P Gosselin:
Good news! This is about one of the most damning pieces on the German climate movement I’ve read this year. An atmosphere of resignation is truly taking hold in Germany’s climate movement. We’re winning!
“Failed tricking their way past democracy”
Germany’s equivalent of the Washington Post, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, has writtenhttp://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/energiewende/klimapolitik-die-rettung-der-welt-ist-ersatzlos-gestrichen-12678882.htmla stinging criticism of Hans Schellnhuber’s WBGU and activists’ efforts to impose a green society on the rest of the world, writing that “the WBGU played high stakes poker, and lost.” The FAZ introduction:
The rescue of the planet has been cancelled. The climate advisory council to the government played high stakes poker. And lost. They failed in tricking their way past democracy.”
In the eyes of one Germany’s leading flagship national dailies, the highly respected Frankfurter Allgemenine Zeitung, the attempted green coup d’état by a small group of elite scientists and activists has come to grinding halt. Germany again narrowly escapes a (soft) tyranny – at least for the time being.
German professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber is the director of Germany’s infamously alarmist Potsdam Institute for Climate impact research, which includes alarmist climate scientist radicals like Stefan Rahmstorf, Anders Levermann and economist Ottmar Edenhofer. For years Schellnhuber’s institute has busily and relentlessly crafted data showing alarming climate change and feeding doomsday scenarios to policymakers and media in an attempt to stampede radical climate policy onto a spooked citizenry.
Schellnhuber is also the director of the WBGU, the German Advisory Council on Global Change. The Council is made up of nine “renowned scientists”. Their primary task: to advise policymakers in Germany and worldwide on how society should act in the face of climate change.
Master plan for transforming global society
Three years ago it authored and released a 446-page “Master Plan” for “The Great Transformation of Global Society”, one that was to put global society on the path to “sustainability” and an almost carbon-free society by 2050. In it, the council pushed policies that would seriously water down democracy. One journalist once summarized: The WBGU is in favor of democracy, but only as long as the people make the right decisions.
The master plan called for a so-called future council, made up of prophet-like wise men, would have the power to veto democratic decisions it felt were not in the best interest of future generations.
Climate protection as morally imperative as abolishing slavery
The FAZ writes that one of the fundamental aims of the WBGU was changing Germany’s constitutional law: climate protection was to become an official state priority and that going green was “as morally imperative as the abolition of slavery“. More importantly, the transformation to a climate protective society had to happen very rapidly. Dissenters were to be marginalized and stigmatized, and so denied real participation.
Though highly controversial, the WBGU never backed down, always insisting that the fate of the planet was in peril and that there could be no compromise – there was no time left and the science was unanimous. The WBGU even called it a test for democracy, claiming that if society failed to act, it would show that democracy doesn’t work.
Failed to trick their way past democracy – frustration
Since the release of the WGBU’s master plan, the world has not heeded its recommendations and CO2 emissions continue their rapid rise unabated. Democracy, it appears, is overwhelmed and is unable to cope with the crisis of climate change. The FAZ asks: “Has democracy failed in its test for its adequacy for the future?”
It looks like the socialist are losing to good sense! (Except that our president will continue to beat a dead horse!) Now, will all of those frauds who pretend they are scientists (Warmists) return the grants we tax payers provided them.
Does this mean I will get my money back from all of those carbon credits I bought?
@Smorgasbord: Sorry, Al Gore say’s no refunds, he’s got expenses. Like keeping his many houses heated and cooled and fueling his plane.
@UpChuck.Liberals: #3
You mean like the house he bought along the ocean that will be covered with water in a few years. I’m guessing that he has flood insurance so that the government will build him a new one.
These climate nazis had it in the bag to destroy the western economies for their own personal gain up until 2009 when somebody hacked that University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit an put megabytes of their data online.
Prior to this, in 2005, 2006 and up to 2009 various scientific researchers were constantly requesting (and being denied) raw data from CRU so as to attempt to replicate their conclusions.
E-mails inside CRU from then showed a pattern of hiding and avoiding sharing such data.
I wonder where we would be on paying for carbon (not a bad element, but a vital one) if hackers had not done their “dirty work?”
@Nanny G: #5
I wonder where we would be on paying for carbon (not a bad element, but a vital one) if hackers had not done their “dirty work?”
Al Gore would have been a trillion-are.