More than 100,000 noncitizens are registered to vote in Pennsylvania alone, according to testimony submitted Monday in a lawsuit demanding the state come clean about the extent of its problems.
The Public Interest Legal Foundation, which has identified similar noncitizen voting problems in studies of Virginia and New Jersey, said Pennsylvania officials have admitted noncitizens have been registering and voting in the state “for decades.”
But state officials have stonewalled PILF requests for access to the data that could expose the problem, the group says in a lawsuit filed in federal court in Harrisburg.
“For months, Pennsylvania bureaucrats have concealed facts about noncitizens registering and voting — that ends today,” PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams said.
He said Pennsylvania had already admitted to a “glitch” dating back to the 1990s that had allowed noncitizens applying to renew driver’s licenses to be offered the chance to register to vote. Mr. Adams said he now wants to find out how bad the problem is overall.
Pennsylvania officials wouldn’t respond to the lawsuit, nor to the 100,000 noncitizen number.
“We’re not going to comment on anything related to litigation,” said Wanda Murren, director of communications and press at the Pennsylvania Department of State.
The 100,000 number cited in the lawsuit comes from testimony given by Philadelphia Commissioner Al Schmidt, who revealed the glitch in the state motor vehicle bureau’s systems that prompted noncitizens to register to vote.
The PILF did manage to obtain some records from county officials and filed some of their findings in the new court case.
One man, Felipe Rojas-Orta, canceled his registration last year, filing a handwritten note saying he was not a citizen. He had, however, registered as a Democrat and voted in three separate elections, including most recently 2016, the year of the presidential race.
Only American Born Citizens or those living in America leagaly should be allowed to vote. This would ruin the Democrats
If they registered, they voted. Probably more than once. The left loves them some voter fraud and, despite this, will STILL ardently oppose voter ID. Combine this with their crooked redistricting and you can tell Democrats are really worried about holding onto Pennsylvania.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: A legal non-citizen having a drivers license doesnt bother me there should be a clear difference visible indicator on the license so they cannot cast a vote, a valid drivers license is a legal form of ID to vote.
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #2:
And how do you know this? Has evidence turned up that any of the people erroneously registered in Pennsylvania actually cast a vote?
As the less slanted report of the computer glitch linked below points out, the hundreds confirmed to have been erroneously registered self-reported the error. They didn’t hurry off to the polls to commit voter fraud.
Schmidt: Could Be ‘Tens Of Thousands’ Of Non-Citizens Who Registered To Vote In Pennsylvania
There’s also this local report:
Seven questions for City Commissioner Al Schmidt about his voting-irregularities report
Why expressly not try to find the actual numbers involved?
Well, as you like to argue it, prove they didn’t. Isn’t that how it works? Make an accusation then it is up to the accused to PROVE it didn’t happen? Also, based upon your own way of thinking, if there are accusations, that MEANS they are true.
Except, there is one difference here; it HAPPENS. It HAS been proven. Of course you again have argued that the numbers that have been convicted are small, as if every one was caught.
Why are non-citizens even registering? Well, mostly because Democrats encourage them to. Democrats have been caught numerous times registering illegal immigrants and telling them to vote… telling them they won’t get caught (that’s a wonder way to create good citizens).
Why do Democrats cheat, lie and corrupt things so much?
Pur B— S— The 1st President of the 21st century said so! Clearly an American President would not lie! Well maybe he did on WMD – – BUT ONLY THAT 1 TIME!
Uh…because it said so in the article, you idiot.
@Bill… Deplorable Me, #5:
What I’m arguing in this case is that no assumptions should be made and taken as established truth without supporting evidence.
I won’t assert that no one voted who shouldn’t have. I don’t know that for a fact.
What we do know for a fact is that a voter registration problem resulted from a processing error, and that those who were erroneously registered as a result need to be identified removed from the voter rolls. A hundred or more caught the registration error themselves and brought it to the attention of the proper officials.
@Nathan Blue, #7:
No, the article most definitely DOES NOT say that. The article cites a single known case of one man who was erroneously registered and then voted.
Perhaps an idiot might read the article and imagine that’s what it says. Non-idiots tend to have better reading comprehension stills.
Hmmm…I wonder why this is considered a non-issue.
I’m fairly certain if there was evidence that any non-citizens had registered and/or voted Republican, the Dem’s would be demanding the voter rolls be purged of any and all non-citizens and calling for the resignations of any officials that allowed it to take place.
January 27, 2018 — Former Colorado GOP chairman sentenced for voter fraud
Evidence, no doubt, of a massive, pro-republican voter fraud campaign conducted by divorced republican diabetics…
Trump dissolved his commission searching for voter fraud. That won’t change Republican support for voter-ID laws.
Greg, you said “ANY” evidence that an erroneously registered non-citizen actually voted – THEN included the evidence that at least one erroneously registered non-citizen had cast votes in three elections in your own response – and STILL think that only an idiot would draw that conclusion from the article?
You’re in the hole, Greg…the best action is to stop digging…
@Jay, #12:
Did you even read post #4 and see the statement I was taking issue with?
That’s in reference to some 100,000 people thought to have been erroneously registered as a result of processing problem when they legally applied for Pennsylvania driver’s licenses.
There’s absolutely no evidence supporting the assertion that if they were erroneously registered, they voted, and probably more than once.
Nothing in the article says that, or should lead any reasonably attentive reader to conclude that. It is not an established fact. It is not even a reasonable assumption, since there’s nothing indicating it to be the case.
People were erroneously registered, through no fault of their own. One is known to have voted, apparently not understanding that he wasn’t qualified to do so. He cancelled his registration when he found out that he wasn’t.
@Greg: Do you disagree that they should be removed from the voter registration and further a new license be issued identifying them as guests, not eligible to vote?
Of course they should be removed. And yes, their licenses should clearly indicate that they are not eligible to vote.
@Greg: #13
I did.
Did you read YOUR own statement in #4 where YOU said ANY?
Ergo, by definition, the fact that there is at least one known instance (which you, yourself referenced) where a non-citizen was erroneously registered AND voted (more than once!) meets your stated standard of ‘any’…
Making Nathan’s statement perfectly accurate.
@Jay, #16:
Indeed. I concede. Score one point for the linguistically fastidious among us, and give yourselves each a gold star.
Getting back to what’s actually relevant about Post #4, does the single example of Felipe Rojas-Orta logically support a conclusion that 100,000 accidentally registered individuals subsequently voted, most likely more than once? Does one individual out of 100,000 tell us anything at all about the entire group?
The answer would be no, it does not.
Oh. You mean like Trump colluding with Russians? Like Trump obstructing justice? Like Trump accosting women? Like Hillary didn’t lie about Benghazi? Like Hillary didn’t traffic classified information on her secret, private, unsecured server? You make nothing BUT make assumptions without any basis in truth.
Oh. Really?
Hey, remind me again who it is that screams “voter suppression!!” and “voter disenfranchisement!” every time someone starts going through the registrations and purging the dead and ex-residents. Oh, yeah, I remember. YOU.
Oh, so they caught that one gal. Job well done! Problem solved!
How is one “erroneously registered”? Is ID not required when registering? Do non-citizens not KNOW they can’t vote (I know Democrats do all they can to confuse the issue, but ignorance is no defense)? I can’t see “erroneous” from either the registrar or the registered. That is about a weak as Kate Steinle being killed by an “erroneous” discharge of a stolen weapon.
Does someone need to find you a definition of “probably” as well? By the way, one doesn’t “accidentally” register to vote.
See, Jay, Greg NEVER jumps on an accusation bandwagon and makes politically motivated and expedient accusations. When the accusations involve his own party’s penchant for voter fraud, as exhibited in EVERY modern election, he requires dates, times, names and affidavits. Nothing so thin as “Trump won, so he must have colluded with Russians. Begin impeachment proceedings” will do when Democrat voter fraud is concerned.
@Greg: OH MY #15…that is the FIRST sensible thing you’ve said on this site since….EVER. Are you feeling ok? Really, we’re worried about you,
There are very good reasons why the Trump campaign and administration are the focus of multiple investigations—a fact that seems to be abundantly clear to just about everyone but their followers.
Yeah, because whining and crying doesn’t seem to collect as many votes as it used to.
No gold stars necessary…
However, when someone makes a statement such as:
Forgive me if my pedantic tendencies view it as a challenge.
As for the linguistically fastidious among us, at least those with decent memories, I will pass along my gold star from Greg to the first poster to correctly identify the President who said – “It depends upon what your definition of ‘is’ is.”
Which is why some of us actually do pay attention to the words lefties use.
And, FWIW, my reading comprehension stills…errr, skills are just fine.
100,000? No.
Likely more than one?
I’d say the chances are better than the left’s chances of finding any Russian collusion (by anyone other than Democrats).
I’d like to see the level of effort wasted on that applied to identifying (and removing) non-citizens from the voting rolls.
@an ol exJarhead: Actually Jarhead, there were WMDs. He didn’t lie!
To give Greg his due, I did a little more research on just how common voter fraud might be in Pennsylvania.
It was apparently taking place long before Trump Derangement Syndrome was a thing – one might come to the conclusion a certain major political party just can’t stand a fair fight.
I guess Democrats gotta Democrat…
This one is current (2017). Note – ‘hundreds’ is more than one.
Note that these are not the results of a statistical analysis of all registrations – this is only the group of folks who have voluntarily requested they be removed from the rolls because they are ineligible.
But the documented number of ineligible votes in PA is now greater than one…
Curious as to what happened when someone tried to obtain the data to perform an analysis?
These are not significant numbers – at least not yet.
But the fact that the state is stonewalling the release of data that would substantiate the actual level of non-citizen registrations – along with the above linked sudden departure of the chief election official right before the hearing on that subject – does cause one to speculate.
I’m also still curious why Facebook ads purchased by foreign entities are somehow ‘unacceptable interference’ in our national electoral process while actual voting by foreign nationals in our elections is somehow apparently just fine?
I realize the left has decided they somehow get to pick and choose which laws they obey, but still, federal law states you must be a citizen to vote in a federal election, subject to fines, imprisonment and/or deportation.
Yet, as Greg himself presented as a point to somehow support his position, the voter fraud inquiry has been dropped, for now, because so many Democrat precincts would not cooperate. Gosh, I wonder why they won’t participate? And vehemently oppose photo voter ID? Anyone have any guesses?
Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud
Are you aware of what information Trump’s commission requested from every state in the union?
If the Obama administration had ever made such a request, conservatives would have gone totally ballistic. It wasn’t only democratic-leaning states that found the commission’s request unacceptable. The backlash was bipartisan.
@Greg: On June 28, 2017 Kobach wrote a letter in conjunction with the Department of Justice jeeze who would think the anti Trump DOJ would FU an investigation?
@Greg: #26
Actually Greg (better sit down…), I will agree with you that the type and amount of data requested by the Trump commission was an overreach.
I will take issue, though with the ‘no state has uncovered significant evidence to support the president’s claim‘ statement given that nobody seems willing to look.
Logic and common sense would dictate that you have to look for it before you can find it.
Apparently Pennsylvania wasn’t looking and still has uncovered more than a thousand instances of non-eligible voters (who were nonetheless registered to vote) voluntarily removing themselves from the voting rolls.
You agreed in #15 that those not legally entitled to vote should be removed from the voter registration lists.
In all seriousness, do you have a suggestion for a less-invasive, bipartisan-acceptable means of finding and removing ineligible voters?
Obama would have illegally mined it. He’s got a rep for that.