Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Comes Back To Haunt Her – ‘I Can’t Let Them Do What They Did To Me To President Trump’

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Jill Biden’s ex-husband Bill Stevenson, who she was married to her from 1970 until they divorced in 1975, has just come back to haunt her by claiming that the “Biden crime family” is bullying the former president Donald Trump in the same way that they bullied him during his divorce nearly fifty years ago.

Jill’s Ex-Husband Sounds Off 

In a new interview with Newsmax host Greg Kelly, Stevenson alleged that Joe Biden’s brother Frank approached him back in the 1970s while he and Jill were in the process of divorcing.

“Frankie Biden of the Biden crime family comes up to me and he goes, ‘Give her the house or you’re going to have serious problems,’” Stevenson recalled, according to Mediaite. “I looked at Frankie and I said, ‘Are you you threatening me?’ and needless to say, about two months later, my brother and I were indicted for that tax charge for $8,200.”

“[I] could not believe the power of Joe Biden and the Department of Justice,” he continued. “I couldn’t believe it.”

Kelly pointed out that Stevenson and his brother were then charged with two felonies for less than $10,000 in unpaid taxes, adding that the president’s son Hunter Biden has only been given misdemeanors for not paying his $2.2 million tax bill.

“I was on the wrong side of them and they have literally come after me for 35 years in a row,” Stevenson lamented. “One little thing after another.”

“I can’t let them do this to a president that I love and respect. I can’t let them do this to our country,” he added, referring to Trump. “This is why I’ve come forward. This is the only reason I’ve come forward. It’s like I said, nothing about the divorce, no bitterness, but Jimmy, Frankie, and President Biden are very dangerous, and it’s tragic. I can’t let them do what they did to me to President Trump. I can’t do it.”

Check out this full interview in the video below.

Stevenson Claims Jill Cheated With Joe

Stevenson has been a thorn in the Biden family’s side for years now. Back in 2020, he claimed that Joe and Jill’s relationship actually began as an affair when he was still married to the future First Lady. He explained that he and Jill became close to Joe while working on his first senatorial campaign in 1972. It wasn’t until 1974, however, that Stevenson first suspected that Joe and Jill were having an affair.

“I know exactly when it was,” he told the Daily Mail. “Bruce Springsteen was going to play at The Stone Balloon and I had to go to Northern New Jersey to pay him in advance.”

“’I asked Jill to go with me and she said no — she had things to do, she had to look after Joe’s kids, Beau and Hunter. It was kind of a big deal to go meet Springsteen,” he continued. “I had no idea she and Joe were that kind of friendly. Then one of her best friends told me she thought Joe and Jill were getting a little too close. I was surprised that she came to me.”

Joe And Jill’s Fender-Bender

Months later, Stevenson was told that his wife’s car had been involved in a fender-bender with Joe behind the wheel.

“I was at work and a guy came in and asked, ‘Do you own a brown Corvette?’” Stevenson recalled. “He said back in May it had crunched his bumper and they told him to get an estimate and he never heard back from them.

“I said, ‘Wait a minute. Who is they?’ And he said, ‘Funnily enough, Senator Biden was driving,’” he continued. “I considered Joe a friend. I’m not surprised he fell in love with Jill. Everyone who meets Jill falls in love with her immediately. It’s hard not to.”

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The worse it gets for Biden and his entire cabinet the better for America and Americans

If Jill “worked on joe’s 1st Senatorial campaign” with joe, the two becoming close, joe was CHEATING on his wife and Jill was cheating on her husband.
When joe’s wife was killed in Dec of 1972, he was already an elected Senator.
One starts to wonder if joe and Jill had anything to do with joe’s wife’s car not being able to stop at a red light.

But her car was the vet,s o there was plenty of opportunity to fix the car she was driving.

The adulterous affair joe forced on jill caused the marriage to fail. joe biden is a scumbag.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

This will come as a serious shock to Greg, who is always so upset about Trump’s indiscretions. Lord knows how he’ll react to the information that idiot Biden cheated on his wife and Jill is a whore.

Let’s be supportive.

When Jill starts having to change idiot Biden’s diapers, she’ll wish she’d stayed with Bill.

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Plain Bill

“Dumped Ex-husband Bad-mouths Ex-wife and Current Husband” isn’t the shocking headline news you think it is.

It is when you watched a deep state install a senile pedophile who needs that “Dr. Jill” to pretend she’s a dutiful wife.

What a creep.


Trump’s cultists are depriving the nation of any viable alternative to Joe Biden. If Trump weren’t running, Biden wouldn’t be running either.

Idiot Biden isn’t running, he is being run. He is a puppet and will be there as long as he is useful to Obama and the WEF. Trump is 10,000% superior to idiot Biden in every way.

Tell us about how Biden is running, how large is the staff?

She’s a slut and, of course, the Biden Crime Family flouted their immunity from law enforcement to harass the guy. Apparently, you approve of and worship all levels of scumbaggery.

Even Joe’s marriage is a fraud.

Not surprised at all.

Did you know Trump has airtight nondisclosure agreement with both former wives regarding his tiny little…hands?

Well, that would make sense, since everyone in that family are frauds.

i.e., Stevenson is a repeat tax cheat who finally got hit with felony charges. This is not an indicator of honesty.

“I was on the wrong side of them and they have literally come after me for 35 years in a row,” Stevenson lamented. “One little thing after another.”

Additional classified document charges added, re Trump’s retention and deliberate concealment of Top Secret military contingency plans. He’s done for, and he hasn’t even been hit with Jan. 6 charges yet.

The GOP has a gun to its head, but it’s holding it there itself. Can’t its wiser leaders talk it down?

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Where are the charges for theft of documents from the sensitive compartmented information facility. Joe seems to have had a way to get documents since he was a young senator, where are the agents storming the college for the hundreds if nor thousands of boxes?

There is, apparently, no such thing as a Democrat committing a crime.

Biden made no effort to conceal documents. He and his staff fully cooperated with the search and recovery effort.

Biden made no effort to conceal documents. He and his staff fully cooperated with the search and recovery effort.

Neither did Trump and Trump fully cooperated with every request. They had to redact the description of Trump’s cooperation from the warrant to get the indictment. But, the main difference between the two cases is that Trump was authorized to have his documents; idiot Biden STOLE those he had.

“Trump fully cooperated with every request.”

That is total bullshit, Deplorable Me, and you know it.

The day the Republican Party finally severs ties with Trump is the day the Party can start winning major elections again.

That is total bullshit, Deplorable Me, and you know it.

Is it, you totally ignorant and uninformed moron?

Anti-Trump corrupt prosecutor redacted all references to Trump cooperating and complying with subpoenas to justify the raid on Mar a Lago

Mar a Lago raid unnecessary and violated the FBI’s own protocols.

Top FBI official and J6 Fedsurrection hatchet man OBJECTS to Mar-a-Lago raid… raises 5 key objections in bombshell letter…

It appears all the accusations of Trump having secret nuclear codes at Mar a Lago were… lies.

Dude we won like with Romney and McStain? go sit with your GOP pals and have a beer summit.
comment image

He had them for years. Some from his time in the Senate… That’s a decade plus…

Biden made no effort to conceal documents. 

If he had, how would Hunter and the CCP find them to use them?

Bidens were stolen, he had zero authority to take them, they were never in a secure area, the college funded by the CCP was not secured still isnt.

Yeah, in the age of the GESTAPO-like DOJ and their political weaponization, you know how impressive that is? Idiot Biden is a national security threat, STOLE classified documents and took bribes from foreign countries. Let’s see… which guy appears to be the greater concern?

Yeah…. idiot Biden. Democrats are absolutely destroying this country.

The (new) indictment charges that Trump and two aides, Waltine “Walt” Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira, requested that another Trump employee “delete security camera footage at the Mar-a-Lago Club to prevent the footage from being provided to a federal grand jury.”

I’m guessing “another Trump employee” is the flying monkey that will take the witness stand. It will be a bad day for the witch.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

I’m guessing the more evidence that is uncovered exposing idiot Biden’s corruption, the more phony charges Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Garland will try to pile on Trump.

A repeat tax cheat like Humper?

He’s less a tax cheat than Hunter. Why did Stevenson get prosecuted and Hunter gets to skate? Even if you believe the charges, Stevenson dodged taxes on a few thousand dollars. Hunter evaded taxes on millions, which he got, by the way, by influence peddling and extortion!