LA Times: Coronavirus Cases Are Rising So It Must Have Been Old White People Having Cookouts on Memorial Day Because There Were No Mass Gatherings During This Period That Could Have Accounted for a Rise in Infections Among the Young

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And also: Probably Trump.

See tweets below. The point made in the headline was made by others, including Steven Miller and Noah Rothman.

As Instapundit said last week:

[H]ave you noticed that the rise in case numbers comes 1-2 incubation periods after those massive protests that public health people encouraged? And among the age groups that were most likely to protest? If you did, it was probably on your own, and not with the help of the media coverage.

Meanwhile, Paul Krugman is cheering on the mass deaths of older Americans who oppose his radical progressive politics:

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The left blamed the protests against Michigan’s oppressive quarantining rules as certain to release a flood of new cases. Nothing happened.

Now they are desperately pointing fingers everywhere but the chaotic, irresponsible, screaming, spitting masses of tens of thousands out day after day after day as a factor in the current rise in cases.

Excellent graphic proofs here.
Testing went way up (500,000 tests per day)
so cases identified went up.
BUT the number of deaths per day, or week, are not going up.

believing the cdc is like a democrap-farting rainbows and dancing with unicorns. so all the protesters do not spread or have the virus?? Amazing that old people’s cookouts produced this spike. and what about all the homeless in shitholes like la ., san fran., and chi ??
-a much more serious dx is brewing. rats and flees=bubonic plague. it is just a matter of time when this explodes in the homeless camps.

The Trumpian blame shifting is as predictable as the COVID-19 surge was itself. It invariably comes right after denial stops working.

From The Salt Lake City Tribune, June 30, 2020:

“Our hospitals are full of COVID patients who are in their 40s, some in their 30s,” said Dr. Brandon Webb, chair of the COVID-19 Therapeutics Committee at Intermountain Healthcare. “This is not just a disease of the aged.”

The age group with the most people hospitalized is the 45-to-64 range, he said, with just over 40% of all hospitalizations. The elderly, considered between the ages of 65 and 84, and the 25-to-44 group are nearly tied for second, each with just under a quarter of all hospitalizations.

It probably spiked among the elderly first owing to reduced immunity and community spread in nursing homes and health care environments. Once it moved into the general population, all age groups have proved to be susceptible.

@Greg: Thanks, protesters. Thanks, Democrats.

@Deplorable Me, #6:

Refer to post #4.

@Greg: #7, refer to #6.

Twisting the data to fit their agenda? Im shocked I must say, just shocked.

@Greg: How did it get into the nursing homes? it didnt move out of them as most were in lockdown, no visitors.
The hospitals are full of covid because they test everyone admitted then mark them as covid even for other medical conditions, fear mongering wont work. We are getting our info from ground zero. We have linked to it,you choose to ignore the information and just Blame Trump.

@Greg: Sort of buried the lede, Greg?
All thru the entire panic that is covid coverage, a few over 1,000 people in Utah had been in hospitals.
But only 200 patients are being hospitalized for COVID-19 in all of Utah right now.
And, if we were to dig, this actually means a lot of people who finally came in for other medical procedures and were tested were found positive for covid, whether THAT was the reason they were hospitalized or not.
Utah’s doctors will test everyone because there’s MONEY in having a covid case in their hospital.
Even if the patient is only there for a tonsilectomy or other minor one-day stay for another reason.

@Nan G: Wait til they begin the antibody tests, which show positive for all corona relatives. Caught a cold you were a super spreader of covid. You killed people and are evil.
Why, why, why did you go out for toilet paper or food?

@kitt, #10:

A COVID-19 nursing home fatality that I personally knew caught it from an agency nursing home aid who filled in on demand at multiple nursing homes. She infected 5 patients at the one facility in a single day. She was the only common denominator, and when tested was found to be positive. She was taking the infection with her to every nursing home where she filled in for an absent employee.

@Nan G:

But only 200 patients are being hospitalized for COVID-19 in all of Utah right now.

How many were there a week ago? Or two weeks ago?

As of February 11, there was only one confirmed COVID-19 case in the entire Western Hemisphere.

We’re going to deny ourselves right into an economic depression.

@Greg: Add to that Cuomo ASSURING there were victims in nursing homes. THOUSANDS. HE did it. Other Democrats did as well.

And then, after all that; after it was under control and the economy could finally slowly and carefully open… the left unleashed mobs of irresponsible, selfish, careless, protesters, rioters and looters that destroyed any gain from the multi-trillion dollar shut down.

Thanks, Democrats.

@Greg: How many were there a week ago? Or two weeks ago?

As of February 11, there was only one confirmed COVID-19 case in the entire Western Hemisphere.

We’re going to deny ourselves right into an economic depression.

Too late, Greg.
We are already beginning an economic recovery after the lies of Dr Fauci led to a panic and economic depression.
(Remember? He wanted the masks all for his own medical people so he LIED to us all telling us masks wouldn’t do us any good……now they are mandatory in more than a few states. He wants us to use an expensive medication, not zinc plus HCQ. Turns out he has a financial interest in the expensive medication. Altho the vast majority of deaths are in the older age group, he insisted schools close, young adults work from home, almost all social gatherings stop, the economy grinds to a near halt. Turns out, older people can protect themselves while the economy opens for all and schools could open, too)

As to the 200 cases all over Utah, Greg, those include asymptomatic people having medical procedures in hospitals as well as the false positives that come from having the common cold.

Great jobs and unemployment numbers today, they will really need to turn up the volume on the Kung Flu.
90% decrease in death.
Our president ready to assist the States, need PPE, doctors, beds, ventilators they are ready.
Dr Fauchi who has been wrong at every turn, a liar in some, can according to the Lt Governor of Texas just STFU.(not an exact quote)

Texas needs to control its idiots.

July 2, 2020 – ‘We don’t live in a communist country!’: battle over masks rages in Texas

Seriously. Masks reduce the spread of a highly contagious illness that kills people, and that could leave our nation’s economy in ruins. What the hell is wrong with these people? When did being an assertive, totally self-centered jackass become patriotic?

We are already beginning an economic recovery after the lies of Dr Fauci led to a panic and economic depression.

Dr. Fauci has lied about nothing.

The number of COVID-19 deaths in the US is now over 130,000.

The new case surge will result in a peak hospital admission surge two to four weeks from now, which will in turn result in a surge in deaths in the weeks immediately following that.

@Greg: It all boils down to that with your politial marxist ideology

needs to control

Control, Texas with fewer cases than NY and Cali. who locked down tight.

399K NY

240K California

175K Texas

174K New Jersey

159K Florida

June 2, 2020 – Herman Cain is receiving treatment for coronavirus at an Atlanta hospital

“We honestly have no idea where he contracted it. I realize people will speculate about the Tulsa rally, but Herman did a lot of traveling the past week, including to Arizona where cases are spiking. I don’t think there’s any way to trace this to the one specific contact that caused him to be infected. We’ll never know,” Dan Calabrese, who has been editor of since 2012, said Thursday in a post on Cain’s website.

At least eight Trump advance team staffers who attended the Tulsa rally tested positive for coronavirus.

After interacting with several colleagues who later tested positive, all of Trump’s campaign staffers who attended his Tulsa rally quarantined the following week, CNN previously reported.

Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh told CNN that Cain did not meet with Trump at the Tulsa rally.

“Contact tracing was conducted after the Tulsa rally but we do not comment regarding the medical information of individuals. Regardless, Mr. Cain did not meet with the President,” Murtaugh said.

@Greg: People not rioting over left-wing construed false racism would prevent the out of control spread of the virus. If you GAVE A SHIT about the spread of the virus you would agree. But the violent left wing agenda is too important to you.

@kitt: NY and Ca had the most “protests” as well. But, of course, those have no impact.

Sanity may be setting in…

July 2, 2020 – Gov. Abbott issues executive order requiring all Texans to wear masks or face coverings in public – The order will affect Texans in any county reporting 20 or more coronavirus cases

In order to support the most important political objectives of the DNC writ large in the 2020 election, COVID-19 hype is essential:

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily achieve ‘mail-in’ voting; which they desperately need in key battleground states in order to control the outcome.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot shut down rallies and political campaigning efforts of President Trump; which they desperate need to do in key battleground states.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot block the campaign contrast between an energetic President Trump and a physically tenuous, mentally compromised, challenger.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have an excuse for cancelling the DNC convention in Milwaukee; thereby blocking Team Bernie Sanders from visible opposition while protecting candidate gibberish from himself.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have a mechanism to keep voters isolated from each-other; limiting communication and national debate adverse to their interests. COVID-19 panic pushes the national conversation into the digital space where Big Tech controls every element of the conversation.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot keep their Blue state economies easily shut-down and continue to block U.S. economic growth. All thriving economies are against the political interests of Democrats.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily keep club candidate Joe Biden sealed in the basement; where the electorate is not exposed to visible signs of his dementia.

♦Without COVID-19 panic it becomes more difficult for Big Tech to censor voices that would outline the fraud and scheme. With COVID-19 panic they have a better method and an excuse.

♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot advance, influence, or organize their preferred presidential debate format, a ‘virtual presidential debate’ series.

[Comrade Gretchen Whitmer knows this plan, hence she cancelled the Michigan venue]

All of these, and more, strategic outcomes are based on the manufactured weaponization of the COVID-19 virus to achieve a larger political objective. There is ZERO benefit to anyone other than Democrats for the overwhelming hype surrounding COVID-19.

It is not coincidental that all corporate media are all-in to facilitate the demanded fear that Democrats need in order to achieve their objectives. Thus there is an alignment of all big government institutions and multinationals to support the same.

Nothing is coincidental. Everything is political.

@kitt: Fighting HCQ is merely another part of the left wanting the epidemic to be worse and last longer.

@July 4th American:

Have the words “Here lies COVID-19 Hype” been inscribed on over 130,000 tombstones? I suppose the death count is easy to deny when the dead aren’t all collected together for a group photograph.

The virus has adapted since it was first identified. The current prevailing mutation appears to be more contagious. The comparative lethality isn’t yet known. Nor is it clear if the mutation is why COVID-19 illness is now turning up more frequently in younger people than in older people. Whatever the reason might be, 55 percent of new surge cases are now people under 45 years of age. It might simply be because younger people are more socially active than their elders. Older people have been taking a lot more precautions. They’re likely to spend a lot more time at home.


Shove it up your ass

@Greg: Of course, probably 20% aren’t actually COVID deaths; just filler. Speaking of “hype”.

@July 4th American:

Sorry, but I’d rather take it to the ballot box.

how does one vote for an already deceased democrat nominee?
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