Ian Tuttle:
Donald Trump might not have paid for that microphone, but he sure as hell owned it.
At a press conference in Iowa on Tuesday, Trump had barely reached the podium before Jorge Ramos, superstar anchor for Spanish-language network Univision, began interrogating him about his immigration platform. Trump, who already had called on a different journalist for the first question, told Ramos to be quiet and wait his turn. Ramos refused: “I have the right to ask a question,” he declared. At a nod from The Donald, security escorted Ramos from the room.
Jorge Ramos may be the award-winning celebrity anchor of Univision’s premier news broadcast, but “the Walter Cronkite of Hispanic News” long ago revealed himself to be less a journalist than another perpetually indignant immigration activist. His devolution into outright heckler was only a matter of time.
It would be difficult to overstate Ramos’s immigration radicalism. When Central American children were pouring over the border last summer, Ramos announced as a solution, “First, we treat children like children, as if they were our own.” When, in their 2012 interview, Newt Gingrich told Ramos, “I’m not going to let you define what ‘immigration reform’ is,” Ramos replied, “It’s very simple: to legalize 11 million undocumented immigrants.” And when, last November, President Obama lawlessly granted amnesty to some 5 million of those immigrants, Ramos touted the measure as “a triumph for the Latino community.”
Since coming to the United States in the early 1980s, immigration has been Ramos’s pet cause. “It’s personal,” he has said. Indeed. The development of Ramos’s career has been largely the playing out on national television of his own immigration monomania.
Mingled with Ramos’s open contempt for the rule of law (he rejects any effort to secure the border as “right-wing”) is the self-righteousness of the professional partisan. “Don’t be neutral,” Ramos advised University of Southern California graduates in May. “Neutrality is for referees in a football game.” He encouraged them to be “fighters,” something he himself has taken to heart: “The Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci used to say that for her, an interview was like a war,” he told Politico’s Dylan Byers. “I get the sense that we’ve forgotten that here in the United States.” Thus, to the Los Angeles Times: “My only weapon is the question.”
So much fatuous self-congratulation would be easier to endure were it not complemented by so much disingenuousness. For example, to Time’s Michael Scherer last November: “I am a registered Independent. I would never say [for] whom I vote. I would never pressure anyone to vote for one party or another. That would be way too much.” That level of fraud takes cojones.
Surprise, Jorge Ramos’s daughter works for hillary’s re election campaign.