Kamala Has the Weirdest Campaign Strategy Ever

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by Chris Queen

Is it just me, or is Kamala Harris acting like she doesn’t want to win the presidential election? Nothing her campaign has done comes across as the tactics of a team that wants to get across the finish line.

We’ve written approximately 37 million articles about Kamala since the Democrats kicked Joe Biden off the ticket and anointed her, but Thursday gave us a wealth of stories that demonstrated just how much bumbling is going on in Kamalaland. Let’s start with the Harris campaign’s weird media strategy.

Matt wrote that the campaign has come up with a substitute for media interviews: videos that look like timeshare presentations:

Despite not having the time to do a single interview or press conference, Harris and Tim Walz do have time to stage a heavily scripted “interview” between the two of them…

It is not clear how long the entire discussion will be, but I suspect that this is their response to Trump’s two-hour discussion on X with Musk. There’s just one problem: these two events are far from comparable. If Trump tried to pass off a discussion with Vance as an interview, people would laugh at him.

Will the media gush over this “interview”? You bet they will, but from the short clip that the campaign teased, it’s obvious that this is nothing more than a scripted puff piece that no one should take seriously.

On top of that, the campaign has only agreed to two of the three debates that Donald Trump suggested. The one Harris won’t do? Fox News, of course. This is also from Matt:

Obviously, the networks Harris has agreed to debate on are Democrat-friendly networks, and Trump already has shown that he can handle being on enemy territory. Harris knows she can’t, and that’s why she’s refusing to debate Trump on Fox News.

We know much of the reason why Cackles doesn’t want to do interviews or debates in less sycophantic venues. She’s stiff and awkward. VodkaPundit has more, and he’s referring to this clip of Harris:

Watch that Harris clip again, provided you can stomach it. Actually, watch it with the sound muted because I want you to watch her hand gestures.

They aren’t natural.

Her answer, while nonsensical, I think is every bit as scripted as her gestures. While I’m not actually comparing Harris to Hitler or Mussolini, both dictators used odd but highly scripted gestures to punctuate their speeches. The gestures worked, too. There’s something about them that helps audiences turn off their logic and reason switches.

Of course, we know where Harris is at her worst — on policy. Rick wrote that the Harris-Walz campaign is considering imposing price controls. Yeah, that’ll go over well.

Lord help us. We can’t let her win the White House.


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Maybe Kamala was making no sense about our gov’t being both strong and fragile.
If you have a Bible check out Daniel Chapter Two.
Her answer reminded me of how an ancient Persian king asked his prisoner, Daniel, to interpret a troubling nightmare the king had.
Daniel described the figure as a series of heads of state, this king being the “head of gold.”
But later kings would be only silver, then bronze then iron as the statue was described going down from the head.
Finally the last rulers of earth were represented by the feet, a mixture of iron and clay.
Strong and fragile.
Then God’s Kingdom delivers a death blow to the statue, aimed right at those weak feet.
As to Kamala having a weird strategy for this election, true, it is weird.
She doesn’t have covid forcing her off the campaign trail.
But she’s so phony when she’s out there that it is best just to hide her.
Also her ideas are communistic.
Yet her lifestyle is lavish.
When she delivers this economic message, look at her necklace.
Those are REAL, matched pearls, two strands.
They cost 370 percent more than the median U.S. monthly salary!
Is she planning to equitably spread that wealth around?

She now endorses Vances child credit, I think she is voting for Trump.

Democrats expect absolutely nothing of their candidates except for them to be liberal. All they want is the platitudes. Kamala expects everyone else to make her President, just like the DNC made her the candidate. This is how people who have never actually worked to gain anything behave.

The hide-and-seek campaign worked for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden (well, that and massive election fraud) so why wouldn’t Kamala expect the same results, especially when what passes for intelligence that comes out of her mouth is the greatest threat to her chances?

Kamala is a gutless coward. She talks a big game, of course. But she fears what her limited abilities will expose in a debate, just as Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s did. Trump will undoubtedly have many more opportunities for zingers like, “I don’t know what she just said, and I doubt she does, either.” I expect they won’t just be hinting that the other venues provide her the question beforehand, they will be DEMANDING it. It’s all over unless they get every advantage possible. THAT’S why she fears a debate on Fox.