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It Was a Giant Scheme: Clinton Campaign Caught ‘Laundering’ $84 MILLION, FEC Ignored It

Liberals have been all atwitter over Micahel Cohen’s allegations. But not only are they missing all the holes and problems in the allegations, they’re of course ignoring and excusing the blatant real actions of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats once again.

Here are some of the holes with liberals pushing the Cohen campaign violations allegation.

1. They’re treating Cohen’s allegations as an established fact that has some precendental weight. No, they’re not, it’s a plea deal, not an adjudication by a judge or a jury that what Cohen said was, in fact, the case.

2. Cohen is copping to campaign finance violations because he faces a lot of time for tax issues. As Judge T.S. Ellis said in the Manafort case, that gives someone a powerful reason to embellish.

3. Cohen has a credibility problem because he said the exact opposite on prior occasions, that there was no campaign connection to the payments.

4. There’s also been a question raised as to whether this is even a crime, as Mark Levin and former FEC Chairman Bradley Smith have noted. In order for it to be a crime, you need to pay for it with campaign funds. It’s perfectly legal otherwise. Or if you’re going to make the argument that it was an “in-kind contribution” you’d have to show that it was only for the purpose of the campaign, and not for any other reason, and if it happened one could argue there were plenty of other reasons.

5. Not to mention that Cohen was politically targeted because he worked for Trump and tarring him in some way was the goal. Let’s not kid ourselves on that point. The investigation was supposed to be about Russia collusion, not about years old tax or banking questions that had nothing to do with the campaign. Because there may have been a violation by Cohen doesn’t change that fact. And that’s a concerning fact. Because in America we’re not supposed to be about prosecutions against political opponents. Yet this is exactly what the case against Cohen was.

And then after all this, after media and liberals bashing Trump for almost two years, screaming Russia, Russia, Russia, pushing obstruction nonsense for something he had every right to do with the firing of Comey (an act surely shown to be justly earned at this point), you’re going to say “campaign finance violation?”

Of course, the purpose really isn’t to try to prosecute Trump in a court of law where you’d have to prove anything. It’s to tar him in the court of public opinion and provide ammo for the Democrats to argue for impeachment.

Where is the investigation and the ‘no-knock warrant’ over Hillary Clinton and the DNC’s payment for the opposition research dossier? Unquestionably irrefutably for the campaign. Yet lied about and never declared.

As Mark Penn notes:

Contrast what is going on here with the treatment of the millions of dollars paid to a Democratic law firm which, in turn, paid out money to political research firm Fusion GPS and British spy Christopher Steele without listing them on any campaign expenditure form, despite crystal clear laws and regulations that the ultimate beneficiaries of the funds must be listed. This rule was even tightened recently. There is no question that hiring spies to do opposition research in Russia is a campaign expenditure, yet no prosecutorial raids have been sprung on the law firm, Fusion GPS or Steele. The reason? It does not “get” Trump.

So, Trump spends $130,000 to keep the lid on a personal story and the full weight of state prosecutors comes down on his lawyer, tossing attorney-client privilege to the wind. Democrats spend potentially millions on secret opposition research and no serious criminal investigation occurs. Remember that the feds tried a similar strategy against Democratic candidate Edwards six years ago and it failed. As Gregory Craig, a lawyer who worked both for President Clinton and Edwards, said, “The government theory is wrong on the facts and wrong on the law. It is novel and untested. There is no civil or criminal precedent for such a prosecution.” Tried it there anyway and it failed.

Not to mention any other attendant criminality such as getting info from Russians, hey, remember Russian collusion? That thing Mueller is supposed to be looking for? Fusion GPS was hired by the Russians, in addition to the information in the dossier allegedly being provided by Russians.

And still more, where’s the investigation into the $84 money laundering scheme allegedly conducted by Hilary Clinton and the DNC?

According to the allegations filed with the FEC:

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