J-6 Attorney Releases Video of Capitol Police Pummeling Female Trump Supporter Victoria White in Tunnel Area — Beating Her with Batons, Punching Her in Face, Then They Paraded Her Through Capitol

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by Jim Hoft

Victoria White from Rochester, Minnesota attended the Stop the Steal rally in Washington DC on January 6th. Victoria was later arrested and charged with assault on the US Capitol.

Victoria White was brutally beaten near death by the US Capitol Police.


According to attorney Joseph McBride:



She is hit approximately thirty- five times over the course of 4 minutes and 30 seconds, while appearing to be begging for mercy the entire time. She is hit with the baton while facing away. She is hit with the baton while facing forward. She is speared and poked with the baton about the face so as to inflict maximum pain. She collapses more than once and is stood up by the officers only to be maced and beaten again. At some point, White-shirt puts away his baton, not because he is showing mercy because he has a clear avenue to her face. As such, he unloads on the defenseless woman punching her five times in five seconds, directly in the face, with all of his might.

** Her DOJ report is here.


Not once in the DOJ report do they describe the brutal pummeling she received at the hands of the Capitol Police officers.
The fact that they ignored the police brutality in their report is frightening.

It should be clear to any conservative in America today that you cannot trust the Department of Justice.
The fake news mainstream media has also refused to report on this brutal police beating in any of their reporting.
After the police officers beat Victoria with batons for several minutes and smashed her in the face with their fists, they put her in zip-tie handcuffs and paraded her through the US Capitol and into a police vehicle.


Victoria White is lucky to be alive today.


Two other female Trump supporters were not so lucky that day.

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This looks like a scene from a Chinese government shutting down a demonstration in Hong Kong.

Sorry, but the power of suggestion isn’t working on me. What they say is on the video isn’t on the video. Nobody is citing the video timestamp where this assault is supposedly seen, because what they claim is there ISN’T THERE. If I’m wrong, look at the video and tell me the minutes and seconds where you’re seeing it.


She probably got beat up by being caught between the lunatics trying to push into the tunnel and the police where were blocking their way. There’s not a single frame where you can see a cop striking her.

…and the police WHO were blocking their way.

comrade greggy poop, you are a true communist. where you at the wipe house for the x-mas ‘s dog and pony show the demented pedophile and his wife put on??

“Sorry, but the power of suggestion isn’t working on me. ”

Oh, it worked on you. It’s been working you good and hard for decades.

“Sorry, but the power of suggestion isn’t working on me. ” Well now, THAT’S some Christmas bullshit with a big red bow on it. All you needed to condemn Trump as a Russian asset was a suggestion by the world’s biggest liar, Hillary. I clearly see the cop repeatedly beating her and he OBVIOUSLY picked one of the few women available to assault. That’s the left’s fascist Brownshirts at work.

Since when did they become My mom who came from Northern Ireland(Londonderry)told me of seeing British Police doing this to a Drunk Woman one time

January 7, 2022 — Jan 6 riot news – live: Capitol Police officer sues Trump as Pence aide slams GOP ‘moral disrepair’


Waaaa. What a crybaby.

Pence’s staff are already talking to the January 6 committee. Trump is totally screwed, but it’s all his own doing.

Screwed for what? Trump had nothing to do with the riot. Democrats and their paid FBI assets left the door open for the riot and incited it. Why aren’t they questioning Epps or Rhodes? Why isn’t John Sullivan, an ANTIFA activist that got Babbitt killed and was walking through the Capital exhorting others (it’s always “others”) to burn and destroy, in jail or being interrogated? The answer is simple; the kangaroo kommittee has already arrived at it’s conclusion; now they want to try and fill in the blanks.

Dream on, crybaby.

Don’t know if you had heard, democrat kinzinger donated $200 to go fund me killer boyd…

I hear the Mueller team of lawyers are available. They are 0 for 1 so far. Maybe they’d try for 0 for 2.
That’s your record too.

When the facts do not support the comments, greggie the village idiot reverts to rants!

The angry 9 democrats on the January 6 committe have nothing. This amounts to nothing more than smoke and mirrors, just like the russia investigation, the ukraine phone call and the unconstitutional second impeachment of President Trump.

The angry 9 democrats continue to embarrass themselves chasing rabbits down rabbit holes and I welcome their continued focus on the January 6 riot, it appears now that it is all that they have going into the midterms.

Recent polling by rueters/ipso has it nowhere on the radar…

And note that this “investigation”, already a year old, will continue almost another year with a scheduled report due… yep, you guessed it… right before the 2023 elections.

Nothing but theater. Democrats are the criminals.

Julie Kelly has 12 questions which should be asked this coming Tuesday when Top officials from the Justice Department and FBI are scheduled to testify before the senate committee during a hearing titled, “The Domestic Terrorism Threat One Year After January 6.”

1) Why does the Justice Department consider 14,000 hours of surveillance video captured on January 6 by taxpayer-funded security cameras as “highly sensitive” government material? Why are even 30-second clips used in court proceedings under protective orders with strict rules about how defendants and their attorneys can view the evidence against them?

2) What is the status of the FBI’s lengthy investigation into the alleged “pipe bomber” and why, despite using every intrusive tool, including geofence warrants, to collect information on Capitol protesters, has the FBI not yet identified a suspect?

3) Is Ray Epps an FBI asset? If not, why has he not been charged despite clearly engaging in the same behavior that resulted in felony criminal charges against other January 6 participants?

4) Did the FBI run informants into alleged militia groups such as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers before January 6? Can you confirm the New York Times reporting from September that disclosed at least two FBI informants were with the Proud Boys when they breached the first exterior barrier right before 1 p.m. on January 6?

5) Why is Stewart Rhodes—the founder of the Oath Keepers and “person one” in every indictment for the 20-defendant conspiracy case against the Oath Keepers—still not charged with any crime even though he clearly organized the alleged conspiracy and was on Capitol grounds on January 6?

6) Explain why the Justice Department, notwithstanding testimony to the contrary, had elite FBI forces stationed at Quantico the weekend before January 6. Hundreds of FBI agents were deployed to the area around the Capitol that morning and some entered the building with the first set of protesters who breached the actual building. Is this not a contradiction of what Justice Department and FBI officials previously testified under oath?

7) How many pre-trial detention orders has the Justice Department sought against January 6 defendants? How many remain behind bars right now? How many face nonviolent charges and have no criminal record? How can the Justice Department continue to ask for delays in trial dates for detained defendants—is this not a clear violation of the Sixth Amendment?

8) How many detainees have been held in solitary confinement conditions in the D.C. jail specifically used to house January 6 defendants?

9) Does any police officer face possible charges for excessive unlawful force, including the two D.C. Metro police officers who beat, punched, and maced Victoria White inside the lower west terrace tunnel on January 6?

10) Is there a formal investigation into the death of Rosanne Boyland outside that tunnel on January 6? Video and eyewitness accounts suggest she did not die of an accidental drug overdose but actually may have been the victim of police misconduct.

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11) How many raids has the FBI conducted to arrest January 6 defendants and does this include Americans only charged with misdemeanors?

12) How much taxpayer money has the Department of Justice spent so far in what Merrick Garland called the agency’s largest investigation in history?

You get the drift. I hope.

Republican rank-and-file are fed up with feckless GOP leadership, and are starting to see the Capitol protest as more of an inside job than a spontaneous uprising incited by Donald Trump.

12 Questions the Justice Department and FBI Need to Answer About January 6