion. Well then, how about actively attempting to undermine and sabotage the nation’s foreign policy initiatives? What about a 6-year, 24/7 media campaign intended to destroy confidence in the nation’s economic recovery, when the restoration of confidence was an essential part of that recovery? How about efforts to maneuver the United States into yet another major war in the Middle East, without having any more clue how a stable situation could be achieved afterward than was had on the previous occasion? How about working diligently to erode the credibility of and confidence in the nation’s federal agencies and employees and in our nation’s most important social programs? How about constantly promoting the idea that taxes are theft and must be cut while simultaneously decrying debt and deficits? (That last one might actually represent hypocrisy more than an internal attack on the nation’s government, although the long-term effects will be the weakening of the fabric of the nation itself, and “starving the beast” is an openly stated strategy of enemies of the state such as Grover Norquist.)
None of this meets my personal definition of patriotism. It meets my definition of partisanship as a malignancy.
Oh, better pull traffic off to the shoulder and let the waaaambulance through!!
Funny how it was a patriotic duty to make fun of Bush, call him a traitor, war criminal, “a loser” (that from the Senate Democrat leader) but now, when we have the worst, most incompetent, most damaging person EVER in the White House, it’s “bad”?