Kamala Harris Brags About Her Big Accomplishment: She Drops F-Bombs Now As Often As She Drops to Her Knees

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by Ace

The public has less faith in her than it has in Biden, and he’s a vegetable who rapes women.

A Politico-Morning Consult poll released on Wednesday shows Harris has a net disapproval rating of 52%-42% and that most voters do not believe she would be likely to win the presidency if she were the Democratic nominee, 57%-34%.

Biden’s approval, this leftwing panel survey finds, is 43%.

Voters surveyed also do not believe she would be a good president if elected, 51%-40%, and are split on whether Harris should be replaced on the Democratic ticket in November. A narrow plurality, 39%, said she should not be replaced as the vice presidential nominee, while 36% said she should, and the remaining 26% did not know or had no opinion.

She has a bizarre attack line on Trump: She’s going to attack him for selecting a running mate who will support him rather one that will fight him and undermine him.


…Harris already teased her strategy for combating former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential nominee while speaking with Politico earlier this week. The vice president explained she believes Trump will pick an “enabler.”

“What we know is that Donald Trump wants an enabler. He doesn’t want a governing partner. He doesn’t want another Mike Pence, and I think that is clear,” Harris said.

Mike Pence undermined Trump sneakily at every turn. It’s a nice punishment that the liberals whose respect he so craves believe he was Trump’s lapdog.

A nice finding for Kamala — and for us — is that if Biden withdraws or dies, a plurality of 41% say Kamala should be the nominee.

Kamala Harris has a plan to increase her palatability: She’s bragging that she says the f-word now more, which I guess this idiot thinks makes her sound “authentic” and “passionate.”

Vice President Harris recently disclosed that she uses more curse words than ever since she took office in 2021.Harris revealed her growing cursing habits during a recent wide-ranging interview with Rolling Stone, where she employed the f-word in response to abortion cases before the Supreme Court and in reference to fighting the political status quo in America.

Rolling Stone’s Alex Morris brought up Harris’ cursing habit, mentioning her speech last month at the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Legislative Leadership summit where she dropped the f-bomb.

“We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they won’t, and then you need to kick that f‑‑‑ing door down,” Harris said to the summit’s audience, sparking cheers. “Excuse my language,” she added.

Harris told Morris, “My work has almost always been fueled by challenging the premise and not accepting tradition.”

Like I said: This is a ploy to make her sound like a “maverick” or something.

Say do you remember how aghast the leftwing establishment was that Trump dared to use locker-room language like “assh*le” or the f-bomb? I do. I ‘member.

Now they’re all imitating him and calling themselves free-thinking rebels for copying Trump.

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