The propaganda press dutifully fell in line with regime messaging Tuesday, as nearly every corporate media outlet ran with headlines claiming President-elect Donald Trump would have been convicted in the Jan. 6 case if he lost re-election — because lawfare specialist Jack Smith said so.
Smith, the former special counsel charged with weaponizing the justice system to go after Trump, released his report on the Jan. 6 prosecution, which was designed for a woefully uncurious media complex to regurgitate nonsense about the bogus case.
“The Department’s view that the Constitution prohibits the continued indictment and prosecution of a President is categorical and does not turn on the gravity of the crimes charged, the strength of the Government’s proof, or the merits of the prosecution, which the Office stands fully behind,” he wrote. “Indeed, but for Mr. Trump’s election and imminent return to the Presidency, the Office assessed that the admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial.”
That’s all she wrote, as far as the gleeful stenographers in corporate media were concerned. Smith made it easy for them — they didn’t even have to read the report — all they had to do was skip to the last paragraph to find what Smith wanted them to write about. And they did, time, and time, and time again.
What is perhaps most unsettling about how the media conducted itself is that it is essentially a job requirement for any prosecutor to believe their case would be successful, otherwise there would be significant questions as to why the case was being brought in the first place. Regardless of the fact that there was never any veracity to the case, the media took Smith’s obligatory belief in a successful prosecution as proof that Trump was clearly guilty.
That is like saying a person is guilty of murder because a district attorney brought murder charges — no trial necessary.
“The liberal media want one last sugar high off of their precious Jack’s investigation and throwing in a few extra huffs and puffs to court Smith for a future contributor gig and/or interview. Between all the liberal networks and book publishers, it’ll be a cat-fight for his services,” Curtis Houck, managing editor of NewsBusters, told The Federalist. “As we saw with the Mueller probe and their infatuation since with his lead attack dog Andrew Weissmann, the hero worship of Smith will continue to take on an almost erotic status in the eyes of some loons on MSNBC and the lefty blogosphere.”
Smith included other self-aggrandizing lines, allowing the liars in the media to continue giving him the hero-of-the-republic treatment they always have.
“Special counsel Jack Smith said his team ‘stood up for the rule of law,’” The Associated Press declared, insisting, “The document is expected to be the final Justice Department chronicle of a dark chapter in American history that threatened to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, a bedrock of democracy for centuries, and complements already released indictments and reports.”
Democracy and the peaceful transfer of power were never close to being threatened, and Smith himself laid that out in the report when he detailed how Jan. 6 was never an “insurrection,” as the media always claimed.
Never mind evidence tampering, staged photos and going after lawyers of Trump and allies. Coordination with The WH in the GA case. They nearly got him with this one.
Funny how, give 4 years, the FBI, January 6th committee and Smith could not find enough evidence to charge Trump. If he’s so obviously guilty, how could they fail? And how could NO ONE anywhere be charged with their beloved “insurrection”? Did the J6 committee accidently destroy all their “incriminating” evidence before they thought to share it with Smith?
By the way, some of the pictures of Smith reminds me of something. Think he’s ever been to Zanti?
The Zanti Misfits The Outer Limits. Big Freaking ants with humanlike faces
In this case, a roach.
And they scream when you kill them but the Leaders on Zanti send their Crinimals here knowing we would squish them
Jack Smith reminds me more of another lawfare professional from 1917- morals and M.O. are about the same imo
Trumps reelection proves that Americans no longer trusts the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders and Sewer Dwellers their Liberal Bias is Destroying them