James O’Keefe Releases Photos of Border Facility, Taunts Jen Psaki for Denying Media Access

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James O’Keefe of Project Veritas released photographs Monday from inside a border facility in Texas where migrant children are being held — and taunted the White House as he did so, for denying the media access to such facilities for weeks.

As Breitbart News has reported, President Joe Biden and his administration have denied the media access to border facilities even during tours by senior administration officials, even restricting officials from sharing information with reporters.

In 2014, Breitbart News broke the story of children being held in Border Patrol facilities, which was the first report on the crisis of unaccompanied minors arriving at the southern border.

On Monday morning, Axios released the first photographs from the present wave, noting that the photographs came from Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX). That apparently prompted O’Keefe to release his own photographs and video footage, which he did on social media and at the Project Veritas website.

As he did so, O’Keefe called out White House Press Secretary Jennifer Psaki, who has repeatedly deflected questions from the media about when journalists would be allowed to visit the border facilities to see the conditions for themselves.

Last Thursday, Psaki continued to claim that “the White House and we all in the administration support finding a way to grant access to the media,” but declined to do so, even as she continued to defend Biden’s commitment to transparency.

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We better file these photos away for reference in case there ever actually is another Republican administration so when the Demediacrats try to use this disgrace as evidence of a Republican catastrophe, we can prove they are lying… again.

This is pretty bad. REALLY bad. Making it worse is the fact that it is all so unnecessary. Trump had the border situation is good order; those seeking “sanctuary” were kept on the other side of the border, making it the responsibility of those who in the past routinely just let them all pass through. This has been a resounding success, as had the wall where it was completed. Instead of politicizing every aspect of the border and immigration, Trump addressed and applied solutions to the problems. This blundering idiot Biden simply tore it all up just because he could.

People are suffering. People are dying. People are being threatened and put in peril; illegal immigrants AND our citizens. This is a disaster, like all the energy sector jobs needlessly destroyed, totally created by the idiot Biden.

And it took fraud to create this disaster.

A Google image search reveals that O’Keefe’s released photos are recycled images dating as far back as 2014.

I don’t recall hearing anything from O’Keefe about the 545 refugee children that the Trump administration separated from their parents before the parents’ deportation that were still being held when Biden took office. I suppose that doesn’t fit with his narrative.

@Greg: Why don’t you provide your proof. Also, do you remember who was President in 2014? Not doing yourself any favors.

I don’t recall hearing anything from O’Keefe about the 545 refugee children that the Trump administration separated from their parents before the parents’ deportation that were still being held when Biden took office.

I don’t hear any Democrats wondering why the “parents” abandoned their own children and have not inquired about their whereabouts.

Did you even notice that the foil-wrapped figures in O’Keefe’s Project Veritas photo at the top of the page have no visible faces or heads? Or that the “confinement cages” holding them consist only of pipe frames draped with sheets of plastic?

@Greg: I noticed that the idiot Biden has created a catastrophe while Trump had stabilized the border and had cooperation from Mexico.

@Greg: #4 yes as most heat loss is through the head and these kids want to stay warm they cover their heads, see them crammed together like burritos in a baking dish, facilities at over 700% capacity ( what would Faux xi say) Wonder if they are doing dna testing on the familes to be sure that the kids wont be sold back across the border and recycled as tickets into the country.

Marty Kaplan, Director of the Norman Lear Center at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism:

“What O’Keefe does isn’t journalism. It’s agitpop, politi-punking, entrapment-entertainment. There is no responsible definition of journalism that includes what he does or how he does it. His success at luring his prey into harming themselves is a measure of how fallible and foolish anyone, including good people, can sometimes be.”


Marty Kaplan, Director of the Norman Lear Center at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism:

Not to mention a deep-state Democrat who was chief speech writer for Jimmy Carter and Mondale’s campaign manager.

So, James O’Keefe, who leans right, is just a joke while a far left deep state Democrat spews words that we are to take a gospel?

Well, if you don’t like O’Keefe’s photos, perhaps you will accept those here:


And before you start denying how they are not real or are from 2014 under Obama, you need to check out who provided those photos to Axios.

Time for you to face the truth, Comrade Greggie, Beijing Biden is a disaster.


A Google image search reveals that O’Keefe’s released photos are recycled images dating as far back as 2014.


CNN, on the other hand, staged a fake crossing and is now being legally held accountable, as they should be.

Down 50% in the ratings, without Trump it seems.

Maybe they should cover Biden?

Or that the “confinement cages” holding them consist only of pipe frames draped with sheets of plastic?

You sound like a Conservative a few years ago, in complete denial…scraping for some way to rationalize that BIDEN HAS KIDS IN CAGES AND HAS OPENED OUR BORDERS, PUTTING WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT RISK, AND SPREADING COVID.


Don’t worry. History won’t care because Biden isn’t a US President.


“What O’Keefe does isn’t journalism. It’s agitpop, politi-punking, entrapment-entertainment.

Incorrect. He’s reporting more of the news than not, and in a time with party who historically limits the free press (see Obama) has installed itself once more, the contrast between Trump allowing the press to operate and Biden is dismal.

All this after WaPo and other major news agencies openly lied about Trump’s words?

O’Keef is a journalist. CNN and Marty Kaplan are not. They merely accuse him of doing what they are doing, but without evidence.

Biden is failing, as expected, and the insurrection Act should be invoked to oust this imposture administration and restore our democracy.

@Greg: What O’Keefe does is bust leftist’s asses. He does it honestly and with their own words and actions. That’s why you hate it. You have to try and play that “edited video” horseshit, which never works. Already you’ve tried the “Oh… those are Obama’s photos.” Unless that was meant as humor.

@kitt: Look how concerned Greg is about “super-spreader events” now.

@retire05, #8:

So, James O’Keefe, who leans right, is just a joke while a far left deep state Democrat spews words that we are to take a gospel?

Jokes are intended to be funny. There’s nothing funny about James O’Keefe. James O’Keefe is a cynical, lying s.o.b. who leads the unwary down the garden path with contrived disinformation media products. He’s a traitor to the truth. He doesn’t actually give a damn about the children who are the centerpiece of his efforts to damage Joe Biden—a far worthier and better-intentioned man than O’Keefe or any of the people who stand to benefit from the trash O’Keefe cranks out. They’re nothing more than the angle he’s exploiting. We didn’t hear a word from O’Keefe about the Trump administration taking children from their parents and then deporting the parents without any system that would allow them to be later reunited, did we?


the Trump administration taking children from their parents and then deporting the parents without any system that would allow them to be later reunited, did we?

If they wanted their kids to be returned Im sure they could go to an American Embassy and at least make inquiry ,we have an accurate location for them.
Where are the thousands and thousands of minors that Barry built these cages for?


There’s nothing funny about James O’Keefe. James O’Keefe is a cynical, lying s.o.b. who leads the unwary down the garden path with contrived disinformation media products.

You’re right, there’s nothing funny about O’Keefe’s revelations. Nothing funny about the illegal immigrants tricked into massing on our borders, nothing funny about the misery Democrats have caused and nothing funny about the lying hypocrisy of the idiot Biden, the racist whore Kamala and the Demediacrats protecting this corrupt regime. But tell us, how has O’Keefe lied? Perhaps his exposure of how the left lies is treachery to propaganda media, but he is a patriot to the country and its citizens; the citizens that are forced to pay the tab for this incompetent failure called Idiot Biden.

He doesn’t actually give a damn about the children who are the centerpiece of his efforts to damage Joe Biden

Oh… HE doesn’t care. Yet all you care about is damage to idiot Biden. That idiot moron has caused the damage himself. No matter who pulled his puppet-strings, HIS name is on the EO’s that created this catastrophe on our border and caused every bit of the pain, suffering, misery, abuse, injury and death of the illegal immigrants. Idiot Biden is worthLESS, only worthy of scorn and contempt. If Trump was still in his rightful position instead of the lying fraud Grampa Grope, we would be seeing NONE of this disaster. The border would still be safe and secure and the work on the essential border wall would be continuing.

Concerning the disastrous level of misery idiot Biden caused on the border, all the whore can do is laugh. That’s how much SHE cares. Apparently, if she can’t screw someone and make the problem go away, she doesn’t now WHAT to do… but make fun of the problem and laugh.

We didn’t hear a word from O’Keefe about the Trump administration taking children from their parents and then deporting the parents without any system that would allow them to be later reunited, did we?

That’s because that was a fantasy invented by your left wing propaganda. Like we never heard the Ministry of Democrat Propaganda covering Obama constructing the cages, separating the children and putting them in the cages. The fact is, those kids were merely used to get some unrelated adults into the country. THAT is what your immigration policies accomplish.

This must be the 1st time I can recall where a Dem bought something cheaper than the alternative.
The military sells “surplus” blankets for $25 apiece.
Milar burrito wraps are very flimsy and considered to be for one use but sell for only $0.95 apiece.
The only issue I have with that is that the military blankets already exist, and are reuseable.
All they had to do was bring them to the border facility.
Otherwise free.

Was it a case of false economy?
Or, did Biden’s puppet masters have buddies selling milar?

@Nan G: You know what you have to use to make mylar? Yep… evil, terrible OIL. Instead of RENEWABLE warmth, the idiot Biden chose nasty old fossil fuels. That in addition to busing and flying illegal immigrants all over the country. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Destroying the planet for their greed for votes.


Do people have a clue what drove refugees to leave their homeland, or what can happen to them as they try to escape with their families from it? I sometimes wonder. I also wonder about gun-toting yahoos who babble about succession and civil war as if they were some sort of solution to their discontent. Either they have no clue what follows, or they’re the sort of idiots who shoot up grocery stores because they can’t cope with their own frustrations. What follows is the sort of chaos that compels mothers to carry their children 1125 miles in hope of finding safe refuge.

A Violent End to a Desperate Dream Leaves a Guatemalan Town Grieving


Do people have a clue what drove refugees to leave their homeland, or what can happen to them as they try to escape with their families from it?

Do you have any concept of the fact that that has absolutely NOTHING to do with our own border security?

What drove them from their homeland is exactly the same thing Democrats are doing to our country now. Democrats encourage and incite violence and allow it to spread, ignoring it and refusing to address and stop it. Meanwhile, they use the power of the federal government to vilify political opposition and oppress them. Democrats are passing bloated, wasteful legislation so they can steal vast quantities of taxpayer money. Democrats are trying to make election fraud the law of the land. The eventual results of all that is what these people are fleeing.

I also wonder about gun-toting yahoos who babble about succession and civil war as if they were some sort of solution to their discontent.

What is the solution? To stand by and watch this great country dissolve into socialism, totalitarianism and a police state? Stand by while our Constitutional rights are slowly eroded and stolen? If you don’t want people to become violent, maybe you shouldn’t back them into a corner and threaten them.

No wonder Obama supported this idiot; he wanted to make sure he was no longer the worst President in US history. The only problem; the idiot Biden is only “president*”.


Do people have a clue what drove refugees to leave their homeland, or what can happen to them as they try to escape with their families from it

Do people, or you, understand the US is not a utopia nor a perfect, limitless pile of money and land for the world to just come to and take. What if we gave some of that money we give to refugees, or other countries, to George Floyd instead? Would he be dead?

“Succession”, or more rightly the ejection of non-Constitutional Leftism from the Union, is going to happen. Glad to see your usual cowardice in standing the backs of dead American’s by tying the idiot Boulder shooter into this. Democrat policies create more people like him everyday.

Try again.


What follows is the sort of chaos that compels mothers to carry their children 1125 miles in hope of finding safe refuge.


Rigged elections are an act of insurrection, and the Dems will be push out for their treason.

@Greg: Oh, and the headline on the Boulder shooting should read:

“Brave Christian Trump-voter stops angry Biden voter from killing more people, by giving the ultimate sacrifice”

But even that is wrong.

The shooters name?

Ahmad al Aliwi Alissa

Funny how the press is suppressing any more about this guy.

What is the solution? To stand by and watch this great country dissolve into socialism, totalitarianism and a police state? Stand by while our Constitutional rights are slowly eroded and stolen? If you don’t want people to become violent, maybe you shouldn’t back them into a corner and threaten them.

The people you’re referring to are delusional. They haven’t been “backed into a corner” by “totalitarianism and a police state.” They enjoy more freedom of choice and action that do the people of any other nation that I can think of.

They’re pretty much their own problem—or at least they were, until they were stirred up by cynical disinformation media outlets and populace rabble rousers looking to exploit every negative energy they might personally benefit from. Consider the following:

The defense that Sidney Powell has just submitted in court against Dominion’s defamation lawsuit is that she was only expressing her opinion and that no reasonable person should have believed any of her public claims about election fraud; consequently, she should not be held responsible for any damages to the reputation of the company.

That’s the level of personal integrity you’ll find behind Trump’s bullshit Stop the Steal campaign. Consider the damage done to national unity by the lies they told.

I’ll take Joe Biden as President and Commander in Chief any day of the week, and anyone succeeding him who isn’t some sort of variation on Donald Trump.

@Nathan Blue, #22:

You apparently don’t understand that anti-government militia nuts and Taliban fanatics all come out of the same basket. It doesn’t really matter what the supermarket shooter’s name is, or what his rationalization was. The details vary but the bottom line is always the same. He was a lunatic with a gun.

The press isn’t suppressing a damn thing. They’re not yet being told much.

@Greg: The only anti-government nuts I see right now are Leftwing Antifa/BLM, supporters of Democrats and enemies of America.

They have guns, and they use them. Strangely not a word form the press when they do.

He was a lunatic with a gun.

If not a gun, he’d have a knife. If not a knife, then a truck.

The gun is irrelevant, you fascist pig.

The only anti-government nuts I see right now are Leftwing Antifa/BLM, supporters of Democrats and enemies of America.

If reports are accurate, Ahmad al Aliwi Alissa also thought people were after him.

The gun is irrelevant, you fascist pig.

Lunatics with semi-automatic firearms tend to do a lot more damage. I’ve got nothing against firearms, but I can’t help but notice that crazy people often don’t know that they’re crazy any more than stupid people know that they’re stupid.

@Greg: I know, the streets are paved with welfare. Many that made it across send money back to home. The cartels are getting more from human trafficking than drugs.
The Media will soon lose interest in the grocery store shooting, Cair will give the standard excuse, mental illness.
Weird how none of his family reported his condition.

@Greg: Never seen you this worried. Things are really falling apart fast for Biden now. How much longer do you think he will he last before being removed?

Not that Commie-la will be an improvement.

@Greg: ,

but I can’t help but notice that crazy people often don’t know that they’re crazy any more than stupid people know that they’re stupid.

That’s horribly backward and utterly ignorant, bigotted understanding of mental illness.

Guess you fit in the “stupid people don’t know they are stupid” catagory.


The people you’re referring to are delusional.

Don’t try to bullshit me. We just saw an election stolen by fraud. In the aftermath, we see Democrats declaring that those who supported Trump need to be hunted down, imprisoned and re-educated… or worse. Currently, Democrats are pretending there is no such thing as BLM/ANTIFA violence and terrorism but are inventing “white supremacist violence” as a means to suppress the rights of law abiding citizens and arrest political enemies. They will cross the Rubicon if they kill the filibuster and pass that unconstitutional monstrosity, HR1. EXACTLY like the rise of the Nazis, the Democrats use political terror in combination with state-run propaganda to wipe out all political opposition. Just like with the Nazis, anyone that thinks they can compromise or appease these dictators are only fooling themselves and will, as with the Nazis, be eliminated.

One by one, the accusations of election fraud are being heard and proven valid. Sidney Powell wasn’t even one of Trump’s attorneys; she was working independently. However, NO conspiracy compares to the delusional “Russian collusion” which you STILL cling to and which has not only been proven a massive lie, but proven that all the Democrats KNEW it was nothing but lies from the very beginning.

Democrats are the source of ALL the violence and division. Like the Nazis again, that is how they grasp power; by terrorizing citizens and lying to them to convince them there is a threat that requires oppressive government action to meet.

You and your corrupt, lying party feel that when the media LIES about how a black criminal died in custody of police then they have the RIGHT to commit riots, loot and carry out a 6 month campaign of violent terrorism against random and innocent people. Yet, people who see the Democrats cheating, lying and through fraud taking over complete power and telegraphing their agenda to usurp Constitutional rights and the Constitution itself don’t have any cause or right to get their backs up. As you defund police departments AND promote and incite violence against citizens, you want to disarm the individual citizen. Yeah… good luck with THAT shit.

That’s not imaginary or delusion; that’s the current situation.

The idiot Biden is corrupt, a criminal, a racist, a rapist, a pedophile and completely incompetent. No wonder you support him.

Why is this so hard for Leftists to grasp? The situation on the border is real. It is what it looks like it is.

Biden did what he said he’d do.

And now people are dying.