Liberal Dems Pushing 2016 Candidates Further Left

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Good News! (Sort of)

Far-left Democrats who think President Barack Obama–and his Obamacare law–have not been liberal enough may push Democrats running for president in 2016 so far to the left that their chances in a general election may be hurt.

The Washington Post wrote that the “more liberal and populist voice is emerging within a Democratic Party” represents “both a critique of Obama’s tenure and a clear challenge to Hillary Rodham Clinton, the party’s presumptive presidential front-runner, who carries a more centrist banner.”

The Post acknowledges that “the push from the left carries political risks for Democrats, who could be accused of being reckless about the national debt or insensitive to the demands of business and economic growth.” In addition, Americans are uncomfortable with paying more taxes for left-wing pet projects and social engineering ideas, as the Post conceded, which can make Democrats less electable.

As usual expect the MSM to redefine what is “moderate”.


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So? No problem. They can just do what Obama did; run in the primaries, when vying for a majority of Democrats, as a far, far leftist then, once the candidacy is won, quickly pivot to the center and be Mr. (or Ms.) All Things To All People. No need to worry about a media that just might point out the discrepancy.

Anything marginally left of center will be viewed as extreme compared to how far off the deep end the right has gone.

Our mentally deranged troll “This One” would have us believe that a meter hard-pegged to one side is only marginally off-center. Let’s hope he doesn’t drive.

@This one:
Back again with your usual political vomit.

Clueless again, consistent you are.