Jane Fonda: Let’s murder pro-life advocates

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Pro-life advocates have swiftly condemned Jane Fonda’s “murder” comments while pro-choice groups have so far remained mum about the Oscar winner’s suggestion that those opposing abortions should be taken out.


Ever since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year, the abortion battle has been waged on a state level, something Fonda is extremely passionate about as expressed on Friday’s installment of “The View.”

“We have experienced many decades now of having agency over our body, of being able to determine when and how many children to have. We know what that feels like, we know what that’s done for our lives,” Fonda said. “We’re not going back, I don’t care what the laws are. We’re not going back.”
When asked by co-host Joy Behar what can be done “besides marching and protesting,” Fonda replied, “Well, I’ve thought of murder.” Sparking laughter at the table, Behar insisted to viewers Fonda was “just kidding,” which prompted a long glare from the Hollywood icon.


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Hanoi Jane

The left embraces human sacrifice. For years it was the unborn, now they are looking to kill the living

What’s her Opinion of Animal Rights, Gun Control and Climate Change? and how much Desert did her and Redford wreck while filming their putrid movie The Eletric Hoseman?

Hey Hanoi Jane what about those baby killer remarks?

She and John Kerry were the most anti American Vietnam traitors in the 70’s.

Hanoi Jane with he photo op in the NVA anti air craft gun.

Kerry testifying in the winter soldier investigation where he perjured himself.


She looks like one of those evil puppets from the “Puppeteer” movie franchise. But those were horror films, not freak shows.
They were well worth watching, her, not so much.