It Looks Like “The Greatest Act Of Bureaucratic Ass-Covering In US History…”

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Remember this one from 1996?

Funny, that was the American mainstream media bragging, after the fact, about our own meddling in another nation’s election.

WASHINGTON — A team of American political strategists who helped [California] Gov. Pete Wilson with his abortive presidential bid earlier this year said this week that they served as Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin’s secret campaign weapon in his comeback win over a Communist challenge.

—The Los Angeles Times, July 9, 1996

The beauty in Robert Mueller’s indictment of thirteen Russian Facebook trolls is that they’ll never face trial, so Mr. Mueller will never have to prove his case. In the new misrule of law made popular by the #Me Too movement, accusations suffice to convict the target of an investigation.

Kind of sounds like going medieval to me, but that’s how we roll now in the Land of the Free.

Readers know, of course, that I’m not a Trump supporter, that I regard him as a national embarrassment, but I’m much more disturbed by the mindless hysteria ginned up Washington’s permanent bureaucracy in collusion with half a dozen major newspapers and cable news networks, who have run a psy-ops campaign to shove the country into a war mentality.

The New York Times published a doozy of a lead story on Saturday, the day after the indictments were announced. The headline said: Trump’s Conspicuous Silence Leaves a Struggle Against Russia Without a Leader. Dean Baquet and his editorial board are apparently seeking an American Napoleon who will mount a white horse and take our legions into Moscow to teach these rascals a lesson — or something like that.

I’m surely not the only one to notice how this hysteria is designed to distract the public attention from the documented misconduct among FBI, CIA, NSA, State Department officials and the leaders of the #Resistance itself: the Democratic National Committee, its nominee in the 2016 election, HRC, and Barack Obama’s White House inner circle. You would think that at least some of this mischief would have come to Robert Mueller’s attention, since the paper trail of evidence is as broad and cluttered as the DC Beltway itself. It actually looks like the greatest act of bureaucratic ass-covering in US history.

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I heard more than once Russian meddling is an act of war…huh…wawha ok liberals to the front lines by the way you cant carry a gun, we will happily provide you with gun free zone signs. Why are they insisting the President pick a fight with a previous ally (ya remember 20 million Russians dying in WW2?) I’m sure after forcing them to listen to a few Waters, Pelosi and Madcow rants they will happily surrender.
Hey knock it off get out of your cold war mentality, they are a rival Super Power, not an enemy we have never had a war with Russia lets keep it that way.
Operation Latka?

I saw one about how the KGB was often behind many protests against American Military Personel in parts of Europe no doupt it was true

I’ve got it. I’ve solved this problem. Turns out, it was really easy.

First, pass a law that makes the US and its territories “meddling-free zones.”

Then, pass a law that all hackers have to be registered. Then, we can tell who the hackers are and stop the bad ones.

Last, establish a hacker and meddler background check system. We will then know if they have hacked or meddled maliciously in the past.

Once that is in place, we have nothing to fear.