KJP spills the beans: it’s socialism for the US

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Equity: Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.

Someone else wrote about this:

From each according to his abilities to each according to his needs.

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Biden is remaking America into Third World Poverty Pocket to appease the UN,CFR Globalists

His results are already living up to socialist standards: shortages and misery for everyone but the leadership elite.

Stupidity is the ultimate enemy of all human civilization.

BREAKING: Another Hunter Biden WhatsApp Message to Chinese CEFC Associate – “The Biden’s Are the Best I Know at Doing What the Chairman Wants”

“I’m Moving On” – White House Spox Dodges Questions on Whether Merrick Garland Committed Perjury (VIDEO)

Smackdown. Jack Smith motion rejected by Judge Aileen Cannon.
Smith tried to keep witness list secret.

As the Biden family’s corruption scandals heat up, an increasing number of Republicans are calling for Joe Biden to be impeached, including Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the chairman of the powerful House Judiciary Committee.

Stupidity is the ultimate enemy of all human civilization.

Hmmm. Really. Then tell me, is it smart or stupid to believe idiot Biden is going to build a railroad across the Indian Ocean? Is it smart or stupid to ignore the now verified and validated evidence on Hunter’s laptop? Is it smart or stupid to refuse to accept the credible accusation that idiot Biden took a $5 million bribe when the physical circumstantial evidence all points towards that being the total truth? Is it smart or stupid to continue to believe Trump was a Russian asset, despite all the proof it was made up and propagated for the sole purpose of destroying Trump?

DEMOCRATS are the ultimate enemy of US civilization. They exploit stupidity and put idiots like idiot Biden and Kamala the whore to connect with the stupid.

You’d have to be a moron to believe Biden intends to build a railroad across the Indian Ocean. Do you ever stop to think how idiotic such accusations sound?

Biden isn’t in charge of anything. He’s what is called a “puppet ruler,” and it’s all coming out.

You should be back in your hole, greg. You’re not welcome here.

You’d have to be a moron to believe Biden intends to build a railroad across the Indian Ocean. Do you ever stop to think how idiotic such accusations sound?

Do you know what an “accusation” is? I’m not accusing idiot Biden of anything; HE SAID IT. Do you ever consider how stupid some idiot SAYING they were going to build a railroad across the Indian Ocean sounds and looks? How about how stupid a moron that keeps defending this corrupt, lying, treasonous pedophile looks? Ever think about that?

I guess the bottom line here is YOU are calling idiot Biden stupid. Finally you nailed one.

Trump said he had America’s contingency plans for an attack on Iran, that he had never declassified them, and was recorded showing them to people and bragging about it.

Where’s that on your bottom line?

He unilaterally blew off Obama’s nuclear agreement and never replaced it, so the secrecy of such contingency plans is about as important as a state secret gets.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Trump said he had America’s contingency plans for an attack on Iran, that he had never declassified them, and was recorded showing them to people and bragging about it.

The point is moot, jackass smith does not have the document

Iran memo not among the 31 records underlying charges in Trump federal indictment

He unilaterally blew off Obama’s nuclear agreement and never replaced it, so the secrecy of such contingency plans is about as important as a state secret gets.

The Iran deal was one of the worst things obama did moron. It was not an obligation of the US never having been voted by the Senate as a treaty. White rage milley drafted the plan, Trump shot it down idiot.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

You got played….again..

CBS Report, Mysterious DoD Iran Attack Memo Does Not Exist and Is Not Part of Jack Smith Case Against Trump

So, the DOJ leaks “evidence” that “looks bad” but means nothing. What a totally chickenshit organization. Once the most respected system of justice on the planet, now nothing but an organized crime protection racket.

As my previous post showed the original story has been debunked. Maybe you and your UK paper should try to keep up.

“But, Trump! But, Trump! But, Trump!” Answer the f**king question: is it STUPID for idiot Biden to SAY he was going to build a railroad across the Indian Ocean? Is it STUPID to support this incompetent, corrupt pedophile when you have EVIDENCE he is an incompetent, corrupt pedophile? You never had any evidence of Trump having done anything wrong, yet you promoted it; here you have ample evidence idiot Biden is corrupt and you STILL grovel at his filthy feet.

An AUDIO recording of Trump holding up a paper? Now, how stupid is it to go apoplectic over THAT stupidity?

“The Deranged Special Prosecutor, Jack Smith, working in conjunction with the DOJ & FBI, illegally leaked and “spun” a tape and transcript of me which is actually an exoneration, rather than what they would have you believe. This continuing Witch Hunt is another ELECTION INTERFERENCE Scam. They are cheaters and thugs!”

Trump needs a time out, confined to his playpen.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Trump needs another term as President with an administration that shares his goal of ridding this nation of the kind of scum that rigs and interferes in elections, engaged in political prosecutions and puts ideology before the law, Constitution and the US citizens.

Idiot Biden is a pedophile and criminal.

What kind of stupid moron can support idiot Biden? Oh… that’s right.

So long as Trumputin is the only other choice, anybody with a brain will support Biden.

What? Do they feel bad for him? Brain transplants aren’t a thing yet, but I can see why you might want to lend Biden your brain…


biden will not be the democrat nominee, full stop

It’s going to be Newsom.

Supreme Court rejects right-wing effort to elevate state legislatures above federal election law:

The Federal Government isn’t authoritative anymore.

So, is the Supreme Court corrupt or legit now?

Clarence Thomas isn’t happy the Supreme Court went out of its way to shoot down a fringe right-wing elections theory
Of course not. It might cost him an all-expenses-paid luxury vacation.

Broadly, the theory at the heart of Moore v. Harper — known as the “independent state legislature” theory — would give state lawmakers nearly unchecked power to gerrymander electoral maps and upend federal elections…

Funny that the trolls on Twitter all lit up with the same misdirection and same story, trying to lynch Thomas and accuse the Right of doing what the Left is doing: cheating elections.

Last edited 1 year ago by Nathan Blue

Why do you suppose that is? How about, because he’s secretly taken hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of freebees from billionaires with conservative agendas, and now everybody knows about it? Could that have anything to do with lots of people singing the same tune???

Funny that the trolls on Twitter all lit up with the same misdirection and same story, trying to lynch Thomas and accuse the Right of doing what the Left is doing: cheating elections.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

You’ve got him confused with Sotomayor.

Eh…maybe…er, probably not.


You’ve shown you are willing to invent crimes.

Nothing you people say is credible.

It’s not a “theory”… it’s in the Constitution.

How America Became an IdiocracyThere are Three Kinds of American Idiots — and Between Them, The World’s Richest and Most Powerful Country is Collapsing

Biden is installed. He sold his office. He’s not the president.

And we just paid Russia 6.2 Billion.

You should take a hike for awhile.

06/27/23 – Most countries express confidence in Biden, US: poll

Most people around the world in a new survey have largely positive views of the U.S. and President Biden, according to data from the Pew Research Center.

The poll, released Tuesday, found that 59 percent of people surveyed globally view the U.S. favorably, with 30 percent responding unfavorably. Similarly, 54 percent of respondents have confidence in Biden, compared to 39 percent with little confidence.

Support for the U.S. is strongest in Poland, Israel, South Korea, Nigeria, Japan and Kenya. Much of the increase in support in Poland is due to U.S. support for the war in Ukraine, researchers said.

Only Hungary did not have a majority-favorable view of the U.S. among surveyed countries.

Researchers this spring polled over 27,000 people from 23 countries all over the world, many of which are U.S. allies.

In previous surveys, confidence in the president was lower during the Trump administration. The difference was most significant in middle-income nations like Brazil, researchers said. There, Biden’s 44 percent confidence rating this year is a significant improvement from Trump’s 29 percent in 2019.

Similarly, in Mexico, confidence in the president has returned to near the levels of the Obama administration to 43 percent, rising from near-single digits during the Trump administration.

The survey also analyzed respondents’ thoughts on America’s role in the world and influence through media, culture, education and economics.

A strong majority, 82 percent, of those surveyed agreed that the U.S. interferes in other countries’ affairs, but about half said that interference contributes to world peace.

A rising number of respondents also said that the U.S. is the strongest economic power over China, with 41 percent answering the U.S. and 33 percent China. Researchers noted double-digit improvement in that metric compared to 2020 in Germany, Sweden and Japan.

Last I checked those places don’t have US ballot boxes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mully

False. Most countries, and citizens, know he’s unelected and they are very, very concerned about the state of the world when the US becomes a totalitarian state, as it has.

Most countries love it when the US has a putz in the White House. It makes the US easier to take advantage of. Mexico, for example, loves it when the US takes all their impoverished citizens to make money up here, as they live off of taxpayer subsidies, and send billions of dollars back home.

They don’t like it so much when someone like Trump puts America and American citizens first. Obviously, neither do Democrats. They like the atmosphere of stupidity that exists under Democrats making it easier to steal taxpayer money.

Yeah, stupid.. we DO remember what the economy was like when you got here.

A message from the near future:

“While you were so worried Socialism

would take your freedoms,

Capitalism stole your pension, took

your savings, sent your jobs

overseas, robbed you of health care,

dismantled the educational system,

and put you in debt, leaving you only

your racism, xenophobia, hate, &


Reserve data indicates that as of Q4 2021, the top 1% of households in the United States held 32.3% of the country’s wealth, while the bottom 50% held 2.6%.

Biden SNAPS At Reporter Asking if He was Involved In Hunter’s “Chinese Shake-Down Text Message” (VIDEO)

IT WAS ALL A LIE: Dirty Jack Smith Leaked Trump Milley Audio to Fake News to Taint Jury Pool and Smear Trump – But It IS NOT Part of Bogus Indictments Against President Trump

“Bidenomics”: White House Launches Campaign to Gaslight Americans on Economy Just Weeks After Dementia Joe Said, “I didn’t realize I had Bidenomics going”

Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it

Joseph Goebbels said it, Joe (idiot) Biden lives by it.


Everyone in America is rich.

Communism…just another play.

Never in this country, greg.

You understand me, Ping?


Go fish out some gutter oil, boy, while I go to whole foods and pick from 20 different cooking oils.

THERE’S your “Bidenomics”. Same as Obamanomics. While the economy is depressed and small businesses are struggling, those with the resources can buy up assets and grow richer. Under Trump, the entire economy across the board rose up. Democrat economies only benefit the predators.