Journalist Sexually Assaulted By Egyptian Police

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A U.S.-based Egyptian journalist has made a shocking claim that could further undermine claims that the Egyptian revolution is the ultimate example of a peaceful and democratic revolution. Mona Eltahawy — who has appeared on channels such as CNN, has written for the Washington Post, and isa former Mid East correspondent for Reuters — took to Twitter to describe a graphic account of being captured, detained, and sexually assaulted within the last 24 hours.

According to her Twitter account, she was surrounded by Egyptian police who then grabbed her breasts and her genital area:

HuffPo sums up her ordeal:

She reported that she had been been detained for 12 hours by the interior ministry and military intelligence, during which time she was sexually assaulted by five or six men. “5 or 6 surrounded me, groped and prodded my breasts, grabbed my genital area and I lost count how many hands tried to get into my trousers,” she tweeted.

She spent hours blindfolded before finally being released with an apology from military intelligence but no explanation for why she was detained.

In addition, she said that both her arms had been broken as a result of the incident, and tweeted a picture of them in casts:

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Sometimes, a strongman functions as means of control over savagery and barbarism; much like a lid on an overflowing chamberpot, break the lid holding back the filth and stench, and the world is treated to Seventh Century Barbarism, in all its glory. It is easy to feel sorry for Ms Eltahawy for being a willful dupe in the role of an Obama Useful Idiot, but no matter how hopelessly lost you are in your delusions, common sense should be employed for your own safety and survival. What did she expect, to be recognized and respected as a dupe and Useful Idiot for Obama?

Welcome to Obama’s vision for the future of the world, Ms Eltahawy. Perhaps you should go back to smearing those evil TEA Party people who refuse to recognize the benevolent character of Obama’s tyranny and only want to express their dissatisfaction with Obama and spread disharmony; it’s a lot safer, especially, for idiots.

Think it can’t happen here?
Think again!

John Benitez Jr. worked at Dearborn Michigan’s taxpayer-funded health clinic.
He is suing for unspecified damages and to reclaim his job, he was ordered by a female supervisor not to treat conservative Muslim women, specifically those wearing head scarves, according to the lawsuit. He was told the clinic’s male Muslim clientele did not want a male treating female patients.

He complied until November 2010, when a doctor ordered him to treat Muslim women as he would any other patient. Benitez followed the doctor’s order and was fired.

“When you get to the point that taxpayer-funded entities are having to comply with personal religious beliefs rather than letting people do their job you’re going down a road that does not end in a good place,” the nurse’s lawyer Deborah Gordon said.

It is called SHARIA.


As for helping Sharia states, I have hit my limit with this story from AFGHANISTAN:

Her cousin’s husband came into her house when her mother left for a brief visit to the hospital.
He closed doors and windows. I started screaming, but he shut me up by putting his hands on my mouth,” she said.

She hid what happened as long as she could. But soon she began vomiting in the mornings and showing signs of pregnancy. It was her attacker’s child.

In Afghanistan, this brought her not sympathy, but prosecution.
Aged just 19, she was found guilty by the courts of sex outside of marriage — adultery — and sentenced to twelve years in jail.

She explains the only choice she has that would end her incarceration is to marry her attacker. This will, in the eyes of some, give her child a family and restore her honor.

CNN covered this and then it was picked up widely.
The Afghani court was SHAMED by the outcry.
That is the only thing that works even a bit.
So, this happened:

Afghan prosecutors announced Wednesday that a young rape victim, jailed for adultery after reporting the crime and pushed into marrying her attacker, would have her sentence reduced from twelve to three years. The prosecutor said she would, for now, remain in jail — with her child — for not reporting her attack fast enough.

CNN reported this, too.
The spokesman for the prosecutor added, however, that Gulnaz might soon receive a presidential pardon.

“There is a strong possibility that she would be pardoned under a presidential decree in the upcoming important dates like Prophet’s birthday or Afghan new year,” said Nazari.

Never mentioned by CNN is this from BBC:
Half of Afghanistan’s women prisoners are inmates for “zina” adultery from being raped without four witnesses as per Sharia.