It’s OK That Illegals Murder Americans, As Long As They Vote For Democrats

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Matt Walsh:

Maybe you heard this story. Maybe you didn’t. I’m sure you did hear about Donald Trump’s “offensive” remarks regarding criminals illegal aliens who “bring crime and drugs” into our communities. These days, there’s no greater tragedy and no bigger news story than mildly harsh comments from a prominent right winger. Of course, it doesn’t matter that Trump was correct in what he said. Or maybe it does matter. When you’re right, the blow back is all the more severe.

But this was not the important immigration-related story. The real news, the news you maybe didn’t hear, is that a young woman in San Francisco, Kathryn Steinle, was murdered by an illegal alien who’d been previously deported 5 times. Apparently, he got hopped up on pills he found in a dumpster and proceeded to, according to him, “accidentally” shoot the innocent woman in the chest three times.

Purposeful or not, one thing is clear: San Francisco is a liberal “sanctuary city” that does not, in principle, enforce immigration laws. The killer said he chose to go there specifically because he knew he’d be safe from deportation.

Therefore, it is not a stretch, it is not reaching, it is not exploitation to say, clearly, if not for San Fran’s progressive immigration policies, this young woman would very likely be alive today.

And their policies mirror Obama’s, who unilaterally instructed his government not to fully enforce our immigration laws a few years ago. Naturally, this didn’t stop him from blaming Ms. Steinle’s death on Republicans — because he is a dishonest, corrupt, manipulative little man — but the truth is evident.

And here’s the rest of the truth: it doesn’t matter how many Americans are killed by illegals. As long as immigrants are loyal Democrats, liberals will never consider it a problem in need of addressing.

One guy in Charleston shoots up a church and it’s an indictment on guns, the South, the Confederate flag, and the Republican Party, but illegal aliens across the country commit violent crime after violent crime and it means nothing to them. This is the sort of ideology we’re dealing with. Completely morally bankrupt. Entirely dishonest. Totally focused on politics.

But, really, the chaos caused by illegal aliens shouldn’t even need to be cited as a reason to enforce our immigration laws. They should be enforced because they are our laws. Because if we don’t enforce them, we sacrifice our sovereignty, and if we don’t have our sovereignty, we eventually won’t be a desirable location for any of these immigrants who flee their various hellish nations to come to ours.

Enforce our immigration laws because that’s what any sane country does, and because that’s what Kathryn Steinle deserved :

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Can any city or state that disagrees with Obama’s gaying of the country simply become a ”sanctuary” for non-gays?
11 states and enumerable cities have done just this as far as illegals are concerned.
If it is OK for those places to ignore Federal Law and STILL get federal funding for all sorts of things, then it should be OK if other places pick other federal laws to ignore.
Why not?

The “sanctuary city” is the most indefensible abrogation of the law imaginable, so it is no surprise whatsoever that the liberal created and supports the concept.