Leaked 2016 Call Reveals Joe Biden Risked National Security To Sabotage Trump

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By Alex Plitsas

A recently leaked phone call between then-Vice President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko directly after the 2016 presidential election shows that Biden sought to sabotage the incoming Trump administration before Donald Trump even took office, and much worse.

During the course of the call, Biden badmouthed the incoming administration, saying, “The truth of the matter is that the incoming administration doesn’t know a great deal about [Ukraine]” and that they were unprepared for the transition. This in itself is inappropriate, but it was meant to set the stage for Biden’s next statement and future plans.

Biden then told Poroshenko, “I don’t plan on going away. As a private citizen, I plan on staying deeply engaged in the endeavor that you have begun and we have begun.” In a matter of moments, Biden undermined the incoming administration, branded them as not knowing anything about Ukraine, and attempted to set up a foreign policy backchannel for himself after he left office as a private citizen, which could violate the Logan Act.

The Logan Act bars private citizens from engaging in U.S. foreign policy, although its constitutionality remains questionable and no person has ever been convicted of violating it since it was signed into law in 1799. Ironically, this is the same act that, at Joe Biden’s suggestion, the FBI accused National Security Advisor Michael Flynn of violating as a result of a discussion Flynn had with the Russian ambassador to the United States around nearly the same time as Biden’s call with Poroshenko.

To fortify his position and to make Poroshenko more confident that he should continue to deal with Biden once he left office, in the call Biden also intimated that there is a problem with the incoming administration: “The reason I bother to tell you that is I have been somewhat limited on what I am able to tell their team about Ukraine.”

More at The Federalist

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I wonder if this was before or after Biden was suggesting using the Logan Act against Gen. Flynn? Aside from corruption, this is either supreme hypocrisy (not surprising in Democrats) or proof Biden doesn’t even know what the Logan Act is (another distinct possibility).

No doubt Biden was angling to continue protecting his worthless son who, also undoubtedly, was giving Daddy a cut of the take. Biden wanted the Ukrainian government talking to him, not anyone in the Trump administration.

You know, previously Biden and Poroshenko had had a good laugh over the use of the phony “black ledger” to try and sabotage Trump’s campaign.

LEAKED AUDIO: Joe Biden Laughs with Former Ukrainian President about Sabotaging Trump’s Campaign in 2016