J.D. Vance Pick Continues Remarkable Campaign for Trump

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There is certainly a lot on the menu for conservative political junkies this week. Anticipation for the Republican National Convention was already high because there wasn’t a real one in 2020. Of course, the assassination attempt on Saturday heightened everything. Trump’s arrival at the convention last night was electric.

Since Trump is a master showman, he also timed the announcement of his choice for running mate perfectly. The news hit when Stephen Green and I were doing the Monday episode of “Five O’Clock Somewhere,” so we had the opportunity to immediately discuss what we like about J.D. Vance on the ticket.

OK, my initial reaction was a bit snarky:

There have obviously been a lot of discussions in recent weeks about who Trump might choose, and Vance always seemed to be at the top of the list. The old theory that the VP pick had to be from a state that the nominee might not otherwise win doesn’t really apply as much as it used to, at least in this election. There aren’t exactly a lot of high profile Republicans in Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania.

Trump is running a very level-headed campaign this year. We all noticed during the debate that he’s no longer prone to getting in his own way. As Kevin and I discussed on last week’s episode of “Unwoke,” this campaign has been free of unforced errors. It’s even more impressive given all that the Democrats and their corrupt prosecutors and judges have been throwing at him.

Vance has been a very vocal supporter of Trump. Trump can continue to be the elder statesman in this campaign and Vance can be the pit bull on the ticket. He’s far more media savvy than most Republicans, due to the fact that he was already a celebrity who was used to dealing with them before he got into politics, just as Trump was before he was elected.

The Democrats’ flying monkeys in the mainstream media will be more awful than they’ve ever been between now and November. An MSNBC hack wasted no time at the RNC yesterday, ambushing Donald Trump Jr. with a lot of brain-dead “Gotcha!” talking points. Junior curb-stomped the idiot, telling him to “Just get out of here,” which Lincoln covered.

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Vance’s past criticism of Trump is an asset, not a drawback. He can serve as a vivid example of someone that doubted Trump but was converted to a supporter by Trump’s accomplishments. Hopefully, he will shove those upcoming gotcha questions right down the throat of the Ministry of Propaganda every time it comes up… over and over and over and over.

What is important is a commitment from Vance to cleaning out the swamp. If he is successful in translating his VP into an 8 year Presidential term, he can establish the culture of dedication to the government, not a party in government service. Deep state swampers need to be purged and punished, where appropriate.

Hopefully, he will shove those upcoming gotcha questions right down the throat of the Ministry of Propaganda every time it comes up… over and over and over and over.

He is skilled at doing just that. He runs circles around the MSM. Looking forward to it.