It wasn’t suppression of the free press when obama did it. Why not?

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Washington Times editor Charles Hurt said Sunday on “Fox & Friends” that President Obama would “routinely” kick reporters out of press gaggles.

“I remember a column that I wrote in 2008 that got me kicked off the President Obama’s campaign plane,” Hurt said. “We would routinely get kept out of those gaggles in the White House. It was not a big deal.”

“I will tell you, the New York Times never mounted the ramparts to defend the First Amendment when that happened,” hurt continued. “The only time that they care about the First Amendment is suddenly when they get left out of something like this. It really is sort of obnoxious.”

Hurt went on to say that the First Amendment applies to both the press and political figures.

“Places like the New York Times seem to forget that and think that it only applies to the New York Times,” he said.

Several major publications such as Politico, CNN, and the New York Times were left out of an unofficial press gathering at the White House on Friday, angering some in the media.

Washington Free Beacon

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Thats only becuase Obama was a demacrat and trump is a repubican and the liberal leftists media are big time demacratic voters and supporters

These propaganda outlets should be grateful for the budget savings. After a all, they don’t HAVE to be there to make up the crap they make up.

Charles Hurt is right.
I wonder if he was one of those reporters who told the public that Obama’s plane smelled bad, real bad?

President Donald Trump had lunch with the top television anchors in the mainstream media today.
Hardly “suppression.”
Who’d he eat with?
CNN’s Jake Tapper,
ABC’s George Stephanopoulos,
Wolf Blitzer of CNN,
MSNBC’s Chuck Todd
Fox News hosts Bret Baier and Chris Wallace.

Un-named, but also included:
representatives from
C-SPAN, and

Routinely? Bullshit. Charles Hurt lost his seat on one occasion, during the 2008 presidential campaign, when there were insufficient seats available for all members of the press. Three got bumped—all representing news organizations that didn’t endorse Obama’s candidacy. Hurt, representing the Washington Times, was one of them.

It was a campaign flight, during the final week leading up to the election. Who do you think they’d bump when the press outnumbered available seats? Those supportive of his candidacy, or those working against it?

Citing Space Constraints, Obama Campaign Kicks Off the Plane Reporters from Newspapers Whose Coverage it Doesn’t Like

That’s a far cry from presidential pronouncements that The media is the enemy of the people. Even George W. Bush, who, like Obama, had more than his share of negative press, has publicly taken strong exception to that statement.

obamas last GDP came in at a pathetic 1.6%. Wow such a great economic president, not.

I seem to recall George W. Bush’s last year having been a negative number. A negative annual growth rate of -0.3 percent.

After the worst and most prolonged economic downturn since the Great Depression, economic recovery was underway by Obama’s second year. The man led the country out of an economic disaster, and brought us to the point where we are now.

obama did not do jack to remedy the 08 recession.

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@Greg: He had to make space for Ebony, for Essence, for Jet, for Sister.
Are those mags even still in print?
Washington Examiner is.