by Ace
Wow, I’m so surprised by this news.
I’m sure you’re all shocked. I should have given you a Fainting Warning.
Not only does Latrina say she’ll continue calling Trump a “threat to democracy,” despite the assassination attempt and President Dessicated Husk’s insincere call to “lower the temperature,” but Democrats admit they’re all lying when they claim they’re afraid Trump is a dictator-in-waiting. See end of post.
Biden ignores questions about his incendiary rhetoric as he shuffles out of the White House and heads to Nevada
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 15, 2024
The left understood full well that Biden’s phony call to “lower the temperature” was not directed at them, only at the ultra-MAGA extremists, as the United in Chief calls us:
The March on the RNC is now underway in Milwaukee. Protesters are chanting, “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA!”
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) July 15, 2024
From last week: Ezra Klein admitted on another pointless “Bulwark” podcast that behind the scenes, Democrats do not believe Trump is Hitler or a dictator in waiting — they’re just cynically claiming this for political reasons (and to encourage their assassins to take care of him).
Here's the GALLING exchange with @ezraklein about his conversations with Top Democrats who are resigned to Trump.
— Tim Miller (@Timodc) July 10, 2024
How many tine was this Moron dropped on his head?! Biden’s our biggest threat and the United Nations as well
I hope Trump is a threat to “democracy,”
I’m in good company hoping that Trump is a threat to democracy:
Democracy is mob rule — a reign of terror; when the majority, imperfectly acuainted with the facts and the arguments on which sound political judgments must be founded, and necessarily the most ignorant portion of the community, have the power to exercise, by their greater number, a tyranny over the more enlightened minority. James Platt -1888
Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. John Adams – 1881
Democrats have nothing else. They need to vilify the opposition as evil threats because they cannot promote their own record or even their own agenda moving forward as anything that is good for Americans, America or the world.
Democrats record, in a just world, would land them in prison for life.
He said he is “on the horse”. What… as in addicted to heroin? Did Hunter get him jacked up on drugs, too?
democrats are in deep shit with puddin’ brain as their candidate. And, for now it looks as if he will continue to be as time is moving past optimal replacement.
Hey kids from the memory hole this is what average Democrats did or…were they?
Dems couldn’t keep the temperature down if they wanted to.
Dems, including joe, base their rhetoric on feelings, not facts.
joe and Latrina have each already ramped their speech back up to full on hate/fear-mongoring.
But since joe is a sacrificial lamb, set up to fail, dems only really care about down ballot races.
They base their rhetoric on NEED. They tell whatever lie they NEED to tell to support their agenda. Thus, they will tell ANY lie necessary. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s lie filter is either turned off or inoperative; he lies for the sake of lying, but he will still lie for effect.