Judd Apatow fantasizes about being raped by Donald Trump

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The Daily Beast

The increasingly politically engaged Apatow, who found himself as the unlikely subject of a widely-read recent Maureen Dowd column in The New York Times, spent the majority of his set tearing into President Donald Trump—most forcefully in the disturbing analogy he used as his opener.

When Trump was elected, Apatow said, he felt like “a person about to get raped, but I didn’t know how bad it would be.” Now that Trump is president, he added, “I feel like I’ve just been raped and I just don’t know if I’m going to get murdered.”

The L.A. crowd applauded, knowingly.

There’s more but this was the best part


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don’t you just love whore trash -only in America

Judd Apatow dreams of being king of sewerland where he was born and learned to play with the rats and hide in the storm drains with his fellow vermin