by Ace
No, really: They’ve decided to take jurisdiction in a local dog-napping because of the possibility that MAGA Terrorists kidnapped the dog because this idiot sang (or warbled) at Joe Biden’s (fake) inauguration.
FBI investigates whether the dognapping of Lady Gaga’s bulldogs was politically motivated because she sang at Biden’s inauguration
The FBI is reportedly probing whether the dognapping of Lady Gaga’s bulldogs was politically motivated
Source claimed it could be politically motivated since she sang at President Joe Biden’s inauguration
The revelation that Gaga’s dogs could have been ‘stolen for ransom’ comes just hours after horrifying video showed the moment her dog’s walker, Ryan Fischer, was shot in the chest in Los Angeles on Wednesday night
Fischer, 30, had been walking Gaga’s beloved dogs Koji, Miss Asia and Gustav, when he was shot in the chest
Two of Gaga’s dogs, Koji and Gustav, were stolen while her third bulldog, Miss Asia, managed to escape
…It’s currently unclear whether Gaga’s dogs were specifically targeted, but French bulldogs are in high demand and can sell for as much as $10,000 if they have pedigree lineage
Gaga, 34, is offering a $500,000 reward for the safe return of Gustav and Koji ‘no questions asked’
Without ransom demand (made by interstate communications), this is a purely local crime.
But the FBI wants to meet some celebrities, and also wants to target half the country as criminal terrorists, so.
There’s no evidence for this claim. This is all just speculation — or, more accurately, optimism on the FBI’s part that they can conduct further political investigations.
Meanwhile, the FBI takes the position that Antifa needs no investigating because it’s just an ideology.
While also meanwhile:
Round up the usual suspects; Trump supporters who like dogs. I’m glad bleeding heart liberal Gaga can’t think of any better use for a half million dollars than to rescue two dogs.
Anyone doubt if a Trump supporter lost a dog and the federal government was sic’d on the case to find who did it there wouldn’t be impeachment proceedings and a Congressional investigation (in that order) to find out who was behind the misappropriation of resources? It usually takes a couple of months for a regime to completely fall apart; the idiot Biden has done it in record time. What an absolutely sorry excuse for government.
Now wait a minute.
Shouldn’t the lede have been Dog walker SHOT IN THE CHEST as celebrity dogs taken and ransom demanded.
But NO!
So, how is that poor dog walker?
Did he live?
Just like id’ing Jussie Smallett in the dark, who would even know these were dogs worth money before they took them?
And also just like in the Jussie Smallett case the perps were “two black men.”
MAGA black men, I guess.
A bulldog is a bulldog.
If it had a tag with a phone# the dognapper would call and try to get cash for it.
But really?
Targeting a dog for what a woman did on a job?
Makes so little sense.
really, this is media news? get a grip on reality. if the bitch was so concerned she could have had GPS sensors placed in the dogs. expensive dog food.
@MOS#8541: The news is that Lady CaCa is a self-absorbed, selfish bitch that will pay $500,000 to get dogs back (how many LA homeless would that help?) no questions asked, which means she doesn’t care about the guy walking her dogs that got shot. Yep, that’s a Biden supporter.
20 years ago when Bush made Mueller FBI head he turned FBI into Stasi! Still is Stasi! Mein herr!
It’s fine by me if the FBI investigates a case where some worthless piece of sh*t shot a man in the chest to steal a celebrity’s dogs. That said, why does anyone believe the FBI really is involved?
Oh happy days Lady Gag gets her little fat dogs back .
@Deplorable Me:
Lady Gaga has supported more charities than you can imagine:
She doesn’t care about the man who was shot? She called him a hero!
Deplorable Me, why do you post such hateful and horrible misinformation on this website?
@Richard Krantz: So, how much would $500K help a charity? She cares about her dog walker? She offers a reward for the dogs no questions asked. She doesn’t ask for justice for the guy shot in the chest.
I post in exactly the same spirit and character as you leftists. If you see it as “hateful and horrible”, then do some self-examination. I post NO misinformation. The facts here stand for themselves. This selfish bitch is just like the vast majority of other liberals; she doesn’t care about human life, she cares about he possessions, the things that prop up her brittle feelings. She wouldn’t have supported the idiot, racist, rapist, child-groping Biden if she had any character or integrity. Same as anyone else.
Why do you support those who support racism, political terrorism and violence, cancel culture, totalitarianism and persecution?
@Richard Krantz: She is a selfish bitch. This is a perfect example. She also supported a racist pedophile for president. Indeed, it is absurd, almost as absurd as someone grasping at straws to defend it.
By the way, show me where she “donated millions” or even $100 of her own money, to ANYTHING.
No sense replying to the idiot. It’s our resident unhinged Gary Miller doing his sock puppet routine. The man has no life obviously
@Richard Krantz: Awww… you got spanked. Your link doesn’t show how much money is involved or, like most left wing fraudulent “charities”, how much goes to salaries, “expenses” and perks and how much goes to charity.
Only a selfish skank would support the idiot Biden as she did.
@kitt: Has anyone considered the possibility the dogs had themselves stolen to get away from this flakey broad?
@Deplorable Me: Pretty obvious the dognappers were racist, they didnt take the little black dog.
Dogs recovered, safe and sound.
Walker will also recover, non-life threatening wounds, not due to not trying.
Police seem ready to drop the entire affair.
Will arrests even be pursued?
@kitt: Absolutely!
@Nan G: Probably afraid it can’t be pinned on “white supremacists “.
If the FBI was capable of promoting a conspiracy theory that Trump colluded with Russia, based on a paid hoax-document provided by the losing candidate Hillary, and if they could help to install an unelected dictator in the way of Resident Biden, they are capable of anything.