Joe Biden Refuses to Condemn Antifa, Claiming It’s “Just an Idea” … Hey Joe: White Supremacism is Also “Just an Idea.” Does That Mean We Shouldn’t Condemn White Supremacism?

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by Ace

Nick Arama at RedState:

As I wrote earlier, Joe Biden denied the existence of Antifa, calling it just an “idea” and scoffing when President Donald Trump called it a dangerous group.

He falsely characterized the words of FBI Director Christopher Wray, who was trying to say it was a movement. But Wray also made clear it was real, a threat, and they had many investigations into people who self-identified as Antifa. He also said they were “coalescing regionally into what you might describe as small groups or nodes that are under investigation.” Attorney General Bill Barr also made it clear that Antifa was a real threat. Trump has moved to declare it a terrorist group.

Not only does Biden not seem to even understand the basic reality of Antifa, but he has refused to condemn Antifa by name — despite months of BLM/Antifa violence and rioting. He’s just condemned “violence” in general, which isn’t calling out the people on his own side who are behind it.

Biden wasn’t pressed on his failure by debate “moderator” Chris Wallace, although Wallace asked Trump to condemn white supremacists, something Trump has done repeatedly, just last week declaring the KKK a terrorist organization. Trump is not connected to white supremacists, but Biden is connected to the BLM/Antifa people, some of whom have explicitly said their goal is to get Trump out. Biden has specifically embraced the BLM which has been connected to 91% of the riots. Biden staffers and Kamala Harris have even donated money to a fund to help get people arrested during the riots out of jail. So, where is the media pressing him to disavow these criminal supporters?

In the words of one of my Democratic friends who was trying to figure out what Joe Biden was saying, “If Antifa doesn’t exist, why are they in all these cities? How can they be chanting, ‘Every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground,’ if they are not a group?” Exactly. When even Democrats are mystified by Joe’s response, this is where he has a problem.

Read the post. He includes testimonials from on-the-ground reporters who have been repeatedly assaulted by antifa, who can attest it was not an “idea” that gave them concussions and even brain damage, but a group.

Let me make an additional point:

Let’s pretend antifa is just “an idea.”

What is this bullshit that you don’t condemn ideas? Because that’s what Joe Biden is saying: I won’t condemn it because it’s “just an idea.”

But ideas are the one thing we’re supposed to condemn. There is a social admonition against denouncing people or groups. Sure, we do do it, but generally we’re supposed to say we hate an idea, not the actual people who believe it.

There are exceptions. You can hate some people (the people the media says it’s righteous to hate).

But we can always hate hateful ideas. There has never been an ethic that we should refrain from condemning ideas.

Why is Biden refusing to condemn the hateful idea of antifa? Where is the precedent stating that in America, we do not denounce or condemn ideas?

You know what’s also “an idea”? Naziism.

There is (or was) also a Nazi Party, but our attitudes about Naziism, the “idea,” are not dependent on whether there is a heirarchically organized group associated with that idea.

There is obviously no longer any real, WW2 Nazi Party. There are neo Nazi groups, of course, but that’s not the genuine 1940s article.

If someone refused to condemn Naziism claiming the technicality that the WW2 Nazi Party, we’d think he supported Naziism, right?

I mean, what other reason would there be? That very logic is what is animating the “Trump won’t condemn white supremacism so he must favor white supremacism.”

Now, Trump has in fact condemned white supremacists and white supremacism, so that is a flawed syllogism. But the logic is fine — the fault is in false premises.

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sleepy joe does not dare condemn antifa or blm. He lost many votes Tuesday night when he walked back his support for the new green deal, packing the Supreme Court and denying he supported the sanders manifesto.

sleepy joe had a terrible night Tuesday night.

this precious, Ohio’s Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), the site of last night’s Presidential debate has set up dedicated ‘support spaces’ for students who have been triggered by the tense exchange.

For any poor snowflake babies who couldn’t handle the nasty orange man telling Joe Biden “There’s nothing smart about you,” CWRU is providing a “confidential safe space” where they can talk and cry about it.

During the late 1930’s Hitler attempted to set up “living space” no different than “safe space or support space” the snowflakes and mellium have no BALLS and no guts for anything that does not fit the communist mental mode. there was na interesting review in one of the blogs: never hire a millennium or snowflake-they have limited intellectual abilities, no professional drive, very limited life experience other that drinking, and protesting, and no self esteem.
Yes, talk about communism at its highest level of education

Hey Joe whats your opinion of the NRA and the Tea Party as well as Conservative s who oppose the Globalists plans for New World Order all under the United Nations and China as the big Superpower? Listen up Fossil Face your Build Back Better is as phonie as Obama and his Hope & Change Want a good toungue Twister Biden try THE BITTER BITING BITTERN and see it make you giddy

Failing to denounce antifa is the reason Biden and Dems lost the election months ago.

No one wants left-wing terrorists out there attacking society and then not being held accountable.

Refusing to denounce ANTIFA (who has NO positive characteristics) just proves how totally gutless he is. First, he is afraid of words. The phony premise of ANTIFA is that their name comes from anti-fascist. So, the implication is, if you oppose ANTIFA, you oppose being anti-fascist and, therefore, are fascist. However, the actual fact of the matter is that ANTIFA is not only NOT anti-fascist, but they ARE fascist. They exhibit the characteristics of fascists; using violence, suppressing opposition thought, using terrorism to intimidate.

For years Democrats have ignored ANTIFA with a wink and a nod to their violent antics benefitting their campaigns and silencing their critics. But the past four months have made it difficult to ignore sections of cities being taken over by violent insurgents or city blocks being burned to ashes by ANTIFA thugs. So, they have to try an new tactic, just deny any of it happens and that ANTIFA exists, but as a vaporous concept. In it’s place, they point to groups like the Proud Boys, who have done nothing but show up at ANTIFA hot spots and stand between them and citizens and their businesses.

Trump doesn’t know the Proud Boys, so why would he denounce them? Had he denounced them, the left would now be using those photos and statements of black and Hispanic Proud Boys members and saying his denunciation PROVES he hates minorities. No doubt about it.

Violent thugs are in the Democrat constituency; they can’t afford to denounce them. They need their votes… and their violence, their intimidation, their criminal activity and their fraud.