Lefty Filmmaker Spike Lee Retweets George Zimmerman’s Home Address, Death Threats Ensue…

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Here are screencaps of filmmaker Spike Lee’s two retweets:

The address has been re-tweeted hundreds or thousands of times, and some of those tweets include threats to Zimmerman’s safety:

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Guess it would be wise to get the Barrett 98B zeroed.

These folks want to be thugs but haven’t thought it through to the inevitable conclusion.

Both Mr. Zimmerman’s family AND his parents’ family lived in that complex.
Both have moved into hiding as a result of the massive numbers of death threats.

If Zimmerman or his family is attacked &/or killed, Spike Lee will be fitted for an orange jumpsuit.

@Ditto: Noooo — free speech trumps all — just ask the rev’s and May-har

And if necessary — a pardon from duh won

hey where are all the local leftards to defend spike?

spike lee has decided he�s judge jury and coward executioner. why coward? he wants some one else to do his dirty work. liberals think conservatives are so judgemental, but liberals are the ones consistantly puting out the death threats�.

Viktor Frankl ~~~
there are only two races of men, decent men and indecent.

Ive got nothing against black people I neither think they are inferior nor superior to anyone else. I beleive in only good and bad people�..

and spike lee is a bad man.
progressives like spike and barack have �progressed us so far forward all that is old like lynchings and mob justice are new again like fasions from 40 years ago��
fuck spike lee judge jury and remote executioner too much of a pussy to do the deed himself.
you know spike if you start a fire its not outside the realm of possibility to get burned by it�
by the way now spikes address is floating around.

and if your a progressive libtard with the whole bulshit argument that black people are just fed up with the injustice of it all, shove it up your ass. the statistics, got that? the NUMBERS bear out that whites are victims of blacks in crimes of all types in far greater numbers then blacks are of crimes by whites.

if george zimmerman is murdered spike lee must be arrested for conspiracy to commit muurder along with the leadership of the black panthersâ�¦. or not, you know seeing as they are the attorney generals peeps as he calls themâ�¦.and he let them off the last set of charges they faced becuase black people are not capable of hate crimes. but aparaently they are capable of becoming just like the klan of old……..

no need for a trial and if we dont like the results get a rope….

Gil Scott-Heron had it all wrong. The revolution will indeed be televised and it will be started by White America not Black America when they get tired with all the double standards and pure hypocrisy. That day is a lot closer then you think.