Jill Biden Orchestrated Kimberly Cheatle Heading the Secret Service, Now Everyone Is Doubling Down

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By Bonchie

How exactly did Kimberly Cheatle rise the lead the United States Secret Service? A new report points the finger at Jill Biden, stating that she and her top advisor pushed for the appointment.

That decision culminated in an attempted assassination of Donald Trump on Saturday. The former president was shot in the ear, narrowly avoiding death while a chaotic and clumsy response from the Secret Service followed. It was a disastrous event for an agency with a zero-fail mission.

Embattled Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who is facing congressional outcry and calls to resign over security lapses leading to former President Donald Trump’s near-assassination Saturday, landed her role thanks largely to a close relationship with first lady Jill Biden, The Post has learned…

…Four sources close to President Biden’s family, including people who interacted with Cheatle during the Obama-Biden administration, said she was well liked by the future first lady and her most senior aides, including top adviser Anthony Bernal.

“Cheatle served on Dr. Biden’s second lady detail and Anthony pushed for her,” a Democratic insider told The Post. “Anthony has no national security or law enforcement experience. He should have no influence over the selection of the USSS director.”

“I heard at the time she was being considered for director that Anthony had pushed her forward as an option,” another well-placed source told The Post.

This news will no doubt stir further controversy given past reports that Secret Service members were pulled off Trump’s detail to bolster a Jill Biden appearance in Pennsylvania on the same day. It’s also emblematic of the Biden administration’s larger failures. Cheatle is a strong supporter of DEI, having pledged for the Secret Service to be 30 percent female by 2030 as part of a “diversity” push. Unmentioned was why someone’s sex is more important than simply hiring the most capable people available, and that includes physical stature given the job at hand.

That the Bidens would prioritize box-checking over qualifications isn’t surprising. What’s somewhat surprising is just how defiant Cheatle has been publicly since the assassination attempt. After the shooting, she gave an interview in which she pointedly refused to even consider resigning.

There was a time when this wouldn’t even be a question. What happened on Saturday was the worst Secret Service disaster since Ronald Reagan was shot.

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At least you got her “pronouns” correct.
joe was asked if she would be fired, if he had even met with her yet.
joe said, I met with the head of Secret Service. I met with him already.

People at the event even said the Secret Service wasn’t going thru their stuff before letting them into the venue.
Just looking at them and saying, “OK, you can come in.”
The shooter went to Home Depot that AM, bought the ladder (we all wondered about) and his ammo.
Drove to the venue, parked and carried his big bulky gun and a ladder into the area behind the venue.
For 26 minutes before the shooting people saw him and tried to get police involved.
Total security fail.

Gun-lover; Christian; conservative (according to former classmates); not well-liked by anyone in his circle.

It could just as easily have been any of you people.

Total bullshit.

Your lack of intelligence allows you to believe the lie.

I feel sorry for any current or former students who have been exposed to your ignorance.

But instead, he was one of YOU “people”. Conservatives don’t donate to leftist money laundering operations like Act Blue.

Gun belonged to his father who it’s reported didn’t know it was missing. Conservatives don’t donate to left wing outfits like he did. Reported he had IED an or explosive materials too. IED lover would you say? Antifa is more prone to us those not “conservatives”. Makes no sense a “conservative” would try to kill the “conservative” candidate. Your flailing without sense.
So just how big is that gun free zone sign outside your front door?

Gun belonged to his father who it’s reported didn’t know it was missing.

The shooter was an on-and-off member of his school’s gun club. Gun lover.

Reported he was kicked off gun club because he was a poor shot. So just how big is that gun free zone sign of yours?

Now being a bad shot means you don’t like guns? Don’t try to distance yourself from this guy; he’s one of your people.

My people? I haven’t shot anyone. I haven’t rioted or been in a mostly peaceful protest, ahem. I haven’t donated to ny left wing causes. My people were the ones getting shot at not pulling the trigger.

was an on-and-off member

Where do you get this shit?

Crooks tried out for the rifle team his freshman year, Myers said, but did not make the junior varsity roster. Myers said Crooks did not return to try out for the team for the rest of high school.


Google is your friend.

He tried to join the shooting team. Anybody who tries to join the school shooting team, whether it be once or more than once, is, at the very least, a gun aficionado—one of your people.

He might even have seen himself as a Three-Percenter. Nothing would surprise me less.

Or wants to learn to be a sniper and become a Democrat hero.

Now it’s reported he told his father he was going to a gun range when he left the house with the firearm.

conservative (according to former classmates)

Yeah, this “conservative” was so inspired by Biden he celebrated his inauguration by donating to Actblue and then tried to murder the guy running against him in the next election.  

Recollections about Crooks’ political views and high school experience vary considerably.

The son of a registered Libertarian father and Democratic mother who are both licensed to work as behavioral health counselors, Crooks was cast by some former classmates as a tormented victim of bullying – and others as a kind, affable nerd who excelled at math and science.

“He was very kind,” Mark Sigafoos told the Inquirer, adding that Crooks would help him in the two classes they shared. “He was a nerdy kid, but I don’t think he was as harshly bullied as some people are saying.

“I feel like this is one of those things that you wouldn’t expect from him … No one that I know said they ever found him to be a creepy, loner kind of guy.”

Sigafoos does not recall Crooks making political overtures in class – but rather as someone interested in how government works, and “not trying to insert his own beliefs into it”.


I guess it was dangerous… for Trump and Crooks.

Kimberly Cheatle, the Secret Service chief said the security agency did not station snipers on top of the Pennsylvania roof from which a gunman shot former President Donald Trump last weekend because it was “sloped.”

“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” she said. “And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”

Oh, my.

“The shooter was actually identified as a potential person of suspicion,” Cheatle told ABC. “Unfortunately, with the rapid succession of how things unfolded, by the time that individual was eventually located, they were on the rooftop and were able to fire off at the former president.”

Cheatle told the network, “The buck stops with me.”

Is Cheatle presuming the shooter’s gender???
“He looka like a man.”

Miss Swan – “He look like a man”
by innostalgia

I’ve worked where it is the culture that when someone reaches a position of authority and management, they take that as an opportunity for on-site retirement. It appears that, just like in the Obama regime, the same hold true under Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. Name a Secretary or Director that even appears to be competent and is doing their job. Hell, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden doesn’t even have cabinet meetings. Why bother? The entire government is simply self-propelled by deep-staters following the socialist agenda.

Cheatle scored a major promotion and, like the rest, just took the rest of the term off. Even when disaster strike, like Buttplug, she just deflects responsibility. At worst, she will be allowed to retire with her gigantic pension.

Maybe Jill’s target for USSS incompetence wasn’t actually Trump. Just sayin’.

It’s Jill that told Joe to keep running for office . You never know what she told her friend at the USSA? After all, Rockefeller once said about his competitors ,…that competition is evil .

Are we still pretending we don’t know the shooter’s motive?

Obviously he didn’t try to kill his first choice for president.

The press has primed the public for years to kill “Hitler.”

Maybe the shooter also wanted to impress people, or some other personal reason. I don’t care.

We do know Trump wasn’t randomly selected as the target. Democrats and their equally irresponsible press puppets created this situation.

The shooter was 20. His news and social media (if any) assigned his opinion to him.


The counter-snipers were on a sloped roof and somehow they made it out alive. I swear, this regime thinks the weakest of bullshit works to cover their incompetent asses. Perhaps it does… with some.