A Record of Lies and Slander
The one constant about Biden has been his essential meanness, which, when combined with his well-known predilection for telling tall tales about his own life, is a formula for slander of all those who are not materially contributing to his success.
This even concerns events in his life that were undoubtedly tragic, such as the death of his first wife and a young daughter in a traffic accident in 1972, shortly after his election to the U.S. Senate. For many years, he claimed that the accident that killed his wife and daughter was caused by a drunk driver. But the truth was that those familiar with what happened say Neila Biden was at fault and drove into the path of the tractor/trailer driven by Curtis Dunn, causing the collision.
Biden’s grief at this horrible incident is to be pitied. But that he, a public figure, repeatedly spoke of an innocent private citizen as essentially having murdered two people is despicable. Why did he do it? Did it make it easier to live with to imagine his late wife as a victim? Perhaps. But it’s more likely that it just made for a better story and heightened his own status as a victim. Much as we should all sympathize with the trauma he went through, forcing Dunn to live with the opprobrium brought down upon him by a senator was deeply wrong. In 2008, Dunn’s daughter called on Biden to apologize and said he called to do so. But he never cleared the record on this smear in public.
Much more at The Federalist
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and his entire family are nothing but low-life trash.
How will the GOP ever wash off Trump’s stink?
I guess we’ll just have to suffer through economic prosperity, a secure border, great jobs, higher wages, lower taxes, fewer wars and greater national security. It’ll be tough, but we’ll try.
Say it ain’t so, we want joe
Nothing gets a Democrat’s attention like money.
Republicans gave us both invasions of Iraq and both of the worst economic downturns since the Great Depression—which also began when the GOP was in charge.
Are these the replacement campaign talking points?
They’re historical facts.
More like hysterical lies.
Desperation has set in for the democrats and greg. They are fractured and in free fall.
You should have kept your pie hole closed while you were ahead skipper.
Democrats gave us the Korean War and the war in Vietnam, along with Abby Gate. And I guess you have forgotten the Community Reinvestment Act that was signed by one Democrat and put on steroids by another Democrat that cause a horrible housing market crash and a historic bad economy.
Take your mental disorder somewhere else.
Clinton gave us the last budget surplus; Obama gave us 75 consecutive months of economic growth.
Trump gave us the greatest debt spike of any 4-year administration. His term ended with a negative GDP growth rate and an attempt to remain in office through mob violence and electoral fraud.
Biden gave us another recovery, the restoration of civil order, and has held Putin’s military aggression in check for over 2 years.
That has been debunked. There was never a surplus skipper. Why do you feel the need to lie?
Maybe you should go back to LBJ. He and the IC had Kennedy killed because he opposed war.
Speaking of war, it was Edith Wilson who gave us WWI because Woody was brain dead.
Maybe lady Macbeth jill will get the codes and start a nuclear war.
Or hunter, since he has been Reina with his stash of blow in the WH.
The Republican Congress cut spending and reduced debt. Obama gave us the most debt in history and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden followed it up with $6 trillion in debt.
Actually, Clinton gave us both, but at least you tried.
There’s so much bullshit in that statement you clearly are standing in a feed lot.
It shows how desperate you are when you have to quote an actor blathering lines from a TV show.
When one has absolutely nothing factual to base an argument on, they HAVE to rely on bullshit.
Why did joe keep blaming the truck driver instead of his wife’s failure to stop at a STOP sign?
Maybe because his babysitter, JILL BIDEN now, cut her brake lines and caused her death so she could have joe.
Preferably without any of his children, but whatever.
Anyway joe’s “presser” is today 5:30 Eastern.
Will it be short and full of softballs?
You know, I considered the same possibility.
How would Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden perform if he was constantly thrown “gotcha” questions like Trump was? Damn, I’d love to see that. Now it’s pushed back to 6:30. Maybe Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s cold is coming back.
Look at how jill is now. Her lady Macbeth attitude is not only elder abuse but it puts the country in grave danger. She wanted so bad to get her hooks into joe it would not surprise anyone that she may have sabotaged the car.
And when she knew Joe was molesting his adolescent daughter in the shower on a regular basis, she kept her moth shut.
And his deceased wife packed up the kids and left in the middle of the night. Why? She found out he was doing the nasty with the babysitter. A babysitter who was affiliated with his senate campaign.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s playbook?
Biden has been married to the same woman for 47 years.
Trump has been married 3 times and has betrayed all three wives with adultery.
biden molested his adolescent daughter repeatedly in the shower. I get the idea joe used his creepy whisper to lure his unsuspecting daughter so he could satisfy his sexual desires
Your imagination is where most of the creepiness comes from.
“Just give me your money and your votes and shut up.”
Well, Pedo Peter’s pedophilia is a documented fact.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden a pimp and she’s a whore. His whole family is either a pimp or a whore. Is his betrayals more acceptable than Trump’s?
Biden always has been an ignoramus as well as an habitual liar. In a Parliament of Asses he was there at the top.
Could it be that JoeTater was molesting his daughter and the now deceased Mrs. Biden committed suicide instead of letting it continue?
It very well could be. The family is scum, and that starts at the top.
Maybe Joe was trying to off her for awhile, there was a kitchen fire.
Wasnt Ashley it would Naomi She was an infant at the time.
The illiteracy problem among geriatric MAGAs is widespread and seemingly without a solution.
WHY does a woman pack up the kids in the middle of the night and leave? Probably because she found out Joe was banging the babysitter.
Bidens Incompetence shows why he should never have been nominated to run in the first place anyone who goes to bed as 4:00 pm is not relabel Enough to run this Nation and those who still support him might want to reconsider their support
Despicable does not begin to describe biden. His mere presence has stained the office his has usurped. His time as a usurper will be judged in History as the worst person to ever have been in office, either as a senator, VP or as a current usurper.
Well….. I’d say that’s pretty much already etched in stone, scooter.
bidens time as a usurper will be marked with an asterisk now that he is known to be illegitimate.
Why did he do it? Because he’s a scumbag, a liar, and a demagogue with zero principles. Next question.
This should be all you need to know to refuse to vote for him hands down.