Karma, Bitches -The most powerful American institutions colluded in 2020 to steal the election for Joe Biden. Now those same interests are collaborating to get him off the 2024 ballot. Sit back and enjoy!

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by Julie Kelly

Let’s savor just a few of the delicious ironies right now, shall we?

  • The man installed in the White House thanks to illegal voting using COVID as an excuse—now has COVID.
  • That same man who is primarily responsible for perpetuating the January 6 “insurrection” narrative is now the target of an intraparty coup.
  • The same Democratic Party deviants who colluded behind the scenes to destroy Donald Trump’s chances of reelection in 2020 are privately and publicly begging their own deviant leader not to destroy the party’s chances to keep the White House and Senate and regain the House of Representatives.
  • The same major news organizations involved in a “shadow campaign” to put Biden in the White House are conducting their own not-so-shadow campaign to take Biden off the presidential ballot.
  • A NeverTrump Republican who converted to MAGA doctrine over the past few years is Donald Trump’s running mate, representing another lethal blow to neocon establishment Republicanism that neocon establishment Republicans thought would take over the GOP after 2020.
  • Speaking of, the wife of one of NeverTrump’s most unhinged figures, one who has regularly accused Trump of being a foreign asset for the better part of a decade—was just arrested for being a foreign asset.
  • The new owner of the social media platform that in 2020 worked with the FBI and other Big Tech titans to silence criticism of early and absentee voting as well as the content of Hunter Biden’s laptop is now trolling Biden and Democrats on the site formerly known as Twitter while pledging to spend $45 million a month until Election Day to play by the Democrats’ rules related to early and absentee voting.
  • And the man nearly everyone had written off as politically dead after the events of January 6 is ascendant and headed for a landslide victory after surviving a near-death experience on July 13.

That’s called karma, bitches.

Drink it in, My Friends

By the hour, it becomes increasingly unlikely Biden will survive the internal opposition building against him. Barack Obama, who some suspect has been the main driver behind the Dump Joe crusade, is amping up the pressure. “Obama’s concerns come against the backdrop of a widening anxiety gripping the Democratic Party about Biden’s prospects and their potential impact on other candidates,” the Washington Post reported this morning. “Democratic donors, activists and elected officials are increasingly turning to a small group of veteran elected leaders to help guide them out of the crisis created by Biden’s bungled June 27 debate performance.”

The Post also claimed Biden aides have “fumed” over the former president’s role in pushing Biden out. “Biden aides say Obama could have stopped Academy Award-winning actor George Clooney, a close friend of the former president, from writing an op-ed in the New York Times that called on Biden to drop out of the presidential race.”

Sip, sip goes the champagne.

Obama tops a growing roster of Democrats trying to nudge Biden to, as they say, do the right thing and “save democracy” from another Trump presidency. The list includes former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. Donors have stopped writing checks while longtime Democratic Party brain trusts are practically in tears on cable news imploring Uncle Joe to stumble his way into retirement.

Several Democratic congressmen sought to delay the Democratic National Committee’s rushed nomination process, which involves a “virtual” roll call vote to seal Biden’s deal later this month rather than during the convention in Chicago beginning August 19; DNC officials relented and postponed the virtual nomination for now.

But so far the Biden camp is refusing to back down. Quentin Fulks, the deputy campaign manager, told the Post this morning that Biden “is not wavering on anything. The president has made his decision.”

Getting His Irish Up and Staying There

Biden himself is digging in his fall-proof heels, emboldened by Dr. Jill, the First Felony Son, and a close circle of advisors. Raging in public and private discussions, Biden insists he is entitled to retain the throne—consequences be damned. Biden had a meltdown during a Zoom call on Saturday with a caucus of moderate House Democrats when, per usual, he blamed others for his epic political collapse. At one point Biden mocked the military service of Representative Jason Crow, a Democrat from Colorado: “Tell me something you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son,” Biden reportedly screamed at Crow, who had raised concerns over Biden’s electability.

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The democrat cabal never thought DJT would survive the efforts to remove him as a political opponent including assassination. It is evident now with divine intervention, their efforts have failed and the inevitable will become reality November 05 in the year of our Lord 2024.
It may be about winning the election, but for the entrenched bureaucracy, the days are becoming numbered and the collective group of criminals will get their day.

Ever see the movie A Simple Plan? That’s how the Democrat party is turning out. With their control of the media and judiciary, it all looked so simple and straightforward, but it seems our Constitution is far more resilient and capable of self-defense than we may have thought. Now, one complication leads to another, then another until there are so many lies and crimes piled up, the entire plan just collapses.

Something created by illegitimate means is difficult to remove by legitimate means. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden believes his own lies and actually believes he is popular and successful. I’m convinced of it. This is, perhaps, the most dangerous aspect, because what else is he likely to imagine and believe?

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden won’t leave. He may be “removed” but he won’t leave. It may actually get nasty. Well, that’s the price you pay for letting a candidate cut in line and move ahead of other candidates and then illegitimately install, through election fraud, in the White House because he is a willing puppet. In fact, it is some of his puppet masters, the Black Caucus and the Squad, who still control him, that are still fighting to keep him in place.

joe is leaving.
Done deal.
He is refusing to endorse Kamala as a replacement on the ballot, thio.
So, it’s going to be an “open convention,” dem style.

democrats are in complete disarray. How about the disenfranchisement of the many dedicated biden voters who voted for Joe in the primaries. And what about those primaries. Were they even legitimate given the lack of contenders and the rules put out by clyburn and the dnc?

It was convenient to keep joe around while the democrats thought they could hamstring President Trump. Now that “they” failed in assassinating him, they have to dump biden. All in all, it seems quite predictable.

Most people would be upset, but Democrat lemmings are used to having all their decisions made for them. Hell, the majority of them wanted Bernie and they got Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden shoved down their throats. Who in their right f**king mind would support him with the record he established? Democrats like to be lied to, they like to be conned and they like to be led around by the nose and told what to do.

Harris is losing her Marbles the attempt on Trump failed someone bring a net and be careful Liberals are Dangerous when their deranged