ISIS Fighters Pray Before Raping Girls

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Via Daily Beast:

ISIS fighters rape children as young as 12, bookending the assault with prayer, The New York Times reports in a harrowing exposé on the self-declared Islamic State’s sex trade. The promise of religiously permitted sex slaves also serves as a recruitment tool for men from conservative societies, where they would otherwise be forbidden from sex until marriage. Interviews with more than 20 women kidnapped by ISIS also reveal that the terror group’s assault on the Yazidi minority was carefully planned in advance, with buses ready to transport female slaves after they were separated from their families.

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Just what satanic demon writes these sets of ”standards” for the treatment of slave girls?
Yesterday I read a short account of how an 11 year old Yazidi girl had been bought and sold back and forth among ISIS fighters until they were all tired of her.
So, what to do with her?
One got a bright idea.
He tied her to the front of his fighting vehicle and drove into a battle against the Kurds with her as his human shield.
He even took a photo which showed her terrified on the hood in the battle.
Is this worse than when the Saudis openly starved and deformed young poor Egyptian boy slaves so they could be camel jockies?
Is it worse that the habit of throwing acid in girls’ faces for going to school?
Is it worse than preventing lifeguards from rescuing one’s own daughter so she dies untouched by male strangers rather than live in dishonor?
I don’t know.
It all seems equally bad.
But Islam is based on sadism towards females.
Mohammad must have had adequacy issues.

Doesn’t everyone?

@Nanny G: And still the left will not come out emphatically against this. They would rather accuse Republicans of a “war on women” for objecting to the dismemberment of murdered babies for sale.

@Wordsmith: Islam’s ”god”must be as impotent as the carved piece of wood the Bible writer discusses.
Isaiah 44:9-20.
All Mohammad did was carve his idol out of his own imagination.
It is just as impotent.
Just as useless.

The God of the Bible recommends love and forgiveness, even pointing out that, if there is to be vengeance, it will be up to God to mete it out, not His Christians.