Karl Rove: Obama’s Crude Lottery-Solicitations Point To His Problems Raising Cash

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Good article. Rumors of a billion-dollar warchest may have been greatly overstated.

[Many of Mr. Obama’s 2008 donors are reluctant to give again. The Obama campaign itself reported that fewer than 7% of 2008 donors renewed their support in the first quarter of his re-election campaign. That’s about one-quarter to one-third of a typical renewal rate: In the first quarter of the Bush re-election campaign, for example, about 20% of the donors renewed their support.

There are other troubling signs. Team Obama’s email appeals don’t ask for $10, $15, $25 or $50 donations as they did in 2008, but generally for $3. Nor are the appeals mostly about issues; many are lotteries. Give three bucks and your name will be put in a drawing for a private dinner with the president and first lady.

This is clever marketing, but it suggests the campaign has found that only a low price point with a big benefit can overcome donor resistance among people who contributed via mail or the Internet in 2008. It also points to higher-than-expected solicitation costs and lower-than-expected fund-raising returns.

The final financial challenge facing Mr. Obama’s campaign is how fast it is burning through the cash it is raising.

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Some months ago Obama touted he’d have a $1 Billion war chest to spend on his own re-election.
More recently he nixed any hopes that other dems had of getting a dime from the DNC….he wanted it ALL.

Obama would need $50 million a month to get to $1 Billion.
Between Ap, May and June he only averaged $29 million.
In the next 7 months he only averaged $24 million…..for both himself and the DNC.
Yet it seems that almost all he ever does is campaign!

The idea that Obama is using LOTTERIES instead of issues to draw in $2 or $3 dollars from folks means he is playing to the poor and stupid.
Look at who sends the cash VS who ”wins” the ”lottery.”
It is always a union member, often a teacher, frequently an Obama campaign volunteer.

The SCOTUS sold our democracy to the highest bidder and the Koch Brothers are lapping it up for the GOP.

@liberalmann: Ah! BOHICA man, we missed you. (NOT)