By Bonchie
It took a week, but Joe Biden has finally given a definitive answer about the future of his campaign. As I’ve suspected all along, he’s not going anywhere. During a call on Wednesday, the president proclaimed that “no one is pushing me out” and that he’s in the race until the bitter end.
Democrats are going to need a stiff drink after this announcement.
President Biden on campaign call that just wrapped, per person on the call:
"Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running…no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.”
— Elena Schneider (@ec_schneider) July 3, 2024
It doesn’t get much clearer than that. Biden is not dropping out, and Kamala Harris is not dancing through the door to save the day. Democrats are stuck with what they’ve got.
How is she not up by 50 points?
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) July 3, 2024
The possibility of removing Biden was never really a serious one. He won enough delegates to become the nominee, and with the nominating convention around the corner, the timeline just doesn’t work. More importantly, though, the only alternative was Harris, who consistently polls worse than the president. I don’t think many Democrats were wanting to turn to her no matter how tough things go. Biden is senile, but he’s who they have because they chose to lie about his condition for so long, not taking action when forcing him out might have been remotely possible.
As I wrote recently, you can expect to see a tightening of the ranks going forward. The press didn’t suddenly become honest when they briefly started telling the truth about Biden’s decline following the debate. They are ready and willing to change the narrative again because while the president is senile, he’s their only option.
With that said, I think you’ll see a tightening of the ranks in the next week. If Harris isn’t an option, yet she’s the only alternative, then that leaves them with a “comatose or dead” Biden. All of these questions about replacing him will fade into a resolute defense because that’s the corner Democrats have painted themselves into.
Besides, there was no chance that Jill and Hunter Biden would ever let Joe Biden drop out of the race. The president’s wife is drunk on power and runs the show while his son is still counting on a pardon post-election. The moment Biden leaves the White House, the grift ends, and they can’t let that happen.
Like with Hillary after she lost in 2016 and no longer had influence to peddle, so too will the Biden Crime Family’s revenue stream dry up when Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is booted and no longer has any marketable “skills”.
Electric golf cart. Very climate conscious.
Mines a 2 cycle, its more cost effective to rebuild an engine or a carb than to replace all those batteries, no waiting to recharge just fill er up.
It’s just a fact that Trump is so horrible that any number of heretofore-unthinkable options are better than having him as president again.
You are delusional, Biden is the biggest threat to the security of our nation

And your guy joe gives you off the chart’s inflation, millions of criminal illegal alien invaders and endless wars.
Those are your heretofore-unthinkable options that you feel are better. You are a dumbfuck
But, you see, that’s how you “save democracy”.
““In the tipping-point state of Pennsylvania, Biden now trails by 7 points, compared to 5 points before the debate,” Hamby wrote. “He has also dropped in Michigan, where he now trails Trump by 7. OpenLabs also found that he is now losing by roughly 10 points in Georgia and Arizona, and by almost 9 points in Nevada.”
By itself, that points to disaster for Democrats, but data Hamby reported about states that might have been thought to be safely in the blue column should have even Jill Biden paying attention.
“Biden is now only winning by a fraction of a point in Virginia, Maine, Minnesota, and New Mexico — and he’s now only winning Colorado by around 2 points,” Hamby wrote.”
What is so bad about Trump? Is it the economic growth? The low energy costs? The secured border? The peace agreements? The support for law enforcement? The support for the military? The great jobs? What is it that is so terrible?
How will the parasite class fill their coffers without human and drug trafficking?
Michael must still be studying the question.
orAng3 m4n baaaaaa4a4a4adDD!!! Don’t you ever get sick of sounding so stupid?