JULY SURPRISE? Biden To Drop Out And Trump Arrested On July 11th?

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By Noah

Charlie Kirk is one of the most trusted names in conservative news, and he just posted a bombshell warning on Twitter.

Take a look:

Be ready for a July surprise.

Very possible they pull Biden and sentence Trump to prison on July 11.

The entire race could be just about to change.

As to the first point, Biden getting pulled, we’ve been all over that and I’ll give you our extensive reporting further below.

Here’s more from Charlie and what his sources are saying:

Top Democrats, including Biden’s own staff, are giving leaks to the press undermining their boss and saying he has no viable reelection strategy.

“A change of course is needed.”

“If the election were today, we would lose.”

There are forces in the party that want to force Biden out. How aggressive will they get?

But as to Trump being arrested again?

And why July 11th?

That’s because that’s the date of his sentencing in the bogus Judge Merchan “hush money” case:


Can you even imagine what will happen if they actually try to throw President Trump in a prison cell?

I think at that point he would not only win all 50 states in a landslide, I think they’d have to create a couple new states just to let him win even more than 50!!

As to Biden being replaced soon in the race for President, I believe Charlie’s sources are accurate here too.

Here’s what we told you just last week:

BREAKING: Secret Democrat Plot To Replace Biden Before Election REVEALED (Source: DailyMail)

Heads up folks…

It appears Joe Biden is on his way out BEFORE the election, just like I have warned you many times.

I know some of you still don’t believe it will happen, but just keep watching.

Charlie Spiering from the Daily Mail had the exclusive report and published it today over at the DailyMail:

Dom Lucre reports the following:

BREAKING NEWS: The DailyMail just revealed a secret Democrat plot to replace Joe Biden before the election. Bill Clinton, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer ‘will topple the aging President.’

The DailyMail has revealed that if Joe loses in the first debate with Trump or if his polling numbers keep falling, it’ll take a united front of the liberal grandees to make Joe throw in the towel.

The only people who could force him out would be Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,’ one Democratic strategist told the Mail. ‘It would have to be the four of them collectively.’

Mrs. Obama, who has no close personal feelings for the Bidens, according to one well-connected Democratic source, flat-out ignored the invitation.

strategists theorize that Democrats would have to hold a public event to symbolically transfer power from Biden to the new candidate, at which Biden, Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi would publicly introduce and endorse the anointed nominee.

The report has been confirmed by Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna:

And now here’s what the Daily Mail reveals about HOW and WHEN it will all go down:

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As it stands today with 134 days until November 5, biden would surely lose to President Trump. Very little can change enough to reverse that in the time frame left before the general. democrats are in a conundrum, what to do with kamala. If they squeeze joe out at the convention and nominate a replacement for the top of the ticket, is kamala still on the ticket? If joe is convinced to bow out after the June 27 debate debacle and the convention nominates a replacement, is kamala still on the ticket? Should joe decide to resign the remainder of his term citing health reasons, That would put kamala as potus. Would she immediately consider a run?
My spider senses tell my any abandonment of kamala might effect the black female vote. Polling already shows a strong shift in the 18-50 black male vote to President Trump. Would abandoning kamala endanger the black female vote also?

As to President Trump being imprisoned, it seems it might be a 50/50 proposition. However, as a result of the recent USSC decision in Erlinger v. United States; judge merchan has been put on notice by the court that jury verdicts reached in the manner, non-unanimous, are unconstitutional.

Holding: The Fifth and Sixth Amendments require a unanimous jury to make the determination beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant’s past offenses were committed on separate occasions for purposes of the Armed Career Criminal Act.

JudgmentVacated and remanded, 6-3, in an opinion by Justice Gorsuch on June 21, 2024. Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Thomas filed concurring opinions. Justice Kavanaugh filed a dissenting opinion, in which Justice Alito joined, and in which Justice Jackson joined except as to Part III. Justice Jackson filed a dissenting opinion.

The July 11 date has some possible outcomes;

The judge already considered a biased and unhinged lunatic, will proceed with sentencing and order incarceration. At that point, the USSC steps in and vacates the entire trial, conviction and sentencing have just rendered the opinion in Erlinger v. United States

  1. The judge already considered a biased and unhinged lunatic, will proceed with sentencing and order incarceration. At that point, the USSC steps in and vacates the entire trial, conviction and sentencing have just rendered the opinion in Erlinger v. United States
  2. The judge comes to his senses and realizing the predicament he has been placed in, decides on his own to dismiss sentencing to prevent a career ending rebuke from the USSC.
  3. Same as above, the democrat lawfare cabal cries “uncle” themselves realizing to go forward with imprisoning President Trump will give Trump a 50+ state landslide and/or make it impossible should they replace joe to have even a fighting chance in the general.

Get the popcorn ready, there are likely to be too many surprises to expect.

My spider senses tell my any abandonment of kamala might effect the black female vote. Polling already shows a strong shift in the 18-50 black male vote to President Trump. Would abandoning kamala endanger the black female vote also?

That’s why I believe it will be Michelle.

At this point it can’t be ruled out regardless of his/her comments to the contrary. It would certainly lock up the tranny vote, all <0.01%.

It would be more easily done by the DNC since they are used to allowing a group of elitists choose the candidates rather than allowing the people to do it.