‘I’ve Had Enough:’ When Democrats Quit on Obama

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The email hit my in-box at 9:41 p.m. last Wednesday.  From one of the most powerful Democrats in Washington, a close adviser to the White House, the missive amounted to an electronic eye roll. “Even I have had enough.”

Another Democrat had quit on President Obama.

The tipping point for this person was the Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl case—not the soldier-for-Taliban swap itself as much as how the White House mishandled its obligation to communicate effectively and honestly to Congress and the public. More than that, Obama’s team had failed once again to acknowledge its mistakes, preferring to cast blame and seek cover behind talking points.

“DC is hard, and depressing,” the Democrat wrote. “I still believe good comes from government (e.g. 8 million in ACA). But that Politico story is a cautionary one: good reminder that you can’t go so in the bunker [and] no longer identify legitimate criticism.” That day, Politico had posted a story channeling the White House communications team’s response to the Bergdahl backlash.

White House aides were aware Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl had been tagged a deserter, and that they would be grilled over not keeping Congress in the loop. But they figured people would be most outraged over the national security implications.

The White House has been surprised by how much attention has remained on the questions about Bergdahl, from the circumstances of his disappearance to the wild beard his father grew while he was being held that’s even led to Bergdahl’s hometown canceling a celebration. All this, Obama aides say, is in their minds a proxy for the hatred toward the president.

The new approach: Frame the criticism as another example of Republicans complaining about something just because Obama was the one to do it.

To this senior Democrat, the Politico story showed the White House to be both tone-deaf and arrogant, two vices that are undermining what could have been a great presidency.

I share this email to make the broader point and to offer a disclosure: In the 18 months since I began writing columns focused on the presidency, virtually every post critical of Obama has originated from conversations with Democrats. Members of Congress, consultants, pollsters, lobbyists, and executives at think tanks, these Democrats are my Obama-whispers. They respect and admire Obama but believe that his presidency has been damaged by his shortcomings as a leader; his inattention to details of governing; his disengagement from the political process and from the public; his unwillingness to learn on the job; and his failure to surround himself with top-shelf advisers who are willing to challenge their boss as well as their own preconceived notions.

“Dem Party is F****d,” wrote a Democratic consultant with strong ties to the White House and Capitol Hill during the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act website.

A Democratic House member whose endorsement in 2008 helped lift the Obama candidacy told me in January, “He’s bored and tired of being president, and our party is paying the price.”

Talented guy but no leader,” said a Democratic lobbyist and former member of Congress in March. “If he could govern half as well as he campaigns, he’d be a good-to-great president.”

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All this fallout merely means more time for Obama to play golf.
He loves to campaign but candidates must want him.
Fewer do.

@Nanny G:

“If he could govern half as well as he campaigns,

If a frog didn’t hop, he wouldn’t bump his ass.

I am waiting for more shoes to drop…Jay Carney too is leaving. Jay Carney I’m thinking could be sick of trying to defend Obama and fighting off all the negativity, all the scandals, and just well, LYING SO MUCH on Obama’s behalf. It has to weigh heavily on a person (Jay?) at some point. And at some point people must have to say to themselves, I’m done.

A little off topic…I was on you tube the other day watching some videos. When the video ends more video links appear. One caught my attention…I though the title was interesting – ‘Poor Chicago Blacks to Obama: Just quit!’ – (Broke Party: Inner City Blacks Abandoning Obama’s Liberal Agenda) -4:20 Published in 2012 Breitbart

These people ‘get it’.

They are realizing that Barry is ‘not’ their ‘messiah’ and isn’t going to ‘rescue them’ like they had once thought.

Even the blacks in home town Chicago disagree with Obama (say what??) – One “Community Activist” in the film goes on to say they have “No Tea Party” (although I say nothing is stopping them from having one) they have “No “Republican” leadership – So, he says; ” you cannot ‘blame them’ (why would you blame the Tea Party who is guilty only of having your/our countries best interests at heart?)

He goes on to state they have, and HAVE HAD (Black) Democratic Leadership (forever) of whom he says does absolutely nothing ‘for them or their communities’. He states as fact, that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY just takes them for granted (light bulb has gone on) and ‘uses’ them for a guaranteed ‘vote’ to keep them in their power.

Another activist in the film goes so far as to tell Obama to ‘just quit’.

In fairness one of those interviewed one made a comment that our Presidential leadership (Obama) should be concerned about, and helping the country as a whole….hmm… sounds more like a ‘conservative to me’.

After watching it I though – is this only in Chicago or is this resonating farther out into the country…. ? And shouldn’t this type of glaringly truthful video, concerns about the Democratic Party/Liberal Agenda and a truthful critique on Obama’s leadership (the first Black President) by the Black Community be plastered ‘all over the Media’?

…wow just wow….I was shocked…(and, at the risk of being redundant, it has to be said again and (again)… the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats, the Liberal (MSM) Media has set a TONE, a FALSE NARRATIVE… and the ‘False Narrative’ they decided to set tells all of us…(including and especially the low information voters, obamabots)…about Americans who disagree with Obama’s (our first BLACK President) leadership, agenda and policies – it is because… we are all “RACISTS!!!” the liberal’s ‘ shut the hell up!’ – ‘you racist’!!! factor.

Obama himself has set THE TONE he has ALSO laid claim to the FALSE narrative ‘Racism meme’ in speeches and on the MSM cameras in front of the world. In Obama’s (paraphrased words); I think it is ALL because “I” (“I” “I” “I”) am the ‘first’ Black President…and because of that…blah-blah-blah…race plays a part in all of that…



We have heard all these LIES to ‘shut us up’. But, we have ‘not’ shut up. We have stood our Conservative and Libertarian ground against the horrific policies of liberalism/socialism/progressives in all ‘forms’ and ‘colors’.

All these narratives are terrible for a country and for society…they are all FALSE Ideologies.