by Stephen Kruiser
By the time you read this, Nikki Haley may have already decided to tiptoe back into reality and stop pretending that her moderate Democrat shtick has a place in the 2024 Republican presidential primary. I just couldn’t resist what I hope will be one last shot at expressing my dislike for her milquetoast squish politics.
The oft-maligned and harassed Donald Trump continued his Godzilla stomp march to his third Republican presidential nomination in a row on Super Tuesday. Paula summed it up succinctly in her post about Tuesday’s results:
Former President Trump absolutely DOMINATED the Super Tuesday contests. As of this writing, he has won Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. In the night’s only surprise, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley won Vermont with 50.5% to Trump’s 45.7% with 99% reporting.
The states where Trump won were blowouts—he garnered anywhere from 60.5% (Massachusetts) to 83.7% (Alabama).
While it won’t be official until next week, the 2024 Republican primaries have been a mere formality. This contest was over before it even started. The GOP is Donald Trump’s party now, and his former U.N. ambassador was never on the guest list. Nikki Haley has been hanging around thanks to the largesse of leftists who are consumed by hatred for Trump. Many of them still claim to be Republicans, but they’ve thrown in with the Democrats and are hoping that Trump will end up in jail before election day.
Hopefully, the post-Super Tuesday writing on the wall is legible enough for Haley to read and understand. Over at Townhall, Matt Vespa wrote about Haley’s retreat from the public eye yesterday. The former governor hasn’t exactly been camera shy up until now, which made her shrinking violet turn on Tuesday unusual.
Democrats love to say that Trump supporters are far right and the radical fringe of the Republican Party. Personally, I think the party should move even more rightward. The Democrats have plunged off of the progressive cliff and are pulling everyone in the middle with them. A soft response from the Republican center won’t counter the commie momentum.
Nikki Haley is the epitome of the Useful Idiot Republican. Her ego leads her to believe that all of the praise that the mainstream media hacks are giving her is real. Haley, Mitt Romney, and the rest of the Dem-friendly Republican squish center present as much of a danger to the United States right now as the Left does. Trump is a juggernaut because freedom-loving people are justifiably afraid of the direction that the Democrats are taking this country.
The takeaway from Trump’s domination of this nominating process isn’t about him or his hardcore followers, it’s about knowing that, now more than ever, a line in the sand needs to be drawn. Nikki Haley and her ilk prefer stepping over to the wrong side of that line.
We’re not going to miss them.
The American People have left the current iteration of the republican party. The Republican party since the days of Ronald Reagan have been nothing more that democrat controlled opposition. President Trump began to change that in 2016 but was met with an intense headwind of political opposition primarily from democrats but with a sufficient number of rino republicans. nimratas departure following a crushing defeat yesterday signals an emergence of a republican party in the midst of sweeping change. The mcconnells, mccarthys, romneys, ronna mcromney mcdaniel et. al. are being left behind at the depot as the Trump train has left the station.
The results in Texas were a resounding defeat of the bush/rove junta. Led by AG Paxton, Texas Republicans dealt a severe blow the the establishment republicans who are nothing more than democrats.
So, now onward to November and a revival of our Constitutional Republic.
losing her Marbles someone bring a net
Bernie was the supposed thorn in the dems’ side a few years back.
We all noted he got his THIRD vaca home out of quitting the race.
Will the media report when (if) Nimrod-ta* gets her big perk, or a few smaller ones?
Dems and RINOs spent $80 million propping her up.
She’s also going to loom large in opposition commercials against Trump.
So, will it be a bunker, a beach home or something else?
*Nimrod, in the Bible, a great hunter of men’s souls away from God. Founder of the idea of building the Tower of Babel which forced God to “confuse the languages” of people so they were forced to abandon the work and spread out over the land.