Never ending insanity.
If you’re a woman, chances are you’ve a) spent time fidgeting in a long line waiting to use a public toilet, b) delayed a bodily function because you don’t want to or haven’t the time to waste standing in line to use a public toilet, c) considered sneaking into a men’s room—illegal in some places, or d) cursed loudly because of all of the above.
Faced with a long restroom line that spiraled up and around a circular stairwell at a recent museum visit, I opted not to wait. Why do we put up with this? This isn’t a minor pet peeve, but a serious question. Despite years of “potty parity” laws, women are still forced to stand in lines at malls, schools, stadiums, concerts, fair grounds, theme parks, and other crowded public spaces. This is frustrating, uncomfortable, and, in some circumstances, humiliating. It’s also a form of discrimination, as it disproportionately affects women.
Blame the ladies who get into the stalls then take their time, or those ladies who bring a couple of girlfriends every time they have to go.
Men’s rooms have few stalls but several urinals.
Women’s rooms have many stalls plus preening areas and furnished areas with sofas, chairs and tables.
And what about the sexism of only having TWO types of bathrooms?
Where do these folks go?
Gender Questioners,
Gender Nonconformers,
Gender Fluids,
Androgynous people,
How dare a woman complain about her bathroom experiences when so many people are making do with no specific bathroom areas?
I can’t help how I am equipped but, as Nanny says, some of it is self-inflicted. If they didn’t have the stalls but just toilets in open space (like the men’s urinals) there would be room for more toilets. Would that be acceptable?
How about if men pledge to sit down to pee… would that be acceptable? I am sure many already do…
Let me start by saying I am just being honest here, not trying to be gross on purpose. I have been subject to extremely digusting and piggish women…
What about those gross women who urinate on the seats then just leave it???
Then the next woman:
a) urinates and adds to it
b) refuses to use the stall
c) submits and wipes it up
d) if no seat covers, must then [take time to] line seat with a defense of toilet paper.
How LONG do you think ALL that takes??
There are women who use restrooms that are pigs. Especially in Clubs. Where is THAT conversation?
I am whining about something that is TRUE.
I remember going to a bar in the city years ago that had only ‘one’ unisex bathroom….McSorley’s it was, if I remember correctly, it was around the Village.
No. What is sexist is when women invade or commandeer the men’s bathroom. Granted usually the guys don’t mind or just let it go, but in a reverse scenario, women will throw a complete conniption fit if a male even mistakenly entered the wrong restroom.
golly, I remember once in the ’70’s when I accidentally went into a women’s room. Several women in there, not a single one said a word. Didn’t take long for me to leave.
My wife says women’s rest rooms are always filthier than men’s. I think they should put women’s urinals in women’s rooms, it would speed things up. quit taking 3 partners every time you go. just makes a longer line.
This is just one of those humorous subjects.
Kinda like Obama’s grandmother not knowing where he was born.