Issa: Holder is Dangerously Inept

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Just imagine if these gunrunning scandals were happening under a Republican administration. The wall-to-wall coverage would knock even the latest Obama “pass this bill” speech off the air.

Money quote around the two-minute mark:

“We have a paper trail of so many people knowing that the only way the Attorney General didn’t know is he made sure he didn’t want to know. But if you don’t want to know something of this sort then you shouldn’t have the job he has. And ultimately that’s one of the questions is, if he didn’t know, is he that inept that he is dangerous to have as the Attorney General, and that is for the president to decide.”

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Curt, as usual, a good post. I particularly like the “money quote.”

For readers who want to know more about Operation Fast and Furious, these three links provide a summary.

Obama didn’t know. Holder didn’t know, Big Sis didn’t know, nobody knew. Just one of those black operations that were implemented and run by White House Pages.

Just like the Bug-a-Loo and Mashed Potatas” the “Frog March” is the latest dance craze so Issa and the GOP Congressional Band should hit the go note and strike-up the music.

There might be more unanswered questions about Darrell Issa than Eric Holder. From the New York Times, August 14, 2011: A Businessman in Congress Helps His District and Himself

Maybe his theory is that he best defense is a good offense.


Surely you’re smart enough not to believe everything you read in the NY Times, eh?

Turns out that piece by Lichblau was thoroughly refuted by Issa and has been subsequently retracted piece by piece…by the NYT.

Sloppy sourcing Greg. Better luck next time.

@Aye, #5:

Sloppy sourcing Greg. Better luck next time.

Yeah, right. While I find it mildly amusing that a former car thief would make his first fortune selling car security devices, it’s less amusing that a guy whose rap sheet includes multiple arrests, suspicion of arson, and suspected insurance fraud would be on the House Judiciary Committee and Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

I’ll give the guy a pass on the firearms violation. Even Issa could make an honest mistake.

@Greg: #6

You’re a very foolish person Greg and dumb to boot.

Surprise, surprise. Unable to deal with the facts of the situation greg launches an attack that keeps him from having to analyze his views. Liberal denial of reality tactic 1,000,000,001.


For his 18th birthday we should all chip in and get Greg a Life…

“For his 18th birthday we should all chip in and get Greg a Life” or a blow up doll

@Hard Right, #8:

Issa is passing judgement on Holder in the media, despite his admission that there’s no evidence Holder was personally aware of the details of the operation. Issa is conducting an official investigation. Expressing such opinions in public isn’t proper conduct.

@Greg: Have you not read Issa’s responses and demands for retraction of this bunch of lies from the NYT?


“…..there’s no evidence Holder was personally aware of ….”

Greg, that’s the beauty of a conspiracy.
IF two or more people can keep their mouths shut (forever) it cannot be broken.
One part of my family (a brother’s wife and his MIL) are congenitally deaf.
These ladies read lips very well.
But, despite what they say, there is No Proof that Michelle Obama turned to her husband while the Scottish Color Guard were unfolding a 9/11 flag and said, ”All that just for a flag!” then she shook her head (no) and smirked and Obama nodded agreement with her.
No Proof at all.
And if she and he never admit what she said there never will be.