A highly respected American rabbi, Yitz Greenberg, used to tell American Jewish audiences, whether Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, “I don’t care what denomination you’re a member of, as long as you’re ashamed of it.”
I have adopted that phrase and apply it to religions generally. One could just as easily say to Catholics, Protestants, and Muslims: “I don’t care what religion you identify with, as long as you’re ashamed of it.” Meaning, of course, ashamed of what many of its members have done to it.
Just think of what has happened to much of mainstream Protestantism; to much of Catholicism, including, sadly, the current pope; and most especially to the Islamic world.
Given the subject of this column — the destructive influence of leftism on Jews and Judaism — it is relevant to mention some of my Jewish involvement. Among other things, I taught Jewish history and religion at Brooklyn College, was the spokesman for the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, have written two books and hundreds of essays and columns on Jews and Judaism, received the American Jewish Press Association Award for Excellence in Jewish Commentary, have brought many thousands of Jews to Judaism, and have lectured to more Jewish groups in the past 40 years than almost any living Jew.
So, I say this with only sadness: Many American Jews on the left, including rabbis and lay leaders, are embarrassing Jews and Judaism. I say this to ring an alarm in Jewish life and to tell non-Jewish America that these people represent leftism, not Judaism. Furthermore, I am talking only about leftist, not liberal, Jews. Unfortunately, however, both within and outside of Judaism, liberalism has become synonymous with leftism.
This past week the embarrassing behavior of left-wing Jews reached a new level.
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Jews and their clergy at various synagogues around America were gathering to “sit shiva” — the Hebrew and Jewish term for the seven-day period of grieving that Jews engage in after the loss of an immediate relative — because Donald Trump was elected president.
Consider for a moment how childish and narcissistic this is: using the sacred ritual reserved for the death of one’s child or parent as a way to express disappointment over a presidential election.
And, of course, there were the irresponsible, over-the-top outbursts by Jewish columnists and academics.
Take Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank, who devoted his column after the election to writing an open letter to his twelve-year-old daughter.
“As I watched the returns at Donald Trump’s celebration here Tuesday night,” Milbank began, “the hardest part was trying to reassure my seventh-grade daughter at home, via phone and text, that she would be okay.
“She had expected to be celebrating the election of the first female president, but instead, this man she had been reading and hearing horrible things about had won, and she feared her own world could come apart.”
The man’s twelve-year-old daughter “feared her own world could come apart” because of the election result. He reassured her, however, that her world would be fine, especially since she would be receiving so much love at her upcoming bat-mitzvah.
Milbank’s daughter’s trauma was more than matched by the reaction of a Jewish adult, Jonathan Chait of New York Magazine. On November 12, he tweeted “This is the worst thing that has happened in my life.” Chait was 31 years old on 9/11.
I had Orthodox cousins growing up.
Ear locks and black clothes, walking on Sats and everything.
When #3 daughter grew up she hated her religion so much that she forced it to accept her as a ”rabbi” by ”identifying” as a masculine lesbian.
The reform version took her up on her demand.
So, she became a ”rabbi.”
But it didn’t last.
Once she got what she ”wanted” it didn’t make her happy so she abandoned it all.
The religion turned itself inside out for her, and the likes of her liberal ilk.
And then they abandoned their religion.
At least she’s not acting as a thorn in their side like some liberals are doing to Judaism and other religions today.
As we have seen the acts of the losers in the election and no doupt that George Soros has financed these outlaws i dont surprise me that soros is behind every protests and riot including BLM