Joe Biden’s Manic State of the Union

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by Jeff Childers

Last night, Joe Biden yelled at Congress for an hour straight. In a sort of furious, manic reverie, Joe Biden ‘delivered’ his divisive, angry, overcooked State of the Union speech on fast mode. It wasn’t so much a coherent speech, per se, as it was a long litany of loud one-liners. Joe was outraged about everything. Especially Trump. He shouted every single sentence in all-caps at the top of his lungs in his scratchy old-man voice, and then speared it to death with a double exclamation point. Every line sounded like a made-for-media punchline to a bad, overly elaborate, political inside joke.

Distractingly, Biden often stressed the wrong parts of his sentences and slightly slurred his words, eliding each syllable like an annoyed chronic drunk weaving a super complicated story explaining how that open bottle of vodka got there to the cop who pulled him over. One wonders whether Biden’s slurring, missed syllables, and other uncharacteristic speech issues could have been side effects from the powerful cocktail of downers offsetting the twenty Adderall Biden obviously gobbled up right before the speech.

Overall, Joe reminded viewers of an overly caffeinated wind-up monkey, feverishly clanging its cymbals over and over so fast and hard it falls over and then keeps flipping around and falling off the table, banging its furry arms together the whole time.

If last night’s goal was to fend off a last-ditch challenge from Gavin Newsom and beat everyone’s pitlike expectations, and if shouting stamina counts, then Joe got the job done. In its non-paywalled article, the New York Times’ headline concluded, “In-Your-Face Biden Takes on Trump and His Own Doubters.” This description from the Times’ article seemed pretty accurate:

(Biden) exhibited his stamina, his vitality, his capacity and, yes, his umbrage. Defiant and feisty, he dispensed with the conventions of the format to directly take on former President Donald J. Trump and attempted to make the election a referendum on his predecessor rather than himself. Mr. Biden shouted his lines, clearly intending to use volume to demonstrate vigor. The prepared text had 80 exclamation points in it and he surely added more on his own as he went along.

While Joe’s Big Speech was a lot of elderly sturm und drang, it symbolized nothing. Joe’s loud remarks fit into five emphatic but insubstantial categories: false claims about his record (thanks to me, seniors can now afford their prescription drugs forschwearingden!), false claims about the state of the country (the FBI says violent crime is at record lows!), demands for Republicans to do stuff (send me a damn border bill!), slams on President Trump (my predecessor…), and somehow speechwriters crammed in the entire laundry list of longstanding, loony, liberal policy dog treats (it’s time for big corporations and billionaires to pay their fair share!).  Politico noticed that Joe talked a LOT about CIA-riddled Ukraine and his mortal enemy, Putin, but not so much about an Israeli cease fire, Yemen, Iran, China, Taiwan, or any other foreign policy hotspot.

Surprisingly, CNN ran a pretty fair fact check, which found most everything Biden said to be either an outright lie, a lie by omission, or misleading.

Vexed Republicans often booed Biden. Marjorie Taylor Greene, no wallflower, heckled Biden throughout, while Mike Johnson sat behind Joe, shaking his head and looking especially sour whenever Joe fired off a particularly mendacious rhetorical cannonade. But afterwards, the social media battlefield was oddly muted; Joe doesn’t seem to have said anything particularly memorable apart from simply surviving what must have been a painful, demanding and expensive physical effort.

And so the drama continues.

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Democrats like lies, they like to lie, so they liked this speech.

It was nothing short of a political speech. It had little to do with the disastrous state of the country.
And, it was designed to tell his faltering base he would be their candidate. Actually that is good news because he has no record to run on.

And the FEC should be investigating and fining the campaign.

They’ll soon be investigating how Laura Trump sucked the RNC coffers dry to pay her father-in-law’s lawyers. The hilarious part is that she has actually revealed that intention, but they gave her control anyway.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

Maybe she can get the debate questions from the moderators like Washedup Schultz did… if they can dope Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden enough to risk a debate.

What business is it of yours, anyway? Just worry about the Mold-in-Chief you are trying to convince yourself can do anything but fail.

Biden would destroy Trump on a debate stage, but he might simply decline—like Trump did.

You have to be fucking joking. Yelling and screaming is not debating. What record would he defend? biden sucks.

Biden would destroy Trump on a debate stage, 

Biden will never debate Trump. He knows Trump will bring the receipts.

No one would allow him to debate. It would turn out like his impromptu speech after the Hur report to show everyone how sharp and quick he is.

I bet he would. Wouldn’t you want to see that? Maybe if Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden denies you of that pleasure, you should refuse to vote for him.

Go soak your head Pea-Brain

Whereas the millionaire Stepford Wife’s deranged kitchen table rebuttal wasn’t? She was a talking Trump sock puppet.

You know I did’nt care for the rebuttal, she had this valley girl tone, but its all part of the psych, you called her a stepford wife lol, a happy nuclear family really set you off. A clean kitchen unlike when Jill pretends she cooks. Oh Jills get up last night, fine until she raised her arms then the linebacker sized shoulder pads and no proper foundation garments were highlighted. At least she didnt wear a dress made from grandmas sunroom curtains.

Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

Only a total idiot would believe everything they read in Time Magazine

Wages are up, unemployment is down, Dow is higher than ever.

Wages are not up you moron. You have been lied to.

Wages are not up you moron. You have been lied to.

If you say so.

How much are your wages up? Did you get an additional 18% hike being a government parasite?

Can you even read a chart?

Tell me what you’re seeing in that chart.

Wages are down.

By the way, Greg agrees with Trump that Presidents have immunity from prosecution (unless impeached for a crime). What do you think? You never answered me. Should Obama be prosecuted for murdering al-Alwaki?

Bidens energy policy, nothing moves in this country without energy, Biden made us energy dependent double the cost of moving things is only the first link. Then dump 6 trillion nothing backed dollars on the economy causing each dollar worth less.
Damn you went to college for nothing man, education does not cure willfull ignorance.

Go Away

Inflation is higher than wages and all the jobs are going to government and illegal immigrants.

Average wages up 9% “reported” inflation 18% Counting part-time jobs just like Barry did to pad the numbers.
Mikey cant research only repeat the propaganda
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Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

Biden voters lock the keys in the car…..
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Trump, your God-Emperor, literally wears Depends and defecates himself.

Heres your installation doped up or demon possessed could be both

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Would make a nice Joe 2024 T shirt

Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

That’s one of the drugs the Trump White House pharmacy was dispensing to staff like M&Ms.

Common pills included modafinil, Adderall, fentanyl, morphine, and ketamine, according to the Pentagon report. But other, unlisted drugs—like Xanax—were equally easy to come by from the White House Medical Unit, according to sources that spoke to the magazine…

Why isnt Ivermectin listed? I think your source sucks.
Would be in deep hippa shit.
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Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

Oh, yeah… according to “sources”. No names, just “sources”. From Rolling Stone, a real credible source.

The investigation was conducted by a Pentagon Inspector General. They issued an official report.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

The DoD can’t even pass an audit. Why would we assume this isn’t as weaponized as the IRS, DoJ, FBI and EPA?

Did they find and coke?

Maybe you can peddle your fantasies on some leftist echo chamber but among the informed, you simply look pathetic.

03/07/24 – Spate of Mock News Sites With Russian Ties Pop Up in U.S.The fake news organizations, experts say, represent a technological leap in the Kremlin’s efforts to spread false and misleading narratives.

Into the depleted field of journalism in America, a handful of websites have appeared in recent weeks with names suggesting a focus on news close to home: D.C. Weekly, the New York News Daily, the Chicago Chronicle and a newer sister publication, the Miami Chronicle.

In fact, they are not local news organizations at all. They are Russian creations, researchers and government officials say, meant to mimic actual news organizations to push Kremlin propaganda by interspersing it among an at-times odd mix of stories about crime, politics and culture.

While Russia has long sought ways to influence public discourse in the United States, the fake news organizations — at least five, so far — represent a technological leap in its efforts to find new platforms to dupe unsuspecting American readers. The sites, the researchers and officials said, could well be the foundations of an online network primed to surface disinformation ahead of the American presidential election in November.

Patrick Warren, a co-director at Clemson University’s Media Forensics Hub, which has exposed furtive Russian disinformation efforts, said advances in artificial intelligence and other digital tools had “made this even easier to do and to make the content that they do even more targeted.”

The Miami Chronicle’s website first appeared on Feb. 26. Its tagline falsely claims to have delivered “the Florida News since 1937.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

Wiki is fake anyone can post anything or add bogus shit on that site.

Fortunately for you, you never cite sources for your bloviations. That way, nobody can tell you that your source sucks. (Note: memes don’t count as sources among serious individuals.)

Unlike your favorite right-wing social media sites?

Wiki is fake anyone can post anything or add bogus shit on that site.

Right my favorite right wing sites cant be edited by just anyone. You really didnt know?

HUMILIATION: Dementia Joe’s SOTU Address Receives Worst Polling in Past Quarter Century

I thought you said it was a damn good speech. Perhaps only you and the 15% minority you belong to think so.

It was merely intended to give the Ministry of Propaganda something to cheer about. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden spoke for 68 minutes and didn’t fall down… GREAT SUCCESS! Of course, he lied with every breath, but lying is the Democrat platform.

But, now there is no way Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden can be ousted from the campaign; they just committed to him.

MSNBC viewers in panic mode after reporters explain exactly how wildly popular President Trump really is…


There’s some fake news sites for you.

I’m not sure whether Trump has turned people into idiots or simply brought a lot of idiots together.

Which sites ran constant coverage of “Russian collusion” when they all knew that it was all Hillary’s bullshit? The IDIOTS believed that crap. Didn’t I tell you it was bullshit from the beginning?

Last edited 11 months ago by Just Plain Bill

Tucker: That was possibly the darkest and most un-American speech ever given by an American president…

Last edited 11 months ago by TrumpWon

That’s because Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and the Democrats hate this country.

From that, I take it that it was a highly effective presentation.

That was possibly the darkest and most un-American speech ever given by an American president…

All of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s speeches have been about hatred and division. The guy is an imbecile, as is anyone that supports him.

NYT reporting on “fake news”. Now THAT’S irony.

Biden ‘Short Circuits’ When Confronted by Reporter for Accurately Calling Laken Riley’s Accused Killer an Illegal (Video)

“technically shouldn’t be here”

What a f**king moron.

The film the Trump Organization tried to suppress | You’ve Been Trumped Too (2020) | Full Film

Ya film maker has a hard on for Trump, but unlike other people that go after the very rich is still alive and because of his failure to be recognized by anyone but others that have the same weird fetish does follow up stuff. No Trump body bags.
Why are Biden circus freak appointees such failures, Pete Booty Juice, trains still derailing the burn off toxic disaster has only cost the rail company a couple of million and the area still toxic. Boeing who does their own plane maintenence in the states, wings peeling apart ,door blows off, mid air fire and landing wheels that just detatch on takeoff. Is he only looking at the DEI sheets of the companies?

Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

These airlines are definitely dealing with things other than flight safety. Boeing is resisting providing the names of those involved in the door blow out. Any other operator defying the FAA like that would have their tickets pulled so fast it would make their heads spin. What’s Buttplug doing about it? Afraid of losing campaign donations?

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JUST IN: United Airlines Boeing 737 Max 8 Suffers Gear Failure, Crashes Off Runway

The Max should be grounded
Must be someone on every one of those planes that has Angels looking out for them.
Sorry Frank I’ll do it my way, I’ll drive.

Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

Just a reminder: profit-greedy corporations design, build, and maintain aircraft, and cut corners unless closely regulated.

Don’t talk about shit you know nothing about. Aviation is the most highly regulated business in the country. They have internal issues and, having been there, I will bet you they are related to moral and focus issues related to leftist imposition of their stupid, racist DEI bullshit. Equity and safety do NOT mix. Only capability and expertise is important.

Apparently not enough, if hatches are blowing out in flight, engines are catching fire, lines of rivets are missing on wings, and wheels are falling off and demolishing parked cars on takeoff. Routine maintenance on US aircrafts is being offshored and done on the cheap to boost profits.

Aviation is the most highly regulated business in the country.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

Routine maintenance on US aircrafts is being offshored and done on the cheap to boost profits.

Is it? Says who? No matter where maintenance is conducted, it is (or should be) done to the standards of the maintenance data. The inspection authority makes sure the work is done properly. You think a fuselage panel was installed overseas without hardware and didn’t blow out until it got here? You think a main wheel was improperly installed overseas and only fell off here? You think foreign shops drill rivets out and leave them out?

Maybe you should just stick to misquoting Trump.

Deplorable Me, World’s Expert.

When I try to tell you how to groom the kiddies, you can tell me to keep out of your business. I doubt you’ve spent a second in the aviation industry.

You’ve told me plenty of times that I don’t know how to do my job. Stop your whining.

Have I? When. Provide the quote.

Dep, the groomer likes to accuse people of saying things they didn’t. Lying is all he’s got, like Comrade Greggie.

Last edited 11 months ago by retire05

Both are a waste of time but they have no idea they are used as foils.

Classic examples of useful idiots.

What’s Buttplug doing about it? Afraid of losing campaign donations?

What do you imagine he’s running for?

His lack of action to keep transportation safe keeps the corporate dollars flowing, are you that naive?
Pothole Pete is done politically, they will get him some sort of payoff on some corporate board.

A failed mayor of south bend IN, he had a perfect resume for the biden regime, on of complete failure.

He’s probably too busy breast feeding.

He’s probably running for the KY, but if they come down hard on Boeing, the DNC could stand to lose contributions. Now, they would probably be happy to take bribes, but that wouldn’t necessarily help flight safety, would it?

HUMILIATION: Dementia Joe’s SOTU Address Receives Worst Polling in Past Quarter Century

03/07/24 – Truth Social – Trump acknowledges COVID vaccines saved us, and takes credit:

‘The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!’ YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!”

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

Ya thats just one of the things many dont agree with Trump on, once all is known Fauchi and Dr. expensive scarves will need the death penalty for crimes against humanity.

Soul of America? The Day After White House Official Drops F-Bomb on Republicans During State of the Union, Biden Complains About Seeing a Profane Trump Banner and Getting the Finger From a Six-Year-Old Child


I guess this forgetful, elderly old man has forgotten his beloved ANTIFA and BLM yelling “F**K THE POLICE!” and, in addition to yelling such things, actually ASSAULTING and KILLING them? All of that went without punishment, so it is encouraged as the official position of the DNC. Of course, there is absolutely no shortage of “F**K TRUMP” memes, posters, banners, flags and screams, now or when he was President. The left went viciously after Melania and Baron (a 12 year old at the time) as well.

This is the left’s typical whining and crying about their own shit flying back and hitting them

FUCK Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, Jill and the rest of his goddamn corrupt, degenerate, thieving family.

Last edited 11 months ago by Just Plain Bill

FUCK Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, Jill and the rest of his goddamn corrupt, degenerate, thieving family.

Amen to that!

You leftists really hate women, blacks, Hispanics and gays that won’t reside on the DNC plantation, don’t you?

Mainstreaming Trumpublican lies, distortions, alternate history, and total bullsh*t; the State of the Union rebuttal:

Last edited 10 months ago by Greg

You just can’t face facts, can you?

As the video shows, the Trumpublican script distorted the facts—and probably ruined Britt’s political career in the process.

Last edited 10 months ago by Greg

There are no distorted facts other that the lies Democrats constantly vomit on us. You leftists are too used to accepting massive lies as facts and you NEVER catch on. For instance, how long did your propagandists tell you the border was closed and secured and then, on a dime, declare it was an emergency that demanded a new law passed immediately? You have to be pretty stupid to keep buying THAT shit.

No, Comrade Greggie can’t face facts. He is quick to call Republicans liars, but I guess he thinks it goes unnoticed that one of the biggest liars to ever soil Congress is now the (illegitimate) POTUS. Biden is such a liar he had to withdraw from his first two campaigns for POTUS.

I don’t know what Comrade Greggie’s goal are. Maybe he’s just as batshit crazy as Biden.

Yep, Trumpublicans lie a lot. An insightful parody can make it momentarily funny and make a point at the same time. You won’t get any of it, including the teacup.

Last edited 10 months ago by Greg

Damn I heard they did a parody but SNL just cant be more amusing than the original.
Oh the date time and President line kinda like pics of kids in cages we still have 85K plus missing children.
Oh its not happening now

Last edited 10 months ago by kitt

kitt, who’s the pimp? Hunter Biden?

Last edited 10 months ago by retire05

Never fails the libs trying to cover up or defer on child sex trafficking.
It isnt rape until she cant get an abortion.

Still waiting for Adam Schiff to release his proof that the Steele dossier was real and truthful.

So she didnt lie and your you tube dude is full of sh*t.

You think human trafficking across Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s intentionally wide open border isn’t at historically high levels? Are you THAT stupid?

If it cant be used as a tool to get Trump they dont care.
They dont care about these kids, women, those that die in the river in the desert or shot by the cartel for crossing the border without paying.

She’s a RINO, greg.
Not a Trump supporter.

Mitt Romney Issues Complete and Total Endorsement of Katie Britt as Vice Presidential Pick